Health and Safety Flashcards
What guidance note have you reviewed regarding surveying safely?
RICS Surveying Safely - Guidance Note 2nd Ed, 2018
What does the RICS Surveying Safely - Guidance Note 2nd Ed, 2018 set out?
Sets out roles and responsibilities of employers and employees, guides on how to conduct yourself on site, advises on risks and risk management, advises on relevant legislation.
What is the structure of the RICS Surveying Safely - Guidance Note 2nd Ed, 2018 document?
- Personal responsibilities for Members and Firms.
- Assessing hazards and risks.
- Workplace H&S.
- Occupational hygiene and health.
- Visiting premises and sites. (lone working & travelling etc)
- Fire safety.
- Residential Property Surveying.
- Procurement and management of contractors.
What must RICS regulated Firms provide in regards to H&S?
- A safe working environment.
- Safe work equipment.
- Safe systems of work.
- Competent Staff.
How does the RICS consider a person ‘safe’?
“The RICS considers a ‘safe person’ to be someone who assumes individual responsibility for their own, their colleagues and others’ health and safety while at work”.
- Individuals should accept responsibility for their own actions.
- Property professionals should have updated personal and corporate
responsibilities, inc: employers’ liability and public liability insurance.
- Legal considerations and duties; such as advising on asbestos.
- Advice on health, well-being and mental health.
- Updated fire safety advice.
- Audit templates to assist Members.
What has been the RICS action and advice following the Grenfell Tower fire?
- RICS is working with other bodies to provide advice and support for the Government and professionals during this tragedy.
- RICS has advised Members that it is pertinent to owners, landlords and managers to have robust fire assessments for their properties and issues advice from July 2017 onwards.
- RICS issued guidance on existing high rise buildings fire safety in October 2017. There is further information on the RICS website such as ban on high rise combustible cladding and the International Fire Standards to advise on where to seek fire safety assistance and advice.
What is the objective of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974?
“Duty to every employer to ensure, so far as reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare at work of all employees.”
How is the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 policed?
Policed by the HSE as a criminal offence with fines or imprisonment.
What is a hazard?
A hazard refers to anything that has the potential to cause harm.
What is a risk?
The probability / likelihood that someone will be harmed is called a risk.
What must an employer carry out if there are more than 5 staff?
- Risk Assessments of all of their significant hazards.
- Written Health and Safety Policy Document.
What is the five step approach to risk assessments?
- Identify the hazard.
- Identify the people at risk.
- Evaluate the risk, considering the likelihood and severity.
- Record all the findings.
- Review the risk assessment regularly.
What is a method statement?
- A document that details the way a work task is undertaken for approval.
- Should define the hazards involved and step by step guidance on how to do the job safely.
- Detail the control measures introduced to ensure safety for all.
What must a Health and Safety Policy Document include?
a. Setting out the employer’s commitment to H and S.
b. Details employer’s H and S structure, inc roles and responsibilities for
organising H and S.
c. A Risk Assessment setting the risks within the workplace and preventative
d. Details of planning, implementation of the H and S policy and control measures.
When was the ‘Six Pack’ of Health and Safety Regulations introduced?
01 January 1993
What is the ‘Six Pack’ of Health and Safety Regulations
The ‘Six Pack’ are:
- Management of Health & Safety at Work.
- Display Screen Equipment.
- Manual Handling Operations.
- PPE at Work.
- Provision and Use of Work Equipment.
- Workplace Health, Safety and Welfare.
What is the Fire Risk Management Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005?
It replaces most fire safety legislation with one simple order. It means that any person who has some level of control in premises must take reasonable steps to reduce the risk from fire and make sure people can safely escape if there is a fire.
Applies to non-domestic property in England & Wales.
What is the Hackitt Review?
May 2018 - Independent review of building regulations and fire safety that made of 50 recommendations for changes to the current system.
- Proposals included upgrading building standards and guidance, a new regulatory body to regulate and check fire and structural safety in high rise residential buildings. Residents are to be involved in fire safety procedures and concerns as well as ongoing life safety management.
- There is now a ban on the use of combustible cladding on residential buildings over 18 metres tall since September 2018.
What does RIDDOR stand for?
Reporting of Injuries, Diseases, and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR)
Outline the key aspects of RIDDOR.
- Trigger date for reporting injuries is over 7 days incapacitation.
- Such injury should be reported to the HSE within 15 days from the date of incident.
- All employers must also keep a record of all 3-day plus injuries.
- This information is to be kept in an accident book which is to be kept for a minimum of 3 years after an occupational injury or accident.
What is Asbestos?
Asbestos is an insulating material that can cause serious health problems.
- Undamaged or undisturbed it has no risk to health.
- HSE stated over 4 million UK properties contain it.
- 5K deaths per annum.
What are three types of asbestos and describe the colour?
a. Chrysotile (white).
b. Amosite (brown).
c. Crocidolite (blue)
When was asbestos banned?
- Chrysotile has been banned since 1999.
- All others banned in 1985.
What is the main regulation governing asbestos?
Control of Asbestos Regulations (2012).
Name two types of asbestos survey?
Management Survey and R and D survey.
What is the difference between a Management Survey and R and D survey.
Management: To locate and assess it to advise on its management during normal
occupation. No sampling is undertaken.
R and D: Required when a premises needs upgrading or refurbishing. Samples are required.
What are the duty holder’s responsibilities with asbestos?
- The dutyholder must undertake a risk assessment.
- Asbestos register must be produced and regularly updated.
What are the key 5 steps to take when managing asbestos at a premises?
- Assess whether the premises contains asbestos, where it is, its condition etc.
- Assess the risk and produce a plan to manage the asbestos. Encapsulate or remove?
- Produce an asbestos register.
- Make the register available to all parties who may disturb it.
- Review it regularly (HSE recommends every 6 months).
What does CDM stand for?
Construction (Design and Management) (CDM) Regulations 2015
What is the purpose of CDM 2015?
- Policed by the HSE.
- H and S during the design and management of all commercial building projects. For both notifiable and non-notifiable work.
- Aim to improve overall management and co-ordination of H and S at all stages of a project.
What are the key changes to the regulation? (7)
a. Main duty holders are now: the Client, Principal Designer and Principal Contractor.
b. All projects with more than one contractor working on site must have a Principal Designer and Principal Contractor and a HaS file.
c. CDM co-ordinator is replaced by the Principal Designer.
d. The onus is on the client and not the contractor to ensure CDM arrangements.
e. Duties apply to domestic construction projects when more than one contractor is
on site.
f. A CPP is required for all projects with safety considered at the design stage by the Principal Contractor.
g. Need for a risk assessment and PD.
When is a project notifiable?
HSE need to be notified (F10) if a project lasts longer than 30 construction days and 20 or more workers on site simultaneously or more than 500 person days of construction or demo work.
What is the PD’s role?
- planning, managing and monitoring the pre-construction phase.
- Ensuring risks are eliminated or controlled through design work.
- Passing information onto the principal contractor.
- Ensuring cooperation and coordination.
- Ensuring designers comply with their duties.
- assisting the client in preparing the pre-construction information.
- Preparation of the health and safety file.
What is the clients role?
- Check competence.
- Ensure management arrangements
- Ensure sufficient time and resources.
- Provide PCI.
- Appoint a PD where it is more than one contractor.
- Appoint a principal contractor where there is more than one contractor.
- Ensure CPP is drafted prior to commencement.
- Adequate welfare facilities.
- Check that a H&S file has been prepared by a PD.
- Retain and provide access to the H&S file.
- F10 Notification.
What is the contractor’s role?
- Plan, manage and monitor.
- Prepare the CPP .
- Provide welfare.
- Check competence.
- Induct and train.
- Consult the workforce.
- Liaise with the PD.
- Secure the site.
- Provide information for the H&S file.
What are the main statutory obligations of a commercial property owner? (10)
- Asbestos management.
- Contamination.
- Equality Act 2010.
- EPCs.
- Fire safety.
- H&S.
- Legionnaires disease.
- Occupiers liability.
- PAT testing (electronic equipment)
- Waste Management.
What does Working at Height Regulation 2005 implement?
- To prevent death and injury caused from a fall from height.
- The right type of equipment should be used at all times depending on the activity.
- Avoid working at height wherever possible.
What does COSHH stand for?
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) 2002
What does COSHH require employers to do?
This requires employers to assess the risks from hazardous substances and take the appropriate precautions.
What are possible issues that could arise in construction due to COVID-19?
- Economic uncertainty.
- Supply chain issues.
- Cash flow.
- Labour shortages.
- Material shortage/availability.
- Long-term slowdown/impact ahead.
What can a contractor implement to protect against COVID-19?
- Staggered start times.
- Extra washing points.
- Social distancing.
RIDDOR and COVID-19 - when should you report?
- an incident at work has led to possible or confirmed exposure to coronavirus. =
Dangerous occurrence. - A worker has been diagnosed and there is reasonable evidence that it was at work.
- A worker dies because of contractor coronavirus from work.
What has been the RICS response to COVID-19?
- Set up a smaller adjudication service for claims below £20,000, providing a decision within 14 days.
- Protection of clients’ money is very important from fraudsters. - Keep records.
- Do not carry out non-urgent surveys.
- Issued guidance on working at home.