Health and safety Flashcards
Can you tell me about the RICS guidance note on safety including it’s name, what is on the front cover and structure?
- This is the Surveying safely 2018 RICS guidance note effective from 2019 (last year).
- There is a giants causeway on the cover.
- Provides basic principles of GOOD PRACTICE for the management of health and safety for RICS regulated firms
- It is structured as follows:
- Personal responsibilities (firms and members)
- Assessing hazards and risks
- Workplace Health and safety
- Occupational Hygiene and Health
- Visiting premises and sites
- Fire Safety
- Residential Property surveying
- Procurement and management of contractors
What must RICS regulated firms provide in terms of health and safety?
What health and safety legilslation are you aware of?
The two main ones are
- The Health and safety at Work Act 1974
- the primary piece of legislation covering occupational health and safety in Great Britain
- It sets out the general duties which:
- employers have towards employees and members of the public
- employees have to themselves and to each other
- certain self-employed have towards themselves and others
- Construction Design Management Regulations CDM 2015
Other’s Include:
- Fire Risk Managment Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety Order) 2005
- This is legislation to provide a minimum fire safety standard in all non-domestic premises (with a few exceptions) in England and Wales.
- This is legislation to provide a minimum fire safety standard in all non-domestic premises (with a few exceptions)
- Control of Asbestos Act CAR 2012
- requires the dutyholder to manage the risk of asbestos
- Reporting of injuries, diseases and dagenrous occurances Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR)
- Requires the correct reporting of near misses and certain injuries and incidents occuring at work
- Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999
- The Act sets out the general duties which employers have towards employees and members of the public, and employees have to themselves and to each other. RISK ASSESSMENTS
- made to enforce
- Health and safety offences at 2008
- Occupiers Liability 1957
- Corporate Liability Act 1957
What is the hierachy of risk controls aka the General Principles of Prevention?
Hierachy of risk controls aka the General Principles of Prevention?
- Redesign the job or substitute a substance so that the hazard is removed or eliminated.
- For example, dutyholders must avoid working at height where they can.
- Replace the material or process with a less hazardous one.
- For example, use a small MEWP to access work at height instead of step ladders.
- Care should be taken to ensure the alternative is safer than the original.
- Use work equipment or other measures to prevent falls where you cannot avoid working at height.
- Install or use additional machinery such as local exhaust ventilation to control risks from dust or fume.
- Separate the hazard from operators by methods such as enclosing or guarding dangerous items of machinery/equipment.
- Give priority to measures which protect collectively over individual measures.
- These are all about identifying and implementing the procedures you need to work safely.
- For example: reducing the time workers are exposed to hazards (eg by job rotation);
- prohibiting use of mobile phones in hazardous areas;
- increasing safety signage, and performing risk assessments.
- clothes and equipment Only after all the previous measures have been tried and found ineffective in controlling risks to a reasonably practicable level, must personal protective equipment (PPE) be used.
- For example, where you cannot eliminate the risk of a fall, use work equipment or other measures to minimise the distance and consequences of a fall (should one occur).
- If chosen, PPE should be selected and fitted by the person who uses it. Workers must be trained in the function and limitation of each item of PPE.
What are the main duties imposed on employers under the Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations 1999?
- The need to carry out Risk Assessments to ensure the safety of their employees or anyone else who may be affected by their work.
- If they employ 5 or more people, then any significant findings need to be written and recorded;
- To always apply and adhere to the General Principles of Prevention, sometimes known as the Hierarchy of Risk Control
What does RICS consider a safe person
- An individual who assumes responsbility for their own behaviour and their colleagues and others health and safety whilst at work.
- Individuaks must accept responsbility for their actions and have the correct tools to do their job
What are the main risks in your job?
In the office
- Stress
- dislay screen equipement
- Slips and trips
- Illness
- Lone working (Suzy lamperugh)
- Working at height
- Asbestos
- Slips and trips
- Exposed services
- Falling objects.
- Fragile surfaces/collapse
How would you carry out an inspection safely?
- Assess low medium or high risk
- Consider how to mititage any risks
- consider if any PPE required.
- diarise the appointment
- Provide as much detail as possible full addresses, who meeting, when should be bacl
- inform colleague - secretary , if high risk - director.
- Take a charged mobile phone
- Lone working app
- Do a background research if meeting and may be high risk
What things can you or your firm do as a surveyor to keep safe?
- Assess the hazards and risks
- occupational health
- lone working - check safe,tell someone where you going
- ensure appropriate PPE
- Site induction
- CDM 2015 for construction work
- Non slip shoes - appropriate clothes
Tell me about the health and safety at work act?
It sets out the general duties which:
- the primary piece of legislation covering occupational health and safety in Great Britain
- Sets out the duties on health safety and welfare that:
- employers have towards employees and members of the public
- employees have to themselves and to each other
- certain self-employed have towards themselves and others
What are the penalties for non compliance with the health and safety at work act 1974
Improvement or Prohibition notice
- fine
- imprisonment
What is a hazard?
Anything with the potential to cause harm such as a wet floor.
What is a risk?
The probability that someone will be harmed by a hazard for example slipping on a wet floor - quite likley unless you warn them with signage.
Where would you find detailed h and s information on site?
Operations and maintenance manual, asbestos register, health and safety folders, site office.
What is a risk assessment and why do you need it?
How would you produce a risk assesment?
A risk assessment is a document which identifies the hazards and the risk of them causing harm. It determines appropriate ways to eliminate the hazard, or control the risk when the hazard cannot be eliminated
5 step approach:
- identify hazards
- identify people at risk
- evaluate the risk (likelihood of accidents and exisiting controls)
- Record findings (HSE example forms)
- Review it regularly.
What is a method statement
This is a document I would typically receive from a contract which states how a work task is to be completed and which needs approval before the works can begin.
I would usually see it together with a risk assessment for the works together they are called RAMs.
What insurance do you require from your contractor before they start work?
- Contractors all risks
- public liability insurance
- What is a health and safety policy?
- Why do you need it?
- What does it need to include?
- A health and safety policy is a writte document which sets out a companies comittement to health and safety
- It is legally required if an employer has more than 5 employees
- HOW?
- Details of H and S structure (roles and responsbilities)
- Risk assessment
- Planning and implementation of the H and S policy
What is the six pack regulations for employers?
- management of health and safety at work
- display screen equipment
- manual handling
- PPE at work
- Provision and use of work equipment
- workplace health safety and welfare 1992
Can you tell me about the fire risk maanagemnt regulatory reform (fire safety) order 2005?
This is legislation to provide a minimum fire safety standard in all non-domestic premises (with a few exceptions) in England and Wales.
- Requires to risk assess to prevent fire
- Responsble person is the employer or person who controls the property or owner if vacant
- Good Record Keeping
- Regular reviews of risk assessments recorded
- Reasonable fire prevention methods
- Detection
- warning alarm
- fire fighting equipment
- safe exit routes
- PEEPs personal evacuation plan
- Emergency lighting
- Signage
- Fire doors
- PART B building regulations also includes some of the above.
What are the exmpetions to the Regulatory reform fire safety order
- There are 7; 3 examples are:
- Domestic premises
- Mines
- A ship
Do you know about the Hackitt Review?
The Hackitt Review:
- Led by dame judith hackitt
- May 2018
- Grenfell diaster
- independent review of building regulations and dire safety
- called ‘building a better future’
- Made over 50 regulations for a robust regulatory system including
- Ban on combustible cladding in buildigns over 18m.
- Upgrade building standards and guidance
- New legislation expected
- new regulatory body (single joint authority) to regulate fire ans structural safety)
- more enforcement powers
- Some of those who construct buildings treat the minimum standards in the Approved Documents as a high bar to be negotiated down, rather than genuinely owning the principles of a safe building and meeting the outcomes set out in the regulations “
- Criticisms -
- Didnt ban combustible cladding
- Didnt ban desktop surveys
Who are the IFSS?
- The International fire safety standards
- Supported by RICS
- Global standards for fire safety in design construction and management of buildings
What is the RICS doing following Grenfell?
- Working with other bodies to advise the government
- Advice to members that owners, landlords and mangers must have RAs
- RICS issued Existing high rise building fire safety guidance October 2017 shortly after the fire in June 2017.
- Website is always beign updated with new info
- RICS responded to the governemnts call for feedback on effectiveness of the RRO 2005.
What is RIDDOR?
Reporting of injuries, diseases and dagenrous occurances Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR)
- Requires the correct reporting of near misses and certain injuries and incidents occuring at work
- Injury reported HSE 15 days of date of the accident.
- 3 day + injuries employer must keep a record.
- encourages companies to monitor their own accident rates more effectively - effects reputation
- Keep accident log 3 years after the accident
- EXAMPLE - Regent’s place slip resistance pendulum testing (BS) and coatings, metal mesh wrap, basement car park ventilation.