Head & Neck Flashcards
Branchial cleft anomalies
1st External opening - pre-auricular area Internal opening: middle ear 2nd EO: lateral neck at SCM IO: tonsillar fossa 3rd EO: lateral neck at SCM IO: pyriform sinus
Treatment of branchial cleft anomalies
Comoplete excision once inflmmation subsides
Where do we do blind biopsies in unknown primaries of the head and neck
Base of tongue
Tonsillar fossa
Pyriform sinus
Mucous retention cyst involving the sublingual gland
Tx: excision or marsupialization
Granulomatous lesions on the gingival or alveolar mucosa
literally means growth on the gingiva
Describe granular cell myoblastoma
- firm, submucosal swellings in the mid 1/3 of the tongue
- aka Abrikossoff tumor
- derived from Schwann cells
- tx: wedge excision
Describe juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma
- highly expansile and destructive Fibrovascular neoplasms
- typically occurs in Adolescent males
- presents with Massive Epistaxis
- tx: angioembolization
Lateral rhinotomy eponym
Weber-Ferguson procedure
Anterior epistaxis is from
Kisselbach’s plexus in the little’s area
- ICA branches (anterior and post ethmoidal br’s)
- ECA (sphenopalatine and greater palatine arteries, septal branch of the superior labial artery)
Posterior epistaxis is from
Woodruff’s plexus
Formed by branches of internal maxillary artery
-posterior nasal sphenopalatine
-ascending pharyngeal arteries
Describe laryngocele
- herniation of the laryngeal ventricles d/t chronic increaes in intralaryngeal presure
- tx: lligation of stalk and repair of ventriccles
Describe ameloblatoma
- aka adamantinoma
- assoc’d with impacted tooth
- painless benign but localy aggressive mandibula mass THAT MAY ERODE THE BONE CORTEX
- (+) soap-bubble appearance on radiographs
- tx: excision with 1-2cm margin of normal mandible
Marginal vs segmental mandibulectomy
Marginal - inf alveolar nerve is NOT invloved
Describe HNSCC
- HPV-negative is more commone (80%) but it’s the one that carries a poor porgnosis
- TP53 mutation occurs early (vs colon CA’s late TP53 mutation)
Cervical lymph node (CLN) 1a
Submental nodes (medial to anterior belly of digastric)