Head Injury Flashcards
A lot of individuals die from head injuries, what are the 3 points in time that death can occur with a head injury?
- immediately after the injury (majority)
- within 2 hour after the injury progression of bleeding or injurt
- 3 weeks after the injury. multi-system failure
what are the 3 complications of skull fractures ?
infections - open wounds
hematomas - bleeding
tissue damage - swelling
its important to note that the location of the skull fracture will end up determining what ?
clinical manifestations that appear
there are multiple type of skull fractures. I am going to provide the name of the type and I want you to describe to me what each of it means.
linear - cause by low velocity injury
simple - low to moderate impact
depressed - powerful blow
comminuted - high momentum impact
compound - severe injury
open or closed
break in bone without displacement
( crack in the bone, a line )
without fragments, break in skin or disruption of sinus cavity
depression or inward indentation of skull
(dent in your head)
multiple fracture and scalp laceration with pathway to brain
open fractures involve scalp laceration or sinus cavity integrity
what are the 4 signs that we will see in a skull fracture ?
battle sign
raccoon eyes
blood behind the eardrum
halo sign
what is a battle sign?
bruising behind the ear, bruising of the mastoid process
what is the raccoon eyes sign?
bleeding to the head and causes bilateral black eyes
(broken nose is very common)
blood from the head pulls it down to the eyes
what is hemotampadn?
blood behind the eardrums
( looking into ear and seeing blood behind the eardrum )
what is happening with halo sign ?
leaking of cerebral spinal fluid
- usually from your ears or your nose which is bad
how do you test for the halo sign that its csf? (2)
glucose and it looks like a halo sign
( it looks like a halo )
why do we care that a patient is having leakage of cerebral spinal fluid ?
infection and horrible headache
( csf protects your brain and spinal cord )
fracture location
tell me what you’d find
front - brain exposed through frontal sinus, csf leak, air between cranium and dura matter (pneumocranium )
orbital - optical nerve injury
temporal - csf leak, arterial disruption, epidural hematoma
parietal - csf or brain leak, facial paralysis, loss of taste
basilar - base of skull fracture, csf or brain leak, facial paralysis, tinnitus, or healing problems, rhinorrhea, vertigo
posterior fossa - deafness, csf or brain otorrhea, facial paralysis, loss of taste
subs emphysema in forehead
raccoon eyes
battle sign, boggy temporal muscle
battle sign, building tm from blood or csf
battle sign, conjugate deviation of gaze, bulging tm from blood or csf
battle sign, building tm from blood or csf
head trauma can be either
diffuse or focal (localized ) injury
what does it mean ?
which one do you think is worst?
- damage to the brain is not limited to one location
focal (localized)
- damage is localized to one part of the brain
Diffuse worst
what do you think a concussion is, a diffuse or a focal injury and why ?
diffuse, because its a sudden blow to the head
( disruption in neural activity, possible disruption in loc, headache, short durtation )
sometimes patients who have concussions can have something called retrograde amnesia, what does this mean ?
you can remember things that happen yesterday and even earlier before that concussion, but can’t remember like 20minutes before leading up to the actual accident that made you have that concussion
concussion usually have a short duration of unconscious and the symptoms are respected to the side of the head you actually got hit on, and treatment is usually pretty well, however it can result in something called post-concussion syndrome, meaning what?
persistent headache, lethargy
personality and behavior changes
shorten attention span, decreased short-term memory
changes in intellectual ability
how long can post concussion syndrome last?
2 weeks to 2 months post injury
its important to note that a post concussion, the symptoms of the original concussion has resolved, however you have what ?
personality changes, short attention spam, decreased short term memory, persistent headache
post concussion syndrome is not normal however what ?
it can be expected to happen
what is diffuse axonal injury ?
results from brain movement due to injury-tissue shearing causes tears in axons resulting in cellular death.
can be caused by functional changes after trauma resulting in swelling
what are some clinical manifestation of diffuse axonal injury ? (3)
decreased loc, increased icp, global cerebral edema
what is the posturing that we can see in a patient who received an diffuse axonal injury ?
decorticate or decerebrate posturing
patients may also get something called a focal- lacerations which is what ?
tearing of brain tissue
( only a piece of the brain is lacerated )
focal-lacerations our main concern is what?
hemorrhages - its in the name, lacerations/ bleeding
most of the time in focal lacerations we try to go in and do a surgical repair, but what happens?
its so intense because of how deep, depressed and open fracture it is that its nearly impossible
what is a focal contusion?
bruising of brain tissue
typically with closed head injury
what are the clinical manifestations of focal- contusion?
what is a coup-contrecoup injury ?
think of the picture
brain moves within skull due to high impact injury
injury at point of impact and opposite side
coup - primary impact
( first time hitting head forward )
contre-coup = secondary impact ( head hitting a second time in the back )
which one is worst and why?
coup or contrecoup?
- because this is two injuries now and usually symptoms are contrecoup
its important to ask question to figure out how the head injury happened, but what is the first priority though ?
airway, breathing, circulation!!!!
But remember its still helpful to aid with it
how can we see a focal contusion on the ct?
its rebleed in the brain “blossom”
focal-contusion can have focal and generalized manifestations, which examples are these??
two types of seizures pretty much ,dont look too into it, she doesn’t talk much on it
if a patient has any form of head injury, in which csf leakage, icp happens or bleeding, seizures are very common in happening, so we like to do what?
have seizure precautions in place
- rails up
- stand by
- anti-convulsants
what is an epidural hematoma?
medical emergency of bleeding between the dura and the inner surface of the skull