Definition of head injury
Any mechanical trauma that produces either gross or subtle changes in the head.
types of head injury
Open : associated with wounds & or skull fracture.
Closed : Intracrainial injuries.
Anatomical :
I- Scalp wounds.
II- Skull Fracture
III- Intracranial
A) Meningeal B) Brain
I- Scalp wounds
Contusions or scalp hematomas Lacerations Torn flap wounds Cut wounds Cut lacerated Firearm wounds
Scalp hematomas
Black eye
: it occurs due to
- Direct blow.
- Gravitational à seepage of blood beneath the scalp from bruise above
the eye brow.
II- Fractures of the skull
I- Vault fractures:
- Fissure fracture:
- Polar fracture:
- Diastatic fracture:
- Thermal fracture :
- It is a fissure occurring in case of severe burn of the head due to:
- a. Evaporation of H2O inside the cranial cavity à I.C.T. or
- b. Evaporation of H2O from outer before inner tables.
Differences between thermal and Traumatic Skull Fractures
2- Fracture of the base
They are usually fissure fractures.
- Causes:
- Extension from the vault.
- Blow to the face.
- Fall from height on buttock or heel à fracture around foramen magnum (ring fracture).
- Car accident (Hinge fracture i.e. separation of the base of the skull into 2 halves).
Clinical picture of Skull Fractures:
Clinical picture of Skull Fractures: cont.
Comminuted fracture is due to:
due to a blow with a heavy blunt object having a wide striking surface
Depressed fracture:
•due to a heavy blunt object having a localized striking surface.
Cut fracture:
•due to heavy sharp objects