Head and neck super deck Flashcards
What is the route of the external jugular vein in the neck?
Over the sternocleidomastoid muscle
Under what muscle is the route of the internal jugular vein?
sternocleidomastoid muscle
What is the route of the carotid arteries?
Aorta -> brachiocephalic trunk -> common carotid artery -> external and internal carotid arteries
What are the first 3 branches off the right subclavian artery in order?
1) Vertebral artery
2) Thyrocervical trunk
3) Internal thoracic artery
What are the branches off the thyrocervical trunk in order of inferior to superior?
1- Suprascapular
2- Transverse cervical
3- Ascending cervical artery
4- Inferior thyroid artery
Does the common carotid artery give off any branches in the neck?
No, it bifurcates to give the external and internal carotid arteries.
Through which cranial foramen does the vertebral artery go through?
Foramen magnum
Through what in the skull does the internal carotid artery go through and what is the bone?
Carotid canal in the temporal bone - the petrous part of it.
Which vertebral foramen does the vertebral artery go through?
Transverse foramina on both sides
The combination of the internal carotid artery and the vertebral artery makes which loop in the cranium?
Circle of Willis
What is more lateral: internal jugular vein or the common carotid artery?
Internal Jugular Vein
At which cervical level does the common carotid bifurcate and which cartilages superior border is the landmark?
Superior border of the thyroid cartilage
What are the borders of the carotid sheath?
Posterior belly of the digastric muscle
Superior belly of the omohyoid muscle
What is the contents of the carotid triangle?
What is the carotid sinus and what is the clinical significance?
Swelling at region of bifurcation
Location of baroreceptors for detecting changes in arterial BP
What is the carotid body?
Peripheral chemoreceptors which detect arterial O2
Glossopharyngeal nerve
What is the result of a carotid sinus massage?
Increases Innervation of the PNS
Decreases innervation of SNS
Slows the HR
What nerves can be accessed via the carotid triangle?
Vagus and hypoglossal nerves
In addition to the glossopharyngeal nerve
Route of the internal carotid artery from when it enters the cranium
1- Enter skull through the carotid canal in petrous part of temporal bone
2- Turns medially and horizontally
3- Enters cranial cavity then makes S-shaped bend
4- Courses through the cavernous sinus
Apart from the ICA what is also in the cavernous sinus?
- Internal carotid a
- 2 Branches of trigeminal: 1- CNV1 ophthalmic and CNV2 maxillary
What artery does ophthalmic artery arise from?
What are the relevant branches of the ophthalmic artery?
- Ethmoidal arteries in canals in ethmoid bone
- Supratrochlear artery
- Supra-orbital artery
What is the mnemonic and its meanings for the branches of the external carotid artery?
Mnemonic: Some Anatomists Like Freaking Out poor Medical Students 1- Superior thyroid 2- Lingual 3- Facial 4- Ascending pharyngeal 5- Occipital 6- Posterior auricular
Plus 2 terminal branches:
1- Superficial temporal
2- Maxillary
What is the blood supply to the scalp from which main arteries and their branches
Internal carotid artery:
1- supra-orbital artery
2- supratrochlear artery
External carotid artery:
1- Superficial temporal artery
2- Posterior auricular artery
3- Occipital artery