Head and neck original cards Flashcards
What is the nerve supply to the digastric muscle?
Anterior belly: V3–> inferior alveolar nerve–> nerve to mylohyoid
Posterior belly: facial nerve
Complications of thyroid surgery
Nerve injury
-Superior laryngeal: damage to cricothyroid, loss of high pitched voice
-Recurrent laryngeal: difficulty in phonation if unilateral, airway obstruction if b/l
Nerves at risk during submandibular gland surgery
A facial sandwich
-Marginal mandibular branch of facial nerve
-Lingual nerve
-Nerve to mylohyoid
Describe blood supply to thyroid gland
-superior thyroid arteries (branch external carotid)
-Inferior thyroid arteries (branch thyrocervical trunk of subclavian)
-Thyroid ima (<10%) (brachiocephalic, aortic arch)
Name nerves at risk during carotid endarterectomy
Ho’s like sucking great men’s anuses
- Hypoglossal
- Lingual
- Superior laryngeal branch (of vagus nerve)
4: greater auricular
5: Marginal mandibular
6: ansa cervicalis
Name branches ophthalmic division trigeminal
-Frontal –> supraorbital, supratrochelar
-Lacrimal –> anterior/post ethmoidal, infratrochlear
Name branches maxillary btranch trigeminal
-Superior alveolar
-Superior labial
What muscles do the marginal mandibular branch facial nerve supply?
-Depressor labii inferioris
-Depressor anguli oris
What is surgical significance of course of marginal mandibular nerve?
Nerve runs inferior to mandible, is at risk of injury during surgery to submandibular gland excision/carotid endarterectomy
Branches external carotid artery
Some Anatomists Like Freaking out poor medical students
-Superior thyroid
-Ascending pharyngeal
-Posterior auricular
-Superficial temporal
Name branches facial nerve before it exits stylomastoid foramen (and their functions)
-Greater petrosal (parasympathetic to lacrimal glands)
-Nerve to stapedius (controls amplitude of sound waves
-Chorda tympani
–> sensory (taste anterior 2/3rd tongue)
–> parasympathetic (submandibular/sublingual)
Name extracranial branches of facial nerve before it enters parotid gland
Arseholes die slowly
-posterior auricular
-Posterior belly digastric
-Branch to stylohyoid
Name branches of facial nerve within substance parotid gland
Ten zulus buggered my cat
marginal mandibular
Branches mandibular branch V after exiting foramen ovale
-Nerve to medial pterygoid
-Tensor tympani
-Tensor veli palatini
-Then divides into anterior and posterior division
Describe anterior and posterior division V3
Anterior: 3 motor, 1 sensory
Posterior: 1 motor, 3 sensory
-Motor nerves: masseteric, deep temporal, lateral pterygoid
-Sensory: buccal
-Motor: inferior alveolar (mixed nerve that gives nerve to mylohyoid–> supplies mylohyoid and anterior belly digastric)
-Sensory: inferior alveolar, auriculotemporal, lingual
Describe sensory branches V3
Inferior alveolar
Describe branches V3
Branches after exiting foramen
-Medial pterygoid
-Tensor tympani
-Tensor veli palatini
-Then divides into anterior and posterior division
Anterior division:
-Motor: masseteric, deep temporal, lateral pterygoid
-Sensory: buccal
Posterior division
-Motor-inferior alveolar
-Sensory-inferior alveolar, auriculotemporal, lingual
Which nerves lie in cavernous sinus?
3, 4, V1, V2, 6 (6 lies in centre, others lie on lateral wall-therefore first to be affected in cavernous sinus thrombosis)
Which arteries supply kiesselbach’s plexus
-Facial artery–>labial–> superior labial
-Ophthalmic –> ethmoidal –> anterior ethmoidal
-Maxillary –. greater palatine
-Maxillary artery –> sphenopalatine artery