Head and Neck c/ci Flashcards
what is the c/ci for S-1?
CAM: It is not advisable to manipulate the needle with large amplitude.
DEADMAN: the needle should be inserted slowly without lifting, thrusting, or rotating. immediately on withdrawal of the needle, press firmly with a cotton wool ball for about a minute to prevent hematoma. this needling method should not be attempted by those who have not had proper clinical supervision.
what is the c/ci for S-2?
CAM: It is not advisable to puncture deeply (needle 0.2-0.3 in)
DEADMAN: deep insertion along the foramen may injure the eyeball; manipulation by lifting and thrusting is contraindicated due to the risk of damaging the infraorbital nerve which emerges from the foramen.
what is the c/ci for S-5?
CAM: Avoid puncturing the artery (facial a.)
DEADMAN: vigorous manipulation in contraindicated to avoid the risk of damaging the facial artery and vein.
what is the c/ci for S-9?
CAM: Avoid puncturing the common carotid artery.
DEADMAN: care should be taken to avoid puncturing the carotid artery which must be palpated and then held laterally during needling. use the index finger of one hand to define and enlarge the space bw the lateral border of the thyroid cartilage and the artery and needle into this space with the other hand. this needling method should not be attempted by those who have not had appropriate clinical supervision.
what is the c/ci for Ren-22?
CAM: 1st puncture perpendicularly 0.2 inch and then insert the needle tip downward along the posterior aspect of the sternum 0.5-1.0 in.
1. perpendicular insertion 0.3 cun
2. with the neck extended (remove head pillow) needle first perpendicularly 0.2-0.3 cun then direct the needle inferiorly along the posterior border of manubrium of sternum 0.5-1.0 cun
caution this method should not be attempted by practitioners without clinical experience
what is the c/ci for G-3?
CAM: Deep puncture is not advisable.
traditionally emphasized that deep needling should be avoided at this point
what is the c/ci for B-1?
CAM: it is not advisable to twist or lift and thrust the needle vigorously. to avoid bleeding, press the site for a few seconds after withdrawal of the needle. Ask patient to close eyes when pushing gently the eyeball to the lateral side.
DEADMAN: ask patient to close eyes and direct the eyes as far as possible towards the side being needled (when needling left eye, patient looks left). with the forefinger of one hand, gently push the eyeball to the lateral side and hold it firmly. insert the needle slowly perpendicularly with the other hand, without lifting, thrusting, or rotating to a depth of 0.5-1 cun. immediately on withdraw of needle, press firmly with a cotton ball for about a minute to prevent haematoma
what is the c/ci for SJ-22?
avoid puncture of the artery. (superficial temporal a.)
what is the c/ci for Du-15?
CAM: puncture perpendicularly 0.5-0.8 in. neither upward obliquely nor deep puncture is advisable. it is near the medullary bulb in the deep layer, and the depth and angle should be paid strict attention to.
DEADMAN: caution: the spinal cord lies between 1.5-2 cun deep to the skin surface, varying according to body build. deep perpendicular insertion is therefore strictly contraindicated, as is superior oblique insertion towards the brain.
what is the c/ci for Du-16?
puncture perpendicularly 0.5-0.8in. deep puncture not advisable. medullary bulb is in the deep layer, special attention should be paid in acupuncture
DEADMAN: caution: the spinal cord lies between 1.5-2 cun deep to the skin surface, varying according to body build. deep perpendicular insertion is therefore strictly contraindicated, as is superior oblique insertion towards the brain.
what is the c/ci for Du-22?
this point is prohibited in infants with metopism
what is the c/ci for Du-23?
this point is prohibited in infants with metopism
what is the c/ci for S-10?
care should be taken to avoid puncturing the carotid artery which must first be palpated and then held laterally during needling. use the index finger of one hand to define and enlarge the space bw the lateral border of the thyroid cartilage and the artery and needle into space with other hand. this needling method shouldn’t be attempted by those who haven’t had proper clinical supervision.
what is the c/ci for S-11?
1. perpendicular insertion 0.2-0.3 cun or
2. the needle may then be directed inferiorly along the posterior border of the clavicle, up to 0.5 cun
caution: the second needling method should not be attempted by those who have not had appropriate clinical supervision; deep insertion may penetrate the subclavian vessels or lung
what is the c/ci for S-12?
perpendicular insertion 0.3-0.5 cun along the posterior border of the clavicle. note: contraindicated in pregnancy
caution: deep or posterior insertion may injure the subclavian vessels or puncture the lung
what is the c/ci for G-7 and G-8?
DEADMAN: when locating the point by folding the ear, take care not to push the whole of the ear forwards
what is the c/ci for G-20?
DEADMAN: deeper needling may damage spinal cord
what is the c/ci for SJ-17?
DEADMAN: if the needle is directed too anteriorly or posteriorly, pain will ensue and may cause discomfort on opening and closing the mouth for some while after treatment
what is the c/ci for SJ-22?
DEADMAN: this point lies just posterior to where the superficial temporal artery can be palpated
what is the c/ci for LI-17 and LI-18?
deeper needling may puncture the carotid artery or jugular vein