Head and Neck Flashcards
Attaches to inner surface of mandible
Protrudes tongue to opposite side
Damage to right hypoglossal nerve = tongue deviates to right side
Attaches to upper border of mandible
Depression and retraction of tongue
Attaches to styloid process
Elevates and retracts tongue
Elevates posterior tongue
Depresses soft palate
Innervated by CN X which is part of the pharyngeal plexus
Glossopharyngeal innervation
Facial innervation
Facial innevation
General sensory innervation to anterior 2/3 of tongue
V3 branch of trigeminal (lingual nerve)
General sensory innervation to posterior 1/3 of tongue
Taste to anterior 2/3 of tongue
Chorda tympani branch of facial nerve
Taste to posterior 1/3 of tongue
Mucous membrane of tongue
Filiform (keratinised) papillae
Fibriform papillae
Circumvallate papillae (terminal sulcus)
Muscles of the soft palate and innervation
Tensor veli palatini - V3 Pharyngeal plexus: Levator veli palatini Palatoglossus Palatopharyngeus Musculus uvulae
Elevation of Mandible
Anterior part of Temporalis
Medial pterygoid
Depression of Mandible
Suprahyoid muscles
Protrusion of Mandible
Lateral pterygoid, Masseter
Retrusion of Mandible
Posterior part of Temporalis, Masseter
Lateral Movements of Mandible
Medial and lateral pterygoid of opposite side, temporalis and masseter of same side
Innervation of the Muscles of Mastication
Mandibular branch of trigeminal nerve
Spheno-ethmoidal Recess
Sphenoid sinus
Superior Meatus
Posterior ethmoid air cells
Middle Meatus
Anterior and middle ethmoid air cells
Frontal sinuses
Maxillary sinuses
Inferior Meatus
Nasolacrimal duct
Frontal Sinus Innervation
V1 of trigeminal
Maxillary Sinus Innervation
V2 of trigeminal
Sphenoid Sinus Innervation
V1 and V2 of trigeminal
Suprahyoid Muscles and Innervation
Depresses mandible and elevates hyoid bone
Digastric: V3 ant. belly, VII post. belly
Mylohyoid: V3
Geniohyoid: C1 (follows course of CN XII)
Stylohyoid: VII
Infrahyoid Muscles and Innervation
Depresses hyoid bone Omohyoid: Ansa cervicalis Sternohyoid: Ansa cervicalis Sternothyroid: Ansa cervicalis Thyrohyoid: C1 (follows course of CN XII)
Cervical Plexus
C1 - C4
Emerges between the levator scapulae and middle scalene muscles
Forms the phrenic nerve, ansa cervicalis that innervates the infrahyoid muscles
Thyroid Veins
Superior and middle: IJV
Inferior: Brachiocephalic
Thyroid Arteries
Superior: ECA
Inferior: Subclavian
Thyroid Gland and Trachea Location
Anterior to 2nd and 3rd tracheal rings
Laryngeal Muscles Innervation
Branches of Vagus (CN X)
Innervated by recurrent laryngeal nerve (continues to form inferior laryngeal nerve) - loops under aorta on left and under subclavian on right
Cricothyroid is innervated by superior laryngeal nerve
Sensory Supply to Mucous Membrane of Larynx
Internal laryngeal nerve
Muscles of Pharynx and Innevation
Outer: superior, middle, inferior constrictor
Inner: stylopharyngeus, salpingopharyngeus, palatopharyngeus
Innervation by CN IX (sensory) and X (motor)
Actions of Pharyngeal Muscles
Constrictor: constrict pharyngeal walls during swallowing
Longitudinal: elevate the larynx and pharynx during swallowing and speaking, close of nasopharynx
Tongue and Soft palate: Bolus is compressed against hard palate and pushed into oropharynx, muscles closes of pharyngeal isthmus
Waldeyer’s ring
Lymphoid tissue collection surrounding the oropharynx (lingual tonsil, adenoid, palatine, tubular)
Actions of Eye Muscles
Lateral rectus: Abduction
Medial rectus: Adduction
Superior rectus: Elevation, adduction, intorsion
Inferior rectus: Depression, adduction, extorsion
Superior oblique: Depression, abduction, intorsion
Inferior oblique: Elevation, abduction, extorsion
Inferior oblique does not arise from posterior aspect of orbit
Lacrimal Gland Innervation
Facial nerve (VII)
Joints of Ossicles
Incudomalleolar = saddle Incudostapedial = ball and socket
Tensor Tympani
Tenses TM, dampens force of vibration in response to loud noises
Attaches to handle of malleolus
Pulls stapes posteriorly to reduce osscilation
From projection of mastoid eminence to neck of stapes
Cribiform Plate
Olfactory nerve axons (CN I)
Special sensory - smell
Optic foramen
Optic nerve (CN II); Special sensory - vision Opthalmic artery
Superior Orbital Fissure
Occulomotor (CN III) - Parasympathetic, somatic motor
Trochlear (CN IV) - Somatic motor (superior oblique)
Abducens (CN VI) - Somatic motor (lateral rectus)
Opthalmic divison of Trigeminal - General sensory V1 dermatome, exits supraorbital foramen as supraorbital nerve
Opthalmic veins
Foramen Rotundum
Maxillary division of Trigeminal - General sensory V2 dermatome, exits infraorbital foramen as infraorbital nerve
Foramen Ovale
Mandibular division of Trigeminal - General sensory V3 dermatome, somatic motor to muscles of mastication
Foramen Spinosum
Middle meningeal artery, branch of maxillary artery (terminal branch of ECA)
Foramen Lacerum
ICA on top, plugged with cartilage
Carotid canal
Internal Acoustic Meatus
Facial and Vestibulocochlear nerve
Chorda tympani branches at TM, remainder goes through facial canal and exits at stylomastoid foramen, branches at parotid gland
Jugular foramen
Hypoglossal foramen
Hypoglossal nerve (CN XII)
Foramen Magnum
Medulla, Meninges, Vertebral arteries, Spinal accessory nerve, Anterior / posterior spinal arteries
Insertion and Origins of Eye Muscles
All Recti: Tendinous ring origin and attaches to anterior part of sclera
IO: Medial part of orbital floor and sclera posteriorly
SO: Lesser wing of sphenoid bone and scleral posteriorly (supported by a trochlear = pulley)
Innervation of Eye Muscles
Lymphatic Drainage of Face and Scalp
Parotid - scalp around parotid gland, lateral part of eyelids, middle ear
Buccal - cheek region
Submental - anterior tip of tongue, central part of mouth floor and chin
Submandibular - scalp, nose, lips, air sinuses, teeth, gums, anterior tongue, floor of mouth, efferent lymphatics from submental
Mastoid - middle region of scalp and external auditory meatus
Occipital - back of scalp
All efferents travel to deep cervical nodes
Lymphatic Drainage of Neck
Anterior cervical - superficial structures of neck, lies along IJV
Superficial cervical - parotid nodes, angle of mandible, structures that lie at junction between neck, face, and scalp, lies along EJV
Retropharyngeal - between pharynx and vertebral bodies, drains nasopharynx, auditory tube, upper cervical vertebral column
Laryngeal - at cricothyroid ligament, drains larynx and adjacent structures
Tracheal - trachea and thyroid gland
Jugulo-digastric Lymph Nodes
Jugular and facial vein junction
Growth of Skull
Fontanelles: Anterior, Posterior
Anterior fuses at 12-18 months
Posterior fuses 6-12 months
Raised in ICP, infections
Depressed in dehydration
Decidous teeth: 20 in total
8 incisors, 4 canines, 8 molars
Permanent teeth: 32 in total
8 incisors, 4 canine, 8 premolars, 12 molars