Head and Neck 2 Flashcards
What are the 4 compartments of the neck?
Vertebral compartment
Vascular compartment
Visceral compartment
Musculofascial collar
What does the vertebral compartment of the neck contain?
Cervical vertebrae and postural muscles (prevertebral and postvertebral muscles)
What does the vascular compartment of the neck contain?
Major blood vessels and vagus nerve
What does the visceral compartment of the neck contain?
Parathyroid glands
What compartment is A?

Vertebral compartment
What compartment is B?

Musculofascial collar
What compartment is C?

Vascular compartment
What compartment is D?

Visceral compartment
What is A?

Transverse process
What is B?

Body of vertebrae
What is C?

Foramen transversium
What is D?

Superior articular facet
What is E?

Spinous process
What is F?

Vertebral foramen
How many cervical vertebrae are there?
What kind of joint is present between the occopital condyles and C1 (atlas)?
Condyloid (synovial)
What kind of joint is present between C1 and C2 at the odontoid peg?
Pivot (synovial)
What structures pass through the foramen transversarium?
Vertebral artery
Vertebral vein
Sympathetic plexus
What is the vertebrae prominens?
What is a special feature of the spines of cervical vertebrae?
What curvature exists in the cervical portion of the vertebral column?
What are the 2 triangles of the neck?
Anterior and posterior triangles
What is A?

Stylohyoid muscle
What is B?

What is C?

Digastric muscle (anterior belly)
What is D?

Digastric muscle (posterior belly)
What is E?

Hyoid bone
What is F?

Omyhyoid muscle (anterior belly)
What is G?

Omyhyoid muscle (posterior belly)
What is H?

What is I?

Sternocleidomastoid (SCM)
What are the boundaries of the anterior triangle?
Superiorly - inferior border of mandible
Posteriorly - anterior border of SCM
Anteriorly - median line of neck

What are the boundaries of the posterior triangle?
Anteriorly - posterior border of SCM
Posteriorly - anterior border of trapezius
Inferiorly - clavicle between SCM and trapezius

What are the contents of the anterior triangle of the neck?
Submandibular gland
Submental lymph nodes
Common carotid artery and branches
Internal jugular vein and tributaries
Vagus nerve
What are the contents of the posterior triangle of the neck?
Part of external jugular vein
Posterior branches of cervical plexus
Trunk of brachial plexus
Cervical lymph nodes
Subclavian artery
Supraclavicular lymph nodes
What are the attachments of the sternocleidomastoid (SCM)?
Origin - anterior surface of manubrium, and superior border/anterior surface of medial 1/3 clavicle
Insertion - lateral surface of mastoid process and nochal line of occipital bone
What happens if the right sternocleidomastoid muscle is contracted?
Head tilts to the right
Face turns to the left
What are the actions of the trapezius muscle?
Rotates, elevates, depresses, retracts scapula
Which cranial nerve innervates the SCM and trapezius?
Accessory nerve (CN XI)
In which triangle of the neck is the accessory nerve (CN XI) found?
Posterior triangle
What are the attachments of the trapezius?
Origin - occipital bone and spinous process of T1 to T12
Insertion - lateral 1/3 of clavicle and scapula
What is the anterior triangle further divided into 4 more triangles by?
Diagastric and omohyoid muscles
What 4 triangles can the anterior triangle be divided into?
What is A?

Submental triangle
What is B?

Muscular triangle
What is C?

Carotid triangle
What is D?

Digastric triangle (also known as submandibular triangle)
Between what muscles does the brachial plexus emerge from in the posterior triangle?
Scalene muscles that form the floor of the posterior triangle of the neck
What are the boundaries of the submental triangle?
Inferior - hyoid bone
Medial - midline of neck
Lateral - anterior belly of digastric
What are the boundaries of the digastric triangle?
Superior - body of mandible
Anterior - anterior belly of digastric muscle
Posterior - posterior belly of digastric muscle
What are the boundaries of the carotid triangle?
Superior - posterior belly of digastric muscle
Lateral - medial border of SCM
Inferior - superior belly of the omohyoid muscle
What are the boundaries of the muscular triangle?
Superior - hyoid bone
Medial - midline of neck
Superiolateral - superior belly of omohyoid muscle
Inferolateral - inferior portion of SCM
What are the contents of the submental triangle?
Submental lymph nodes
What are the contents of the digastric triangle?
Submandibular gland
What are the contents of the carotid triangle?
Carotid sheath (common carotid artery, internal jugular vein, hypoglossal and vagus nerve)
What are the contents of the muscular triangle?
Strap muscles of the neck, also known as infrahyoid muscles:
What are the 4 infrahyoid muscles?

What artery is the common carotid artery a branch of on the right side?
Brachiocephalic trunk
What is A?

Brachiocephalic trunk
What is B?

Right subclavian artery
What is C?

Right common carotid artery
What is D?

Left common carotid artery
What is E?

Left subclavian artery
In what triangle of the neck is the carotid sheath?
Anterior triangle
What structures are in the carotid sheath?
Common carotid artery
Internal jugular vein
Vagus nerve
At what level does the common carotid artery divid into external and internal carotid arteries?
Which of the internal and external carotid artery gives of branches in the neck?
External carotid artery
In the neck, which of the internal and external carotid arteries is most lateral?
Internal carotid artery
What are the two terminal branches of the external carotid artery (given of in the face)?
Maxillary and superficial temporal artery
Within which glandular structure are the terminal branches of the external carotid artery given of?
Parotid duct
The following are branches of the external carotid artery, what is A?

Superficial temporal artery
The following are branches of the external carotid artery, what is B?

Maxillary artery
The following are branches of the external carotid artery, what is C?

Facial artery
The following are branches of the external carotid artery, what is D?

Lingual artery
The following are branches of the external carotid artery, what is E?

Superior thyroid artery
The following are branches of the external carotid artery, what is F?

Ascending pharyngeal artery
The following are branches of the external carotid artery, what is G?

Occipital artery
The following are branches of the external carotid artery, what is H?

Posterior auricular artery
Which jugular vein is in the carotid sheath?
Internal jugular vein
What does the internal jugular veina rise from?
Jugular venous sinus (which drains the brain)
What does the internal jugular vein emerge through the skull from?
Jugular foramen
Which vein does the internal jugular vein merge with and what is the name of the vein that is formed?
Merges with subclavian vein
Forms brachiocephalic vein
What does the external jugular vein drain?
Scalp and face (is superficial)
In relation to the SCM, where does the external jugular vein run (superficial or deep)?
Superficially to it
Which vein does the external jugular vein drain into?
Subclavian vein
What is A?

External jugular vein
What is B?

Internal jugular vein
Within the carotid sheath, where does the vagus nerve lie in relation to the vascular contents?
Posteriorly between common carotid artery and internal jugular vein

What does the phrenic nerve arise from?
Cervical plexus in the neck
Where does the phrenic nerve lie in relation to the carotid sheath?
Deep, posterior
What is A?

Greater horn of hyoid bone
What is B?

Lesser horn of hyoid
What is C?

Body of hyoid bone
What are the muscles attached to the hyoid bone?
Suprahyoid muscles
Infrahyoid muscles
Genioglossus (hyoglottis), muscle of the tongue
Middle pharyngeal constrictor, muscle of the pharynx
What are the 4 suprahyoid muscles?
What is the nerve supply of the mylohyoid muscle?
Inferior alveolar nerve (branch of mandibular nerve, which is a branch of CN V)
What is the nerve supply of the geniohyoid muscle?
C1 root within hypoglossal nerve
What is the nerve supply of the digastric muscle?
Anterior belly by inferior alveolar nerve
Posterior belly by facial nerve
What is the nerve supply of the stylohyoid muscle?
Facial nerve
What actions do the suprahyoid muscles have on the mandible and on the hyoid bone?
Elevates hyoid bone
Tenses floor of mouth
What is A?

Geniohyoid muscle
What is B?

Digastric muscle (anterior belly)
What is C?

Mylohyoid muscle
What is D?

Stylohyoid muscle
What is E?

Digastric muscle (posterior belly)
What are the infrahyoid muscles?
What is the nerve supply of the sternohyoid?
Anterior rami of C1-C3, carried by branch of ansa cervicalis
What is the nerve supply of the sternothyroid muscle?
Anterior rami of C1-C3, carried by branch of ansa cervicalis
What is the nerve supply of the thyrohyoid?
C1 (which reaches it by hitching a ride on the hypoglossal nerve)
What is the nerve supply of the omohyoid?
Anterior rami of C1-C3, carried by branch of ansa cervicalis
What action do the infrahyoid muscles have on the hyoid bone?
Lowers hyoid bone
What is A?

Omohyoid muscle
What is B?

Sternohyoid muscle
What is C?

Sternothyroid muscle
What is D?

Thyrohyoid muscle
Is the cervical plexus somatic or autonomic?
What are the vertebral roots of the cervical plexus?
Between which two muscles do the roots of the cervical plexus emerge?
Anterior and middle scelene
Name a nerve that emerges from the cervical plexus and travels down the thorax?
Phrenic nerve
What is the ansa cervicalis?
Loop of nerves that are pert of cervical plexus
What kind of gland is the thyroid gland?
What are the anatomical parts of the thyroid gland?
Left/right lobes and isthmus
What is A?

Lobe of thyroid gland
What is B?

Isthmus of thyroid
At what level does the isthmus of thyroid gland lie?
C7 (whole gland is between C5 and T1)
In which compartment of the neck does the thyroid gland lie?
Visceral compartment
What artery provides blood to thyroid gland?
Superior thyroid artery (branch of external carotid artery)
and the inferior thyroid artery (branch of thyrocervical trunk)
What is A?

Thyroid cartilage
What is B?

Cricothyroid muscle
What is C?

Cricoid cartilage
What is D?

Inferior thyroid artery
What is E?

Thyroid gland
What is F?

What is G?

Inferior thyroid vein
What is H?

What is I?

Sternothyroid muscle
What is J?

What is K?

Vagus nerve
What is L?

Common carotid artery
What is M?

Common carotid artery
What is M?

Left recurrent laryngeal nerve in tracho-oesophageal groove
What is N?

What is O?

Internal jugular vein
What is P?

Middle cervical sympathetic ganglion
What is Q?

Prevertebral layer of deep cervical fascia
What is R?

Superior thyroid arteries and vein
What is S?

External laryngeal nerve
What is T?

Thoracic duct
What is A?

Inferior thyroid artery
What is B?

Superior thyroid artery
What is the venous drainage of thyroid?
Superior, middle and inferior thyroid veins