Endocrine 1 Flashcards
What is A?
What is B?
Pituitary gland
What is C?
What is D?
Thyroid gland
What is E?
Parathyroid gland
What is F?
What is G?
Suprarenal gland
What is H?
What is I?
Placenta (during pregnancy)
What is J?
What is K?
What is the hollow called that the pituitary gland sits in?
Sella turica
In what bone is the sella turica found?
Ethmoid bone
What is A?

Body of corpus collosum
What is B?

What is C?

Grey matter
What is D?

Splenium of corpus collosum
What is E?

Transverse sinus
What is F?

What is G?

Vertebral artery
What is H?

What is I?

Pituitary gland
What is J?

Pituitary stalk
What is K?

Optic chiasm
What is L?

Genu of corpus collosum
What is M?

Caudate nucleus
What is N?

Lateral ventricle
What is A?

Corpus collosum
What is B?

Frontal horn
What is C?

Caudate nucleus
What is D?

Optic nerve
What is E?

Pituitary stalk
What is F?

Internal carotid artery
What is G?

Cavernous sinus
What is H?

Pituitary gland
What is I?

III ventricle
What is A?

Ethmoid air cells
What is B?

Anteiror cerebral artery
What is C?

Optic chiasm
What is D?

Infundibulum of pituitary gland
What is E?

What is F?

Aquaduct of Sylvius
What is G?

Anterior lobe of cerebellum
What is H?

Straight sinus
What is I?

Superior sagittal sinus
What is J?

Quadrigeminal cistern
What is K?

White matter
What is L?

Posterior cerebral artery
What is M?

Temporal horn of lateral ventricle
What is N?

Middle cerebral artery
What is O?

Olfactory nerve
How is the optic chiasm related to the pituitary gland?
Is directly above pituitary
How does enlargement of the pituitary gland affect a surrounding structure?
Impinges the crossing of fibres of the optic chiasm
Resulting in bitemporal hemionopia
What fibres cross over at the optic chiasm?
Nasal fibres
What lobes are present in the pituitary gland?
Anterior lobe
Posterior lobe
What is A?

III ventricle
What is B?

Optic chiasm
What is C?

Pars intermedia
What is D?

Anterior pituitary
What is E?

Posterior pituitary
What is F?

Mamillary bodies
Which of the pituitary lobes is larger?
Anterior pituitary
Which of the pituitary lobes is glandular and manufactures numerous hormones?
Anterior pituitary
What is the function of the posterior pituitary lobe?
Releases neuroendocrine hormones
How do you recognise the anterior and posterior lobes of pituitary in histology?
Anterior - dark stained
Posterior - pale stained
What is A?
Posterior pituitary
What is B?
Anterior pituitary
What are the 3 cell types in anterior pituitary and how do they stain?
Acidophilic (stain pink)
Basophilic (stain light purple)
Chromophobic (do not stain so appear pale)
What is A?

What is B?

What is C?

What are the different classes of acidophils?
What does each class of acidophil secrete?
Somatotrophs - GH
Mammotrophs - prolactin
What is the target organ of GH?
Thymus gland
What is the target organ of prolactin?
Mammary gland
What are the different classes of basophils?
What are the secretory products of each basophil?
Corticotrophs - ACTH and MSH
Thyrotrophs - TSH
Gonadotrophs - FSH and LH
What is the target organ of ACTH?
Adrenal cortex
What is the target organ of MSH?
Adrenal cortex
What is the target organ of TSH?
Thyroid gland
What is the target organ of FSH?
What is the target organ of LH?
What are the secretory products of the anterior pituitary?
What are the main secretory cells in the posterior pituitary?
Magnocellular neurons
What hormones do magnocellular neurons secrete?
What is the arterial supply of the pituitary gland?
Superior hypophysial artery - enters hypothalamus before breaking up into capillaries (hypophysial portal system) that supply the anterior pituitary gland
Inferior hypophysial artery - supplies posterior pituitary
How does the hypothalamus communicate with the anterior pitutiary?
Through the hypothysial portal system
How does the hypothalamus communicate with the posterior pitutiary?
Through the infindibulum (blood vessels run through)
Also known as pituitary stalk
What is the pituitary stalk also known as?
What is the venous drainage of the pituitary gland?
Through hypophysial veins into the cavenous sinus
Where do hypophysial veins drain into?
Cavernous sinus
Where is the thyroid gland in relation to the trachea and larynx?
Anterior to trachea
Inferior to larynx

The thyroid gland is located between what vertebral levels?
C5 to T1
The isthmus lies opposite what tracheal rings?
2nd to 4th tracheal rings
What are the 3 strap muscles that overlie the thyroid gland?
Omohyoid (anterior belly)
What is A?

Hyoid bone
What is B?

Thyroid cartilage
What is C?

Omohyoid muscle
What is D?

Cricoid cartilage
What is E?

Sternohyoid muscle
What is F?

Sternothyroid muscle
What is G?

Common carotid artery
What is H?

Thyrohyoid muscle
What is I?

Internal jugular vein
What are the 2 nerves that supplies the muscles of the vocal cords? Describe their relation to the thyroid gland?
Recurrent laryngeal nerves - runs between trachea and oesophagus
External laryngeal nerve - lies close to superior thyroid artery
External laryngeal nerve is a branch of what?
Branch of superior laryngeal nerve
What does the superior thyroid artery arise from?
From what artery does the inferior thyroid artery arise from?
Subclavian artery
What is the arterial blood supply to thyroid gland?
Superior and inferior thyroid arteries

Into which vein does the superior thyroid vein drain into?
Into which vein does the middle thyroid vein drain into?
Into which vein does the inferior thyroid vein drain into?
Brachiocephalic vein

What is the venous drainge of the thyroid gland?
Superior thyroid vein
Middle thyroid vein
Inferior thyroid vein

Where do most lymph vessels from the thyroid gland drain into?
Deep cervical group of lymph nodes
How are the hormones stored in the thyroid gland?
In cavities surrounded by secretory cells, this makes follicles
Hormone is bound to glycoprotein and is called a colloid
During secretion is reabsorbed from cavity and then released into interstitial space
What are hormones bound to in the thyroid gland?
Glycoprotein and called colloid
What kind of cells lines follicles in thyroid gland?
Follicular cells
What colour does colloid stain in histology?

What hormones does the thyroid gland secrete?
Thyroxine and triidothyroxine
Other than follicular cells, what is the other main cell in thyroid gland?
Parafollicular cells (also called clear or C cells)

Relative to the thyroid gland, where is the parathyroid gland?
Medial half of the posterior surface

How many parathyroid glands do most people have?
4, but this can vary
What are the parathyroid glands seperated from the thyroid gland by?
Thin fibrous capsule
What is the arterial supply to the parathyroid glands?
Predominantly from the inferior thyroid arteries
What is the venous drainage of the parathyroid glands?
Via the veins draining the thyroid gland to the IJV
What does this show?

Parathyroid gland
What is A?

Fibrous capsule
What is B?

Adipose tissue
What is C?

Chief cells
What is D?

Oxyphil cells
What hormone is released by parathyroid gland?
Parathyroid hormone (PTH)
What does parathyroid hormone (PTH) act on?
Bone, kidney and intestine - enhances release of calcium from bone/reabsorption from kidneys and intestine
What are the suprarenal glands seperated from the kidneys by?
A capsule
Are the suprarenal glands retroperitoneal or intraperitoneal?
What are the 2 parts of the suprarenal glands?
Outer cortex
Inner medulla
Embryologically, what gives rise to the cortex and the medulla of the suprarenal glands?
Cortex - mesodermal epithelium
Medulla - neuroectoderm
What is the arterial supply of the suprarenal glands?
Through suprarenal arteries that arise from the inferior phrneic arteries, the aorta and the renal arteries
How many suprarenal veins are there?
Where does the suprarenal vein drain into on the right and left gland?
Right - IVC
Left - left renal vein

What is A?
Right inferior suprarenal artery
What is B?
Right middle suprarenal artery
What is C?
Right superior suprarenal artery
What is D?
Coeliac trunk
What is E?
Left superior suprarenal artery
What is F?
Left middle suprarenal artery
What is G?
Left inferior suprarenal artery
What is H?
Superior mesenteric artery
What is I?
Left renal artery
What is J?
Inferior mesenteric artery
What is K?
What is M?
Right renal artery
Histologically, what can the cortex of the suprarenal glands be divided into?
Outer zona glomerulosa (thin)
Middle zona fasciculata (thick)
Inner zona reticularis (immediately adjacent to medulla)

What cells are found in the suprarenal glands medulla and what do they secrete?
Ovoid chromaffin cells that secrete adrenaline and noradrenaline
What are the 3 main hormones secreted from each zone of the suprarenal medulla?
Zona glomerulosa - aldosterone
Zona fasciculata - glucocorticoids
Zona reticularis - androgens
What is A?

What is B?

Zona glomerulosa
What is C?

Zona fasiculata
What is D?

Zona reticularis
What is E?

What is F?

What is this image of?

Suprarenal gland
Is the pancreas retroperitoneal or intraperitoneal?
What cells are found within Islet of Langerhans and what do they secrete?
Alpha cells - glucagon
Beta cells - insulin
Delta cells - somatostatin
F cells - pancreatic polypeptide
What is A?

Intercalated duct
What is B?

Blood vessel
What is C?

Acini of exocrine pancreas
What is D?

Interlobular duct
What is E?

Intralobular duct
What is F?

Islet of Langerhans (endocrine pancreas)
What is the endocrine pancreas called?
Islets of Langerhans