Head and Neck Flashcards
The ___ is the superior part of the body that is attached to the trunk by the neck. It houses the ___, therefore, it is the site of our consciousness: ideas, creativity, imagination, responses, decision making, and memory
head - brain
The head also includes special sensory receivers (___, ___, ___, and ___), broadcast devices for voice and expression, and portals for the inytake of fuel (food), water, and oxygen and the exhaust of carbon dioxide
eyes, ears, mouth, and nose
The head consists of the brain and its ___ (cranial vault and meninges), the ears, and the face. It includes ___ and __, with lubricating glands and valves (seals) to close some of them, the masticatory (chewing) devices, and the orbits that house the visual apparatus
protective coverings - openings and passageways
The cranium (skull) is the skeleton of the head. It is composed of ___ named bones. A series of bones form its two parts, the __ and __
22 - neurocranium and viscerocranium
Junction of greater wing of sphenoid, squamous temporal, frontal, and parietal bones; overlies course of anterior division of middle meningeal artery
In the anatomical position, the skull is oriented so that the inferior margins of the orbits and the superior margin of the external acoustic meatus are horizontal, this is called the ___
Frankfurt plane
____ - is the bony case of the brain and its membranous coverings, the cranial meninges
Point on calvaria at junction of lambdoid and sagittal sutures
Point on calvaria at junction of coronal and sagittal sutures
Superior point of neurocranium, in middle with cranium oriented in anatomical (orbitomeatal or Frankfort) plane
Most prominent point of external occipital protuberance
Star shaped; located at junction of three sutures: parietomastoid, occipitomastoid, and lambdoid
Smooth prominence; most marked in males; on frontal bones superior to root of nose; most anterior projecting part of forehead
Point on cranium where frontonasal and internasal sutures meet
The ____ is the upper part of the cranium and forms the roof and side walls of the cranial cavity.
skull vault (calvarium)
The ____ is the space containing the brain
cranial cavity
The ___ is the lowest part of the cranium and forms the floor of the cranial cavity
base of the skull
The bones of the vault form via ___ ossification, whereas the bones of the cranial base and the facial skeleton form via ___ ossification
membranous - endochondral
In some adults, a frontal suture persists; this remnant is called a ___. It is in the middle glabella, the smooth, slightly depressed area between the superciliary arches
metopic suture
The ____, specifically its squamous (flat) part, forms the skeleton of the forehead, articulating inferiorly with the nasal and zygomatic bones
frontal bone
___ (the free border of the alveolar processes surrounding and supporting the maxillary teeth); the ____ of the maxillae; and the palantine, sphenoid, vomer, temporal, and occipital bones
Alveolar arch of the maxillae - palantine processes
Superior to the posterior edge of the palate are two large openings: the ____ (posterior nasal apertures), which are separated from each other by the ___, a flat bone of trapezoidal shape forms a major part of the bony nasal septum
choanae - vomer
The ____ is a median bony extension of the frontal bone. At its base is the foramen cecum of the frontal bone
frontal crest
The ____ is a thick, median ridge of bone posterior to the foramen cecum, which projects superiorly from the ethmoid
crista galli
On each side of this ridge is the sieve-like ___ of the ethmoid bone
cribriform plate
The ____ : an elevation forming the posterior boundary of the prechiasmatic sulcus and the anterior boundary of the hypophysial fossa
tuberculum sella
The ____ (pituitary fossa): a median depression in the body of the sphenoid that accomodates the pituitary gland
hypophysial fossa
The ____ (back of saddle): a square plat eof bone projecting superiorly from the body of the sphenoid
dorsum sellae
The____ is the saddle like bony formation on the upper surface of the body of the sphenoid
sella turcica
The __, in the center of the anterior part of the fossa leading to the foramen magnum
Posterior to this large opening, the posterior cranial fossa is partly divided by the internal occipital crest into bilateral large concave impressions, the ____
cerebellar fossae
The ____ are thicker portions of cranial bone that transmit forces around weaker regions of the cranium
____ : Thin, except in the occipital region, contains many sweat and sebaceous glands and hair follicles
____ : Forms the thick, dense richly vascularized subcutaneous layer that is well supplied with cutaneous
____ : a sponge-like layer including potential spaces that may distend. This layer allows free movement of the scalp proper over the underlying calvaria
____ : the broad, strong, tendinous sheet that covers the calvaria and serves as the attachment for muscle bellies converging from the forehead and occiput (accipitofrontalis muscle) and from the temporal bones on each side (temporoparietalis and superior auricular muscles)
The _____ is a flat digastric muscle, with occipital and frontal bellies that share a common tendon. the epicranial aponeurosis
____ : a dense layer of connective tissue that forms the external periosteum of the neurocranium
The occipitofrontalis is a flat digastric muscle, with occipital and frontal bellies that share a common tendon the ____
epicranial aponeurosis
Because the ____ is a layer of the scalp, independently contraction of the occipital belly retracts the scalp and contraction of the frontal belly protracts it
Fibers of as many as nine facial muscles interlace or merge in a highly variable or merge in a highly variable and multiplanar formation called the ___, which is largely responsible for the occurence of dimples in many people
The ____, is a broad, thin sheet of muscle in the subcutaneous tissue of muscle in the subcutaneous tissue of the neck
The ____ is a thin, flat, rectangular muscle that attaches laterally to the alveolar process of the maxillae and alveolar part of the mandible, opposite the molar teeth
Acting from its superior attachment, the platysma ____, producing vertical skin ridges, conveying great stress, and releasing pressure on the superficial veins.
tenses the skin
_____ innervation of the face and anterosuperior part of the scalp is provided primarily by the trigeminal nerve (CNV)
Cutaneous (sensory)
Acting from its inferior attachment, the platysma helps ____ and _____, as in grimace
depress the mandible - draw the corners of the mouth inferiorly
____ to the facial muscles is provided by the facial nerve (CN VII)
Motor innervation
____ is the sensory nerve for the face and the motor nerve for the muscles of mastication and several small muscles
CN V (Trigeminal nerve)
The ____ emerges from the superior border of the parotid gland and crosses the zygomatic arch to supply the auricularis superior and auricularis anterior; the frontal belly of the occipitofrontalis; and, most important, the superior part of the orbicularis oculi
temporal branch of CN VII
Opthalmic nerve V1, Enters the orbit via the superior orbital fissure. Trifucates into the ___, ___, and ___ nerves
frontal, nasociliary, and lacrimal
MAXILLARY NERVE, Leaves cranium through the ____
foramen rotundum
MAXILLARY NERVE, The ____ runs to the lateral wall of the orbit, giving rise to two of the three cutaneous branches of CN V2, the ___ and ____ nerves
zygomatic nerve - zygomaticofacial and zygomaticotemporal
MAXILLARY NERVE, Emerge from the ___
foramen ovale
The motor root of CN VII supplies the muscles of ______, including the superficial muscle of the neck (platysma), auricular muscles, scalp muscles, and certain other muscles
facial expression
MAXILLARY NERVE, The ___ and ___ division of the trigeminal nerve
inferiormost and largest
MAXILLARY NERVE, The major cutaneous branches of CN V3 are the ___, ___, and ___ nerves
auriculotemporal, buccal, and mental
The _____ supplies the muscles of facial expression, including the superficial muscle of the neck (platysma), auricular muscles, scalp muscles, and certain other muscles
motor root of CN VII
The_____ passes via two or three branches superior and mainly inferior to the eye to supply the inferior part if the orbicularis oculi and other facial muscles inferior to the orbit
zygomatic branch of CN VII
THE FACIAL ARTERY, Provides the major arterial supply to the face. It arises from the ___ and winds its way to the inferior border of the mandible, just anterior to the masseter
external carotid artery
Distal to the lateral nasal artery at the side of the nose, the terminal part of the facial artery is called the ___
angular artery
The facial artery sends branches to the upper and lower lips (_____), ascending along the side of the nose, and anastomoses with the dorsal nasal branch of the ophthalmic artery
superior and inferior labial arteries
The facial artery sends branches to the upper and lower lips (superior and inferior labial arteries), ascending along the side of the nose, and anastomoses with the ____
dorsal nasal branch of the ophthalmic artery
_____, branches of the ophthalmic artery, accompany nerves of the same name across the eyebrows and forehead
Supra-orbital and supratrochlear arteries
The smaller terminal branch of the external carotid artery; the other branch is the ___
maxillary artery
The _____ emerges on the face between the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and the auricle, enters the temporal fossa, and ends in the scalp by dividing into frontal and parietal branches
superficial temporal artery
The superficial temporal artery emerges on the face between the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and the auricle, enters the temporal fossa, and ____ by dividing into frontal and parietal branches
ends in the scalp
Arises from the superficial temporal artery within the parotid gland and crosses the face superficial to the masseter approximately a finger’s breadth ____
inferior to the zygomatic arch
The only superficial branch derived from the ___, accompanies the nerve of the same name in the chin
maxillary artery
The arterial supply is from the external carotid arteries through the ___, ___, and ____ arteries and from the internal carotid arteries through the supratrochlear and supra-orbital arteries
occipital, posterior auricular, and superficial temporal
The superficial parts of the scalp - through the accompanying veins of the scalp arteries, the supra-orbital and supratrochlear veins. The ____ and ____ the scalp anterior and posterior to the auricles, respectively
superficial temporal veins and posterior auricular veins drain
The ____ often receives a ____ from the sigmoid sinus, a dural venous sinus. The occipital veins drain the occipital region of the scalp. Venous drainage of deep parts of the scalp in the temporal region is through deep temporal veins, which are tributaries of the pterygoid venous plexus
posterior auricular vein - mastoid emissary vein
All lymphatic vessels from the head and neck drain directly or indirectly into the ___, a chain of nodes mainly located along the IJV in the neck
deep cervical lymph nodes
Lymph from these deep nodes passes to the jugular lymphatic trunk, which joins the ___ on the left side and the IJV or____ on the right side
thoracic duct - brachiocephalic vein
Lymph from the lateral part of the face and scalp, including the eyelids, drains to the ___
superficial parotid lymph nodes
Lymph from the deep parotid nodes drains to the ___ lymph nodes
deep cervical
Lymph from the upper lip and lateral parts of the lower lip drains to the ____ lymph nodes
Lymph from the chin and central part of the lower lip drains to the ____
submental lymph nodes
A thick, dense, bilaminar membrane. It is adherent to the internal table of the calvaria. External periosteal layer, formed by the periosteum covering the internal surface of the calvaria, and an internal meningeal layer
____ between the periosteal and meningeal layers of the dura
Endothelium-lined spaces
The ____ divide the cranial cavity into compartments, forming partial partitions (dural septa) between certain parts of the brain and providing support for other parts
dura infoldings
(Collections of arachnoid villi) are tufted prolongations of the arachnoid that protrude through the meningeal layer of the dura mater into the dural venous sinuses, especially the lateral lacunae and affect transfer of ____
CSF to the venous system
Large veins from the surface of the brain empty into these sinuses and most of the blood from the brain ultimately drains through them into the ____
internal jugular veins (IJVs)
The ___ also commence at the posterior end of the cavernous sinus. Each inferior petrosal sinus runs in a groove between the petrous part of the temporal bone and the basilar part of the occipital bone
inferior petrosal sinuses
The ____ run from the posterior ends of the veins making up the cavernous sinus to the transverse sinuses at the site where these sinuses curve inferiorly to form the sigmoid sinuses
superior petrosal sinuses
___ connect the dural venous sinuses with veins outside the cranium
Emissary veins
_____ - (branches of ethmoidal arteries which are branches of maxillary artery (ECA)
Anterior meningeal artery
The arachnoid mater and pia mater (or simply arachnoid and pia; together the ____). Develop from a single layer of ____ surrounding the embryonic brain, becoming the parietal part (arachnoid) and visceral part (pia) of the leptomeninx
leptomeninges - mesenchyme
_____ and accessory meningeal artery: branches of maxillary artery (ECA)
Middle meningeal artery
____ (terminal branch of ascending pharyngeal artery (ECA) & other meningeal branches
Posterior meningeal artery
The dura-cranial interface (extradural or ___ “space”)
The dura-arachnoid interface or junction (“___ space”)
THE BRAIN, Composed of the ___, ____, and ___.
cerebrum, cerebellum, and brainstem
When the calvaria and dura are removed, ___ (folds), __ (grooves), and ___ (clefts) of the cerebral cortex are visible through the delicate arachnoid-pia layer
gyri, sulci, fissures
The ____ space, between the arachnoid and pia
The ___ includes the cerebral hemispheres and basal ganglia
The ___ is composed of the epithalamus, thalamus, and hypothalamus and forms the central core of the brain
From a superior view, the cerebrum is essentially divided into quarters by the median ___ and the ___
longitudinal cerebral fissure - coronal central sulcus
The ___, the rostral part of the brainstem, lies at the junction of the middle and posterior cranial fossae. CN III and IV are associated with the midbrain
The ___ is the part of the brainstem between the midbrain rostrally and the medulla oblongata caudally
SF drain into the ___ through a single median aperture and paired lateral apertures
subarachnoid space from the 4th ventricle
The ____ is the most caudal subdivision of the brainstem that is continuous with the spinal cord. The medulla lies in the posterior cranial fossa. CN IX, X, and XII are associated with the junction of the pons and medulla
medulla oblongata (medulla)
The ___ is the large brain mass lying posterior to the pons and medulla and inferior to the posterior part of the cerebrum. It lies beneath the tentorium cerebelli in the posterior cranial fossa
The pyramid-shaped ___ in the posterior part of the pons and medulla extends inferoposteriorly
4th ventricle
Inferiorly, it tapers to a narrow channel that continues into the cervical region of the spinal cord as the ___
central canal
The ____, (the 1st and 2nd ventricles) are largest cavities of the ventricular system and occupy large areas of the cerebral hemispheres
lateral ventricles
The ___, a slit-like cavity between the right and the left halves of the diencephalon, is continuous postero-inferiorly with the cerebral aqeuduct, a narrow channel in the midbrain connecting the 3rd and 4th ventricles
3rd ventricle
____ : largest of the subarachnoid cisterns, located between the cerebellum and the medulla; receives CSF from the apertures of the 4th ventricle
Cerebellomedullary cistern
___ (cistern of optic chiasma) : inferior and anterior to the optic chiasm, the point of crossing or decussation of optic nerve fibers
Interchiasmatic cistern
____ : an extensive space ventral to the pons, continuous inferiorly with the spinal subarachnoid space
Pontocerebellar cistern (pontine cistern)
_____ : located in the interpeduncular fossa between the cerebral peduncles of the midbrain
Interpeduncular cistern (basal cistern)
____ (cistern of great cerebral vein) : located between the posterior part of the corpus callosum and the superior surface of the cerebellum; contains parts of the great cerebral vein
Quadrigeminal cistern
____ (ambient cistern) : located on the lateral aspect of the midbrain and continuous posteriorly with the quadrigeminal cistern
Cisterna ambiens
The ___ are connected by the anterior communicating artery
anterior cerebral arteries
The internal carotid arteries course anteriorly through the cavernous sinuses with the ___ and in close proximity to the ____ and ____
abducent nerves (CN VI) - oculomotor (CN III) - trochlear (CN IV) nerves
The _____ course anteriorly through the cavernous sinuses with the abducent nerves (CN VI) and in close proximity to the oculomotor (CN III) and trochlear (CN IV) nerves
internal carotid arteries
Near their termination, the ____ are joined to the posterior cerebral arteries by the posterior communicating arteries, completing the cerebral arterial circle around the interpeduncular fossa
internal carotid arteries
Near their termination, the internal carotid arteries are joined to the ___ by the ___, completing the cerebral arterial circle around the interpeduncular fossa
posterior cerebral arteries - posterior communicating arteries
The ____ is drained by superior and inferior cerebellar veins, draining the respective aspect of the cerebellum into the transverse and sigmoid sinuses
The ____ is a single, midline vein formed inside the brain by the union of two internal cerebral veins
great cerebral veinn (of Galen)
Functions of the nose: ____, ____, ____, ____ of inspired air, and reception and elimination of secretions from the paranasal sinuses and nasolacrimal ducts
Olfaction (smelling), Respiration (breathing), Filtration of dust, Humidification
The ___ is curved and narrow, except at its posterior end, where the hollow body of the sphenoid forms the roof
It is divided into the three parts (___, ___, and ___)
The___ of the nasal cavities are irregular owing to three bony plates, the ____, which project inferiorly, somewhat like louvers
Frontonasal, Ethmoidal, and Sphenoidal
lateral walls - nasal conchae
_____ - which includes the procerus muscle and the levator labii superioris alaeque nasi muscle
Elevator muscle group
_____ - which includes the alar nasalis muscle and the depressor septi nasi muscle
Depressor muscle group
____ - which includes the transverse nasalis muscle
Compressor muscle group
____ - which includes the dilator naris muscle that expands the nostrils
Dilator muscle group
____: thin fibrous or bony process on the lateral nasal wall that arises slightly behind the anterior border of the middle turbinate and may narrow the passage from the nasal cavity to the ostiomeatal complex, depending on its degree of development
Uncinate process
____: located between the posterior border of the uncinate process and the first ethmoid cell (the ethmoid bulla)
Semilunar hiatus
____: connected to the ostiomeatal unit via the frontal recess, which has an hourglass-like shape
Frontal sinus
____: space between the uncinate process, ethmoid bulla, and lamina papyracea of the ethmoid bone
Ethmoid infundibulum
_____: most constant and largest anterior ethmoid air cell that projects inferomedially over hiatus seminularis
Ethmoid bulla
The eye is the ___ and consists of the ___ and the ___
organ of vision - eyeball - optic nerve
The orbit contains the ___ and its ____
eyeball - accessory visual structures
____, which position the eyeballs and raise the superior eyelids
Extra-ocular muscles
The orbital region is the area of the face ___ an includes the upper and lower eyellids and lacrimal apparatus
overlying the orbit and eyeball
___, which bound the orbits anteriorly, controlling exposure of the anterior eyeball
____ in transit to the eyeballs and muscles
Nerves and vessels
____ lining the eyelids and anterior aspect of the eyeballs, and most of the lacrimal apparatus, which lubricates it
Mucous membrane (conjunctiva)
____ surrounding the eyeballs and muscles
Orbital fascia
The base of the orbit is outlined by the ____, which surrounds the orbital opening
orbital margin
The superior wall (roof) is approximately horizontal and is formed mainly by the orbital part of the _____
frontal bone
Near the apex of the orbit, the superior wall is formed by the ___
lesser wing of the sphenoid
Anterolaterally, a shallow depression in the orbital part of the frontal bone. called the fossa for lacrimal gland (____)), accomodates the lacrimal gland
lacrimal fossa
The medial walls of the contralateral orbits are essentially parallel and are formed primarily by the _____, along with contributions from the frontal process of the maxilla, lacrimal, and sphenoid bones
orbital plate of ethmoid bone
___, the medial wall is indented by the lacrimal groove and fossa for lacrimal sac; the trochlea (pulley) for the tendon of one of the extra-ocular muscles is located superiorly
The inferior wall (orbital floor) is formed mainly by the ___ and partly by the ___ and ___ bones. The thin inferior wall is shared by the orbit and maxillary sinus. The inferior wall is demarcated from the lateral wall of the orbit by the ____, a gap between the orbital surfaces of the maxilla and the sphenoid
maxilla - zygomatic and palatine - inferior orbital fissure
The lateral wall is formed by the ____ of the zygomatic bone and the ___ of the sphenoid. This is the strongest and thickest of the four walls, which is important because it is most exposed and vulnerable to direct trauma. Its posterior part separates the orbit from the temporal and middle cranial fossae
frontal process - greater wing
The widest part of the orbit corresponds to the ___ an imaginary line encircling the eyeball equidistand from its anterior and posterior poles.
equator of the eyeball
The___of the orbit is at the optic canal in the lesser wing of the sphenoid just medial to the superior orbital fissure