HEAD AND NECK Flashcards
Tonsilitis imaging and complications
tonsilar enlargement, touching in the midline
contrast enhancing without focal fluid
parapharyngeal fat stranding
- peritonsillar abscess
- intratonsillar abscess
- extension to deep spaces
- otitis media
Tonsilitis ddx
Tonsillar abscess imaging
central hypoattenuation and rim enhancement
tonsillar tissue surrounding
Peritonsillar abscess imaging
rim enhancing fluid adjacent to enlarged and inflamed tonsil
- retropharyngeal effusion
- retropharyngeal abscess
- lemierre syndrome (septic thrombophlebitis IJV)
Lemierre syndrome is
thrombophlebitis of the IJC with distant sepsis in the setting of intial oropharyngeal infection (pharyngitis, tonsilllitis, peritonsilar abscess, retropharyngeal abscess).
Retropharyngeal abscess is (and causes)
potentially life threating infection involving the retropharyngeal space.
- complication of primary infection elsewhere such as nasopharync, paranasal sinuses, middle ear
- or oropharyngeal infections, discitis, osteomyelitis, penetrating trauma
Retropharyngeal abscess complications
- posterior extension to prevert, disc/vert, epidural
- lateral extension to carotid and jugular
- anteiror compression airway
- inferior extension to mediastinum
sepsis - grisel syndroime
- lemierre synrome
Retropharyngeral abscess ddx
retropharyngeal cellulitis
retropharyngeal oedema
prevertebral abscess
retropharyngeal haematoma
acute calcific prevertebral tendiintis
Grisel syndrome is
torticollis of the atlantooaxial joint from inflammatory ligamentous laxity in head and neck infection
Zenker diverticulum is
posterior outpouch of the hypopharynx, proximal to the upper oesophageal sphincter through a weakness in the muscle layer called killian dehiscence (normal cleavage plane between the two parts of the inferior constrictor)
zenkers imaging
midline posterior diverticulum at C5/C6
may be transient
Killian Jameison diverticulum is
an outpouching of mucosa through the killian jamieson space.
located below cricopharyngeus, anteriorly and laterally. typically left sided, can be bilateral. smaller, less frequent and normally asx compared to zenkys
Head and neck SCC pathophysiology
HPV important risk factor, particularly 16, 18, 31
Stronger assoc in some sites, eg. oropharynx
Overexpression of p16 used as surrogate marker
Oral cavity SCC staging
TX cant see
- <2cm greatest dimension, DOI <5mm
- <2cm DOI 5-10mm OR
- 2-4cm DOI <10mm
- DOI >10mm, or
- tumour >4cm DOI <10mm
T4a moderately advanced
- >4cm DOI >10mm OR
- invades local structures
T4b very advanced
- invades masticator space, pterygoid plates, skull cases and/or encases ICA
Oral cavity SCC ddx
other malig
- lymphoma
- minor salivary gland
- sarcoma
- teeth
- infected rannula
radionecrosis mandible
Cervical node staging
- single ipsilateral node <3cm no ENE
- single ipsi 3-6cm, no ENE
- multiple ipsi, <6cm, no ENE
- bilateral or contralatertal nodes <6cm, no ENE
- node >6cm, no ENE
- node with clinically overt ENE
Oral cavity SCC usually in
lower lip, oral tongue, FOM
Oropharyngeal SCC overview
subcatergorised into HPV/P16 positive or negative. P16 associted occurs in younger but responds better to chemoradiotherapy and carry a better prognosis
location; tonsil, base of tongue, soft palate
although can be anywhere
nb; lingual surface epiglottis coiunts as larynx, soft plate nasopharynx
P16 negative oropharyngeal SCC staging
- <2cm
- 2-4cm
- > 4cm or
- extension to lingula surface epiglottis
T4a moderate
- larynx
- extrinsix tongue mm
- medial pterygoid
- hard palate
- mandible
T4b very advanced - ICA or any of the following
- lateral pterygoid
- pterygoid plates
- lateral nasopharynx
- skull base
P16 postive oropharyngeal SCC staging
- <2cm
- 2-4 cm
- >4cm OR
- extension to lingual surface epiglottis
- larynx, except lingual epiglottis
- extrinsic mm tongue
- medial pterygoid
- hard palate
- mandible
Hypopharyngeal SCC path
bad for you - worst proggy of all
most commonly at piriform sinus, but can be posterior wall or post cricoid/pharyngooesopahgeal junction
Hypopharynx SCC staging
- one subsite AND/OR
- <2cm
- extends into adjacent subsite or site AND/OR
- 2-4cm with hemilarynx fixation
- tumour >4cm OR
- clinical fixation hemilarynx OR
- extension to oesophageal mucosa
T4a moderate
- thyroid cartilage
- cricoid cartilage
- hyoid bone
- thyroid gland
- oesophageal muscle
- central compartment soft tissue
- encases carotid artery OR
- mediastinum/prevertebral
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma path
of squamous origin
some types strongly assoc with EBV
- keratinising
- non keratinising
- basaloid squamous
non kerat and basaloid squamous assoc with EBV
NPC imaging
Fossa or rosemuller ionitially effaces
Level 2 and 5 nodes commonly involved
- soft tissue mass fossa of rosenmuller
- smaller confined by pharyngobasilar fascia
- larger can extend in any direction
- heterogenous enhancement
T1 iso to muscle
T2 iso to hyper to muscle, fluid in middle ear
C+ heterogenous prominent. ?perineural invasion
NPC ddx
DDX small
- adenoidal tissue
- nasopharyngeal lymphoma
- low grade or other early primary malig
DDX large
- mets
- adenoid cystic
- plasmacytoma
- fibrosiing pseudotumour
- lymphom
- chordoma
- chondrosarcoma
- meningioma
NPC staging
- EBV positive node
- confined to nasopharynx OR
- extends to oropharynx or nasal cavity wihtout parapharyngeal invovlement
- extends to paraphryngeal space AND OR
- medial pterygoid, lateral pterygoid, prevertbral muscles
- skull base, cervical vertebra, pterydoid plates, pterygopalatine fossa, paranasal sinuses
- intracranial
- cranial nerves
- hypopharynx
- orbit
- parotid
- soft tissue beyond lateral pterygoid
Larynx SCC staging
T1-3 defined by site
T1 limited to one subsite, normal cord mobility
- suprahyoid epi
- aryepiglottic folds
- infrahyoid epiglottis
- false cords
- arytenoids
T2 invades mucosa adjacent area, normal cord mobility
- subsite supraglottis
- glottis
- region outside supraglottis; base of tongue, vallecula, medial wall pyriform sinus
T3 limited to larynx with vocal cord fixation and/or invasion of
- innner cortex thyroid cart
- paraglottic space
- preepiglottic space
- post cricoid area
T1 limited to cord with normal mobility
T1a one cord
T1b both cords
extends to supra or subglottis AND/OR
impaired vocal cord mobility
larynx with cord fixation AND/OR
invasion of paraglottix space AND OR
inner cortex thyroid cartilage
T1 limited to subglottis
T2 extneds to cords without fixation
T3 limited to larynx with cord fixation AND OR invasion of paraglottis AND OR inner cortex thyroid cart
- outer cortex thyroid cart
- cricoid cart
- tissue beyond larynx
- mediastinum
- prevertebral space
- encases carotid artery
Ranula is a
rare benign acquired cyst at the floor of mouth. result from obstruction of a sublingual gland or adjacent minor gland.
can be simple or plunging
- simple: confined to sublingual space
- plunging: extends to submandibular space, either around posterio edge of mylohyoid or through a deficiency, mylohyoid boutonniere
Ranula imaging
Connection to sublingual space
- thin walled, cystic lesions
- can be complex if infected
- thin walled fluid attenuation. can have superimposed infection.
T1 low
T2 high
C+ wall can enhance
- dermoid/epidermoid
- cystic hygroma
- cervical abscess
- thyroglossal duct cyst
- 2nd branchial cleft cyst
Cricopharyngeal spasm is (and imaging and complications)
may present as a cause of dysphagia
presents as a cricopharyngeal bar at C5/6 on fluoro
- hypertrophy
- zenkers
Vocal cord paresis causes and imaging
- neck/superior thoracic mass, aortic path, osteophytes
- masses affecting vagus nerve
- iatrogenic injury
- idiopathic
- blunt and penetrating trauma
- congenital anomalies eg meningomyelocele, chiari, hydroceph
- enlarged piriform sinus
- medialisation aryepiglottic fold
- enlarged laryngeal ventricle
- atrophy thyroarytenoid muscle
- anteromedial deviation arytenoid cartilage
- abducted vocal cordon breath hold, compensatory medial bowing of hte contralateral
Subglottic/tracheal stenosis
Post intubation
Sparing posterior wall
- Relapsing polychondritis (smooth)
- Tracheobronchiopathia osteochondroplastic (nodular)
Involving posterior wall
- amyloid
- wegners
- sarcoid
Relapsing polychondritis is
a rare multisystem disease characterised by recurrent inflammation of the cartilaginous structures in the body. Airways commonly involved
Tracheobronchopathia osteochondroplastica is
a rare idiopathic non neoplastic airway abnormality, with nodular thickening of the cartilage. can be cartilaginous or calcified.
Acute sinusitis imaging
Non specific, can be seen in asx patients
- opacification
- peripehral mucosal thickening
- gas fluid level
- OMC obstruction
- maxillary dentition
T1 mucosa iso, fluid hypo
T2 hyper
C+ mucosa enhances
- subperiosteal abscess incl orbitla and pott puffy
- dural sinus thrombosis
- meningitis empyema, abscess
Chronic sinusitis imaging
infection over 12 weeks. commonly assoc anatomical variants incl
- concha bullosa
- posterior nasal septal deviations
- uncinate process variations
- paradoxical middle turbinate
- agger nasi cells
- haller cells
sclerotic thickening bone from prolonged mucoperiosteal reaction. intrasinus calc may be present.
five main patterns;
1. OMC: max,. ant eth, front
2. infundibular: isolated ethmoid infundibulum and/or maxillary sinus ostium
3. sphenoethmoidal recess: sphenoid and posterior eth
4. sinonasal polyposis
5. sporadic
Concha bullosa is
pneumatisation of the middle turbinate, commonly assoc with septal deviation
Paradoxical middle turbinate is
inferomedially curved middle turbinate edge with concave surface facing the nasal septum, usually bilat
Agger nasi cells are
most anterior ethmoidal air cells
- anterolateral and inferior to frontal recess
- anterior and above attachment of middle turbinate
- within the lacrimal bone, related laterally to orbit, lacrimal sac, NL duct
Supraorbital cells are
anterior ethmoidal air cells extending posteriorly and superiorly over the orbit from the frontal recess
Sphenoethmoidal air cell/Onodi air cell
Posterior ethmoidal air cell, extends posteriorly to lie superolateral to sphenoid sinus in close prox to ICA and optic nerve. often extends to anterior clinoid process.
Haller cells are
ethmoid air cells lateral to the maxilloethmoidal suture along the inferomedial orbital floor
Fungal sinusitis classification
Non invasive; hypae do not invade mucosa
- allergic fungal
- sinus fungal mycetoma
Invasive; hypae in mucosa and beyond
- acute invasive
- chronic invasive
- granulomatous invasive
Allergic fungal sinusitis imaging and ddx
- sinus opacification
- central serpinginous hyperdense materal
- expangion
- remodelling/thinning
- erosion
- T1 hypo mucosa, variable
- hyperintense mucosa
- low centrally
C+ mucosa enhancement
sinonasal polyposis
sinus fungal mycetoma
- usually one side, no hyperimmune response
sinonasal mucocele
- same chronic expansive features, no erosions
non hodgkins lymphoma
- homogenous
Paransal sinus mycetoma imaging
- typically single sinus, common is maxillary then sphenoid
- soft tissue with or without calcs
- can have post obstructive/chronic sinusitis features
- no bone erosions
T1 low
T2 low
C+ mucosa might enhance
allergic fungal sinusitis
chronic invasive fungal sinusitis
- bone erosion
paranasal sinus mucocele
sinonasal inverted papilloma
Acute invasive fungal sinusitis is
most aggressive form fungal sinus disease. seen mostly in immunocompromised patients. aspergillus in neutropaenia and zygomycetes in diabetes
Acute invasive fungal sinusitis imaging
- NO internal hyperdensity, unlike chronic
- mucosal thickening
- opacification of the sinus
- bone destruction
- fat stranding outside sinus perimeter, including periantral fat stranding
T1 intermediate to low
T2 fungal mass low to intermediate
- black turbinate sign; non enhancement nasal turbinates from invasion/necrosis
C+ absent mucosal enhancement suggests necrosis, invasion
Assess in particular for
- stranding of the periantral fat - intraorbital, masticator, pterygopalaitine
- subtle enhancement
- leptomeningeal enhancement
- intracranial granulomas
- cavernous sinus thrombosis
- carotid pseudoaneurysm
- cerebrtits/abscess
Chronic invasive fungal sinusitis imaging
more than 12 weeks
- homogenous opacification iso to hyper
- lack of expansion
- mottled bone destruction
- focal bone erosion and extrasinus component
- sclerotic change
- iso to hypo
- usually marked hypo
Granulomatous invasive fungal sinusitis is
a form of invasive fungal sinusitis
large expansive mass with bone destruction and local invasion.
bone destruction
homogenous enhancement
t2 dark
DDX: malignant lesions incl
- sinonasal SCC
- sinonasal adenoid cystic
- adenocaricnoma
- lymphoma
- melanoma
- esthesioneuroblastoma
Granulomatosis with polyangitis is
also known as Wegeners, a multisysem necrotising non caseating granulomatous vasculitis affecting small to medium sized arteries/capilleries
Granulomatosis with polyangitis upper resp features
sclerosing oteitis of the nasal cavity
sinonasal mucosal ulcers
lacrimal gland involvement
nasal septal perf/deviation
subglottic stenosis
Sinonasal polyposis is
the presence of multiple benign polyps in the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses
Sinonasal polyposis imaging and grading
extensive polyps occupying the nasal cavity and sinuses
usually hypodense but can be hyper
assoc local benign bone remodelling or erosion
- mucoceles whole sinus expanded
opacified ethmoid sinuses with convex lateral walls and air fluid levels
concurrent infection can be present
0 - no polyps
1 - single in middle meatus
2 - multiple in middle meatus
3 - extending beyond middle meatus
4 - nasal cavity obstruction
Antrochoanal polyps are
solitary sinonasal polyps that arise within the maxillary sinus. pass through the ostium to the nasapharynx and nasal cavity. can occur elsewhere less commonly. present with sinonasal obstruction
Antrochoanal polyp imaging
unilateral opac
can see nasopharyngeal mass
defined mass with mucin density
widening of the maxially ostium extending to the nasopharynx
no bony destruction, but smooth enlargement of the sinus
can be dessicated and high density
T1 intermediate to low
T2 high homogenous
C+ peripehral
Inverted papillomas are
type of Schneiderian papilloma representing an uncommon non cancerous sinonasal tumour most commonly seen in middle aged men. can undergo malignant transformation. classically have convoluted cerebriform on T2 and contrast imaging
Inverted papilloma imaging
non spec
soft tissue density masswith enhancement
location; most commonly lateral wall nasal cavity
can have intralesional calc representing residual bone fragments
distinctive convoluted cerebriform pattern on T2 and post con T1
Juvenile nasal angiofibroma is
a rare benign but locally aggressive vascular tumour of young men. vivdly enhancing soft tissue mass centred onthe sphenopalatine foramen. flow voids/s&p MR.
Juvenile nasal angiofibroma imaging
nasopharyngeal mass
lobulated soft tissue mass cnetred on sphenopalatine fossa
anterior bowing of the posterior maxillary wall
marked enhancement
to see supply
T1 intermediate
T2 heterogenous, flow voids
C+ prominent
Juvenile nasal angiofibroma staging
1a nasal cavity/nasopharynx
1b exension to sinus
2a into pterygomaxillary fossa
2b fills pterygomaxillary fossa bowing psterior wall max antrum anterior or into orbit
2c beyond pterygomax fossa into infratemporal fossa
3 intracranial exnteion
Tornwaldt cyst is
a common incidental benign nasopharyngeal mucosal cyst
Tornwaldt cyst imaging
well cricumscribed
immediately deep to mucosa
bw/anterior to longus colli muscles
low density
non enhancing
can be hyperattenuating
t1 variable due to protein
t2 high
C+ no enhancement
Paranasal sinus mucocele is
complate opacification of a sinus by mucus, often with bony expansion due to obstruction. clinical presentation depending on direction of expansion and presence of infection
Paranasal sinus mucocele imaging
cant have air in the sinus
complete opacification
margins expanded and thinned
may have bony resorption
attenuation is variable
signal intensity highly variable depdning on water/protein/mucus
T1 low most common
T2 high most common
C+ if present than peripheral
DWI variable
Sinonasal undifferentiated carcinoma is
a rare and highly aggressive neoplasm arising from the paranasal sinuses. Mostly ethmoid and superior nasal cavity.
Sinonasal undifferentiated carcinoma imaging
Ethmoid/superior nasal cavity
Bone destruction
CT: enhances to variable degree
T1 iso to muslce
T2 iso to hyper to muscle
C+ heterogenous
Olfactory neuroblastoma/esthesioneuroblastoma is
a tumour arising from the basal layer of the olfactory epithelium in the superior recess of the nasal cavity.
Usually presents as a soft tissue mass in the anterior/middle ethmoidal cells extending through the cribriform plate to the anterior cranial fossa.
Olfactory neuroblastoma/esthesioneuroblastoma imaging
Slow growing
Begin at superior olfactory recess
Involve ant/mid ethmoidal cells
often form dumbell with waist at cribriform
soft tissue
can have focal calcs
homogenous enhancement
bone can be remodelled rather than destroyed
T1 heterogenous
T2 heterogenous
C+ variable, usually bright
Peritumural cysts at intracranial aspect
Olfactory neuroblastoma/esthesioneuroblastoma ddx
Olfactory neuroepithelioma
Olfactory groove meningioma
Sinonasal carcinoma
- lack peritumoural cysts
- more posterior, older
Olfactory neuroblastoma/esthesioneuroblastoma stagign
a: nasal cavity
b: nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses
c: extends beyond
- intracranial
- orbit
- mets
Sinonasal adenocarcinomas are
primary tumours of the sinonasal region with glandular differentiation. Classified into salivery and non salivery, NS into intestinal and non intestinal
Sinonasal adenocarcinoma imaging
Ill defined, heterogenously enhancing
Intestinal tends to be ethmoid/nasal cavity
Non intenstinal maxillary
aggressive bone destruction
heterogenous enhancement
intermedialte T1 and T2
possible haemorrhagic foci
heterogenous enahcnement
Paranasal sinus osteoma imaging
- mostly frontal
- tehn ehtmoid, max
- rare in sphenoid
Can be ivory, mature or mixed
Assoc with Gardners
well circumscribed mass of variable density, ranging from v dense to more ground glassy
low intensit all sequences
- FD
- other osteogenic - osteoblastoma, osteosarcoma, cementoossifying fibroma
Encephalocoeles are
a form of neural tube defect where brain and meninges herniate through a cranial defect. can have a stalk in 15% to brainbut no fluid tract distinguishing from nasal encephaloceole
mass, without pulsations or increased size with valsalva or compression of ipsilateral jugular vein
Sinonasal mucosal melanoma is
a rare subtype of melanoma. typically expansile mass centred within the nasal cavity, or less commonely, the paranasal sinuses.
Sinonasal mucosal melanoma imaging
polypoid or mass like
bone remodelling or erosion
strongly enhancing
T1 homogenoeus,can be high
T2 low
C+ moderate enhancement
Sinonasal lymphoma is
involvment of hte nasal cav/paranasial sinuses with lymphoma. most commonly nasal cavity and maxillary sinus. generally t cell
Sinonasal lymohoma imaging
can be discrete or diffusely infiltrating
soft tissue attenuating
can have bone destruction
T1 intermediate
T2 hypointense
C+ typically homogenous
Rhinoscleroma is
a chronic granulomatous infection involving the upper respiratory tract due to Klebsiella.
Rhinoscleroma imaging
Nasal mass with the following features
bilateral or unilateral
hyperdense and non enhancing
can extend through nares and into sinuses
no bone destruction
T1 mild to marked high signal
T2 hyper with hypointense foci of fibrosis
C+ inhomogenous
DWI restriction with low ADC
Granulomatous disease
Lymphoma and sinonasal carcinoma
Head and neck rhabdomyosarcoma general path
large proportion of all rhabdos and most common soft tissue sarcoma in the head and neck
usually embryonal and in children
can be orbital, parameningeal, middle ear or other
Head and neck rhabdomyosarcoma imaging
T1 iso to hyper
T2 hyper
C+ marked enhancement, usually heterogenous due to haemorrhage/necrosis
Can have diffuse restriction
Le fort 1
horizontal maxillary fracture
floating teeth
passes through
- alveolar ridge
- lateral nose
- inferior wall maxillary sinus
- pterygoid plates
Le fort 2
pyramidal fracture, teeth at base and nasofrontal suture at apex
floating maxilla
fracture arch passes through
- posterior alveolar ridge
- lateral wall maxillary sinus
- inferior orbital rim
- nasal bone
- pterygoid plate
Le fort 3
craniofacial disjunction
floating face
transverse line through
- nasofrontal suture
- maxillofrontal suture
- orbital wall
- zygomatic arch/zygomaticofrontal suture
- pterygoid plates
Le fort practical points
Pterygoid plates
Type 1 - anterolateral margin nasal fossa
Type 2 - inferior orbital rim
Type 3 - zygomatic arch
Nasofrontal suture means type 2 or 3
Zygomaticomaxillary complex fractures comprise fractures of the
zygomatic arch
inferior orbital rim, anterior/posterior maxillary sinus walls
lateral orbital rim
- fracture of the arch and/or temporozygomatic suture diastasis
- fracture of the inferior orbitall rim, anterior and posterior maxillary sinus wall and/or zygomaticomaxillary suture
- fracture of the lateral orbital rim and/or diastasis of the frontozygomatic suture