Head Flashcards
As a technologist if you choose to angle the tube 30 degrees caudad for an AP Axial Projection:
OML perpendicular
As a technologist if you choose to angle the tube 37 degrees caudad for and AP axial projection:
IOML perpendicular
A patient has trauma to the anterior surface of the ribs, what should you do as the technologist?
PA projection
Put the surface in contact with IR
If you want to best demonstrate the best detail of the clavicle?
Put them in the PA projection and put the surface in contact with the IR.
Which of the following projections should the longitudinal arch of the foot be performed routinely?
Latero-medial Projection
If a patient has a sinus headache:
Ask them “what side are you hearting on?”
Put that side in contact with the IR.
When you do an AP axial projection, what bone of the bone is in contact with the IR?
Occipital Bone
Occipital Positon
As an operator if you choose to use 30-37 degrees what is best demonstrated?
Project the dosum sallae and the posterior clinoid directly through the foramen magnum
If the patient is lying down on their left ear the MSP is:
parallel to the IR/table
If the patient is lying down on their left ear the IP is:
perpendicular to the IR/table
For a lateral skull the CR enters:
5 cm superior to the EAM
PA axial projection CR directed:
15 degrees caudad to exit the nasion
Ap axial projection CR directed:
30 degrees caudad to OML
37 degrees caudad to IOML
MSP 5-8 cm superior to the superciliary ridge
In the PA axial projection where can you find the petrous ridges?
In the lower third (1/3) of the orbits
PA projection:
Nose and Forehead in contact
OML perpendicular
Petrous ridges completely fill the orbit
In the PA projection where can you find the petrous ridges?
completely fill the orbit
The patient is old and can not lean the head all the way back for an SMV, CR is directed:
unspecified cephalic angle to the tube, IOML
The relationship between the IOML and the IR for SMV?
The relationship between the CR and the IOML baseline:
For an SMV the CR is always __________ to what baseline:
perpendicular to the IOML
The IOML is positioned ___________ for full basal if they are flexible:
parallel to IOML
The patient is not flexible for full basal the CR is ________ to what baseline?
perpendicular to the IOML
For lateral facial bones the CR is directed:
perpendicular to the zygoma (midway between the EAM and outer canthus)
The parietocanthial projection:
MSP and MML is perpendicular to the IR
neck is hyperextend
How many degrees does the OML form with the plane of the IR for paretoacanthial projection?
37 degrees
Where does the CR exit for parietocanthial projection?
the acanthion
Where can you find the petrous ridges for parietocanthial projection?
at the floor of the maxillary sinuses
The PA modified parietocanthial projection:
The OML forms a 55 degree angle with the plane of the IR
The PA modified parietocanthial projection:
Blowout fracture
fracture of the inferior orbital rim
Which of the following procedures will best demonstrate the fracture of the inferior orbital rim (blow out fracture)?
modified parietoacanthial
What anatomy/structures make up a blow out fracture?
floor of the orbit (maxillary sinus roof)
middle floor of the orbit where the bone is the thinnest
The paretoacanthial projection of the nasal bones demonstrates the:
nasal septum
The lateral paretoacanthial projection shows:
nasal bones
How many septums do you have? How many nasal bones?
One septum
Two nasal bones
For the paretoacanthial for the nasal bones:
MSP is parallel
IOL is perpendicular
CR is 2 cm below the nasion
Sinuses are to be done in what position?
Erect or Upright
What is the purpose of performing sinuses in the erect position?
show air-fluid levels
When can you demonstrate all four sinuses at once?
Lateral, horizontal beam paranasal sinuses
The PA Axial (Caldwell) projection what sinuses are best demonstrated:
frontal and anterior ethmoid sinuses
On the parietalacanthial projection what sinuses are best demonstrated?
the maxillary sinuses free of superimposition
When performing the open mouth parietalacanthial what sinuses are directed through the open mouth?
Speniod Sinuses