AP Hip Flashcards
The CR for the Ap hip:
5 cm distal to the line drawn between the ASIS
How many degrees do you rotate the foot for the AP hip?
15-20 degrees toward the midline
puts the hip in a true AP position
You have done the AP hip no obvious fracture is identified, you move onto the frog leg lateral, how many degrees from vertical is the leg abducted?
40-45 degrees from vertical
You have done the AP hip there is an obvious fracture and dislocation identifyed, which of the following will take the place of the the frog leg lateral?
Danielous miller method
The patient is lying on their back the effected leg is up and out of the way and you are shooting through, the relationship between the x-ray tube, neck, and IR are:
The patient is lying on their back the effected leg is up and out of the way and you are shooting through, the relationship between the CR:
perpendicular to both the neck and the IR
A patient presents with bilateral hip fractures, what are you going to do:
Axiolateral inferosuperior
Clements Nakyama
What is the clements nakyama used for?
bilateral hip fracture
What part of the innominate bone is formed by the ilium, ischium, and pubis?
What bears the weight of the body as the person is sitting down?
Ischial Tuberosity
The feet are straight up and not pigeon toed what do you do if the lesser trochanter is seen?
rotate them 15-20 degrees toward the midline
The CR for the Hip?
5 cm superior to the symphysis pubis
If you see a pelvis and the lesser trochanter is obvious how are you going to fix it?
rotate the feet 15-20 degrees toward the midline
Inlet Projection CR:
40 degree cuadal angulation to the MSP and entering the body of the ASIS
The Outlet Projection (Taylor Method):
male 20-35 cephalic angulation supine
female 30-45 degree angulation supine
Kink in the fallopean tube
Endometriousis (egg having trouble getting fertilized)
Ectopic Pregnancy
Demonstrate the Patency (Openess of the Fallopean tube)