HD3 Flashcards
What does the bowel screening FIT kit look for? (1 mark)
Blood in the faeces
The Gardasil vaccine protects against HPV16 and which other HPV member that with HPV16 accounts for 70% of cervical cancer? (1 mark)
HPV 18
During colposcopy one or two liquids can be applied to help identify abnormal cells. Name the two active ingredients of the liquids and what substance is being assessed as being present in normal cells or absent in abnormal cells? (3 marks)
Acetic acid (1 mark)
Iodine (1 mark)
Both are assessing the glycogen content of the cells (1 mark)
The symptoms of benign prostate hyperplasia can be remembered by the mnemonic WISE. What are these symptoms that are being referred to? (2 marks)
Weak flow, Intermittent flow, Straining, Emptying is incomplete (1/2 mark each)
Miriam had been diagnosed with CIN 1/2. How much of the surface layer is affected by dysplastic cells in CIN 2. (1 mark)
2/3rds of the surface layer
There are age related changes along the whole length of the gastrointestinal system. Name two changes to the small intestines that are seen with age. (2 marks)
2 from
Atrophy of the walls
Reduced villi height (reduced surface area for absorption)
Decreased production of digestive enzymes
Which is more carcinogenic: HPV 16 or 18? [1]
Which is more common? [1]
HPV 16: more common and carcinogenic
Describe screening regime of cervical cancer for 24.5-49 yrs [1]
and 50-64 yrs old [1]
i. Ages 24.5 – 49 years
1. Every 3 years
ii. Ages 50 – 64:
1. Every 5 years
State three stages of screening for potentially positive diagnosis of cervical cancer [3]
Test for HPV
a. Causes the abnormal cells -
Cytological test
a. ID if cells are abnormal -
a. Take a biopsy
Describe diagnostic process that occurs during cervical screening programme
Describe basic pathophysiology of cervical cancer [2]
i. Cervical intra-epithelial neoplasia from HPV infection
ii. Commonly revert back to normal due to immune response and rapid turnover of cells
1. 60% of CIN-1 cells regress after a year
iii. CIN-2 / CIN-3 high risk for developing invasive cancer
What is the difference between micro and macro-invasive cervical cancer? [2]
Invasive cancer: breaches the epithelial basement membrane
- Micro-invasive: < 5 mm from surface of the epithelium
Macro-invasive: < 7 mm from surface
a. Formal stage required
Describe how established cervical cancer presents? [3]
- Symptoms of established cervical cancer:
a. Vaginal discharge
i. Intermittent or continuous
b. Bleeding
i. Spontaneous
ii. After sex
iii. After micturition
iv. After defecation
c. Vaginal discomfort
Late symptoms
1. Painless haematuria.
2. Chronic urinary frequency.
3. Painless fresh rectal bleeding.
State treatment methods for cervical cancer? [3]
i. Surgery
ii. Chemotherapy
iii. Radiotherapy
Describe the different types of surgery for cervical cancer [5]
a. Conisation or simple hysterectomy
b. Radical trachelectomy: remove the cervix, nearby tissue and upper part of vagina
c. Laparoscopic hysterectomy and lymphadenectomy
i. Doesn’t preserve fertility
d. Radical hysterectomy
e. Anterior, posterior or total pelvic exenteration: remove reproductive organs & bladder