HD1 Flashcards
Describe the two stages of chlamydia lifecycle [2]
- Enters cell and forms inclusions bodies called elementary bodies
- Elementary bodies reorganise into smaller reticulate bodies
- Reticulate bodies replicate and mature and turn back into elementary bodies
- Cell ruptures and releases elementary bodies
Which cells structure (& where) are most commonly affected infected by C. trachomotis? [2]
iii. Infects columnar epithelial cells
1. E.g. those at squamous-columnar junction at cervix
iv. Primary site of infection is the []?
iv. Primary site of infection is the cervix
Describe the serovars subspecies of chlaymida [3]
Trachoma: A-C:
a. Contagious eye infection -
Urogenital D-K
a. Classic chlamydia infection -
a. Genital ulcer disease
i. Causes lymphogranuloma venereum
Describe Fitz-Hugh Curtis symptoms associated with C. trachomatis infection
Pain in the right hypochondrium and fever
This pain is caused by adhesion of the anterior hepatic surface and the abdominal wall due to spread of infection
Management for C. trachomatis [2]
- Doxycycline everyday for a week
- Azithromycin once a day for three days
What type of bacteria is C. trachomatis ? [1]
- Gram negative obligate (aerobic) bacteria
Problems associated with infection? [2]
i. Infertility
ii. Reactive arthritis
Describe the test used to diagnose C. trachomatis [1]
ii. Positive nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT; checks directly for RNA or DNA of organism)
1. Vulvovaginal swab
2. Endocervical swab
3. First catch urine sample
4. Urethral swab in men
5. Anal swab
6. Pharyngeal swab
Describe the pathophysiology of PID [2]
- Causes epithelial damage can cause opportunistic entry to other pathogens
- Infection is caused by disruption of the protective cervical barrier and direct introduction into the endometrial cavity from vagina or cervix
What is the most common cause of PID? [1]
i. Chlamydia trachomatis
Complications of PID? [5]
i. Infertility (1/10 women)
ii. Ectopic pregnancy
iii. Chronic pelvic pain
iv. Tubo-ovarian absecess
v. Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome
How do you diagnose PID? [3]
i. Elevated white blood cell count
ii. Presence of polymorphonuclear cells on vaginal smear
iii. Genetic probe / culture of vaginal secretions for chlamydia or gonorrhoea
Know this
Management of PID [3]?
i. Parenteral cephalosporin & oral doxycycline & oral metronidazole
Describe the MoA for:
- Parenteral cephalosporin
- oral doxycyclin
- oral metronidazole
* The beta-lactam rings bind to the penicillin-binding protein and inhibit its normal activity. Unable to synthesize a cell wall, the bacteria die
* allosterically binding to the 30S prokaryotic ribosomal unit during protein synthesis
* binds deoxyribonucleic acid and electron-transport proteins of organisms, blocking nucleic acid synthesis