HD 201 E2 Samplex 2015 Flashcards
The most probably explanation for very poor maternal and child health indicator:
A. Paucity of primary health care
B. Deficiency in surgical expertise
C. Lack of high technology equipment
D. All of the above
Equity of health care is in conflict with these concepts
A. Quality
B. Efficiency
C. Accessibility
D. All of the above
Problems associated with increased maternal and child health morbidity are due to
A. High cost of care and services
B. Low accessibility of care and services
C. Low quality of care and services
D. All of the above
True statements about hyperpigmentation during pregnancy
A. Skin darkening develops in 10%
B. Pigmentation is more pronounced in women with white complexion
C.Dermal melanosis may persist up to 10 years in a third of affected women
D. Results from elevated MSH
True about hyperpigmentation EXCEPT
A. More pronounced in the areola, perineum, umbilicus and axilla
B. Begins to be evident usually in the 3rd trimester
C. Affects recent scars
D. Regresses postpartum
True statements about striae gravidarum EXCEPT
A. Family history is the strongest factor
B. These are silvery lines that represent the remains of previous striae in multigravids
C. Majority develop in the abdomen but may also be seen in the breast and thighs
D. Topical application of lotion during the first trimester will prevent this
True statements about nevi during pregnancy EXCEPT
A. A small minority develop enlarged melanocytes and increased melanin deposition
B. It is common for nevi to increase in diameter or become darker
C. No proof of malignant transformation
D. Further examination of nevi [which] enlarge
Mrs Martinez consulted with excessive hair loss. She delivered by CS two months ago. What will you advise her?
A. Will grow back in 2 months
B. There’s no treatment required
C. Further investigation
True statements about hirsutism during pregnancy EXCEPT
A. Mild hirsutism is common
B. Women with predisposed genetically to coarse hair growth are more severely affected
C. Typically persists within several months after delivery
D. Prompt investigation if with other evidence of masculinization
Starting at 12 weeks of age, changes in uterine size are predominantly due to
a. Pressure from products of conception
b. Stimulation of estrogen
c. Initial position of placenta
d. Increasing production of myocytes
Braxton-Hicks contractions are characterized by the following EXCEPT
a. Intensity is 5-25
b. Comes in at regular intervals at the 2nd trimester
c. Causes false labor
d. Generally painless
A 26 year old primigravid underwent CS. She was was diagnosed to have 8 cm theca-lutein cysts. What should be the best management?
A. Total hysterectomy with bilateral salphingo-oophorectomy
B. Bilateral oophorocystectomy
C. Reassure her that it will regress postpartum
D. Give chemotherapy
Solid ovarian tumor which is an exaggeration of the luteinisation of the normal ovary
A. Luteoma
B. Theca-lutein
C. Derruoid
D. Endometrioma
Maternal hypervolemia is most marked at which stage?
A. 1st trimester
B. 2nd trimester
C. 3rd trimester
D. Labor
Mrs. Cruz has Hb 11mg/dl at 32 weeks AOG. What would you advise her?
A. This is due to hypervolemia of pregnancy and she should not be bothered by it
B. She should undergo blood transfusion right away as this could have deleterious effects on her baby
C. Her haemoglobin is within normal limits for a pregnant woman in the third trimester so she should be reassured
D. This is due to iron deficiency so she should increase her FeSO4 intake
Characteristics of hypervolemia except:
A. Results from an increase in both plasma and erythrocyte
B. More erythrocytes than plasma is added
C. Erythrocyte ↑ by 450 mL
D. Bone marrow hyperplasia
Iron requirement during pregnancy
A. 200 mg
B. 300 mg
C. 500 mg
D. 1000 mg
Which of the following have high levels during pregnancy?
A. Interleukin 1-β
B. T-helper 1
C. T-cytotoxic 1
D. Tumor necrosis factor β
Which of the following is depressed during pregnancy?
A. IgA
B. IgB
C. interferon γ
D. T-helper 2
A pregnant woman had lab test as prescribed by her doctor. Her WBC = 16,000/ml. Other findings are normal. What should be done?
A. Consult an infectious disease doctor
B. Consult a haematologist
C. Look for other indication of disease
D. Reassure her
Electrocardiographic changes in pregnancy which is due to altered heart position?
A. left axis deviation
B. notching of Q-wave
C. ST elevation
D. New-onset of Q waves
Which of the following is an abnormal finding in pregnant women?
A. exaggerated splitting of S1
B. loud diastolic murmur
C. loud S3
D. systolic murmur
Peaks of cardiac output during pregnancy, EXCEPT
A. 12 weeks
B. 28 weeks
C. during labor
D. immediately postpartum
Which of the following results in ↑ cardiac output at rest during pregnancy?
A. increased mean arterial pressure
B. decreased stroke volume
C. decreased vascular resistance
D. decreased basal metabolic rate
Which of the following is decreased in pregnancy?
A. heart rate
B. cardiac output
C. osmotic pressure
D. stroke volume
Which of the following changes is true? [during pregnancy]
A. the diaphragm rises up to 2 cm
B. the subcostal angle widens
C. the thoracic circumference increases to 4 cm
D. the thoracic cage expands by 6 cm
The increase in minute ventilation is caused by the following EXCEPT:
A. respiratory alkalosis
B. enhanced respiratory drive
C. stimulatory effects of estrogen
D. something reserve volume
Hydroureter and hydronephrosis is caused by:
A. estrogen effect
B. increased amounts of relaxin
C. compression of ureter by enlarging uterus
D. vena cava compression by gravid uterus
A normal finding during pregnancy is?
A. proteinuria
B. glucosuria
C. hematuria
D. pyuria
Which of the following is excreted in large amounts during pregnancy?
A. protein B. vitamin A C. vitamin C D. vitamin K E. B and D F. A and C
Characteristics of renal hydrodynamics during pregnancy
A. serum creatinine and urea nitrogen values increases
B. renal plasma flow increases
C. protein, amino acid, and glucose excretion decreases
D. serum osmolarity increases 10 mOsm/L
Other recommended tests (at first visit):
A. ultrasound
B. urine culture
C. alphafetoprotein
D. Chlamydia culture
What is the patient’s expected date of delivery (EDD)? [LNMP: December 4, 2010]
A. Sept. 11, 2011
B. Sept. 14, 2011
C. May 11, 2011
D. May 14. 2011
At each prenatal visit, the following fetal parameters are clinically assessed, except:
A. fetal heartrate
B. fetal size
C. fetal breathing
D. fetal movement
Diagnostic at 24-28 weeks
A. oral glucose tolerance
B. rubella
C. syphilis
D. alpha fetoprotein
Multivitamin supplementation is needed in the following conditions except:
A. Smoking
B. Epileptic
C. Twin gestation
D. Vegetarian
Which of the following is correct?
A. Balanced diet supplies all the required minerals for the pregnant woman
B. during midpregnancy required iron for woman is 7 mg/day
C. iron is required preconceptionally until term
D. iron after a full meal
Which of the following is TRUE?
A. pyrosis is a result of acid reflux into upper esophagus
B. gastric emptying is prolonged during pregnancy
C. haemorrhoids are uncommon
D. the appendix is displaced upward and laterally
Which of the following is increased during pregnancy?
A. alkaline phosphatase
B. alanine transaminase
C. albumin
D. bilirubin
Mrs. Gavino complains of gum bleeding while brushing her teeth. This is most likely due to:
A. epulis of pregnancy
B. pyrosis
C. haemorrhoids
D. tooth decay caused by pregnancy
The increased predisposition of cholesterol stones in the gallbladder of multiparous women can be explained by the following EXCEPT:
A. Increased cholecystokinin-mediated smooth muscle contraction
B. Increased contractility of the gallbladder
C. Increased residual volume of gallbladder contents
D. Increased cholesterol saturation
Slow gastric emptying during labor can cause
A. acid reflux
B. constipation
C. hemorrhage
D. flatulence
Hormone for extracellular Ca2+ increase and phosphate decrease
A. cortisol
B. parathyroid hormone
C. prolactin
D. thyroxine
. This affords protection against the natriuretic effects of progesterone and ANP:
A. ↑ deoxycortisterone
B. ↑ serum cortisol
C. ↓serum and urine concentration of DHEA-S
D. ↑ aldosterone
True of electrolyte metabolism
A. 1000 mEq of sodium is excreted
B. total serum calcium is increased
C. magnesium concentration is decreased
D. potassium is unchanged
Peptide hormone primarily secreted by adipose tissue with a key role in the deposition of fat and energy expenditure
A. leptin
B. ghrelin
C. estrogen
D. progesterone
Today is Feb 16, 2011. A patient consults for amenorrhea. Her LNMP is Nov 25, 2010. Pregnancy test is positive. She is now on what week of pregnancy?
A. 9th week
B. 11 6/7 th week
C. 12 4/7 th week
D. 13th week
Next prenatal check-up?
A. 3 days
B. 1 week
C. 2 weeks
D. 1 month
Effects of smoking except
A. fetal macrosomia
B. fetal death
C. abruption of placenta
D. abortions
Definitive sign of pregnancy
A. cessation of menses
B. abdominal enlargement
C. positive pregnancy test
D. sonographic recognition of fetus
The fetal movements can be appreciated by the examiner during
A. 15 weeks
B. 6 weeks
C. 10 weeks
D. 20 weeks
Fetal heartbeat can be heard at
A. stethoscope at 19 weeks
B. Doppler at 5 weeks
C. abdominal ultrasound at 5 weeks
D. transvaginal ultrasound at 4 weeks