HD 1 Flashcards
intro to HD
neurodegen disorder, AD inheritance (kids have 50% chance inheriting it), occur worldwide
HD clin onset
avg age ~37
range from infant - 80s
HD clin features
poor work performance, memory, hard to multi-task, restless fidgeting, awkward clumsy movement, onset of chorea & motor incoord
HD problems
emotional, cognitive, psychiatric probs. depression, suicide more common. muscle wasting, weight loss despite normal calorie intake. 15-20 yrs after onset, death due to complics of falls/aspiration pneumonia
juvenile HD (onset <20 yrs)
frequently lack chorea, instead have decr spontaneous & voluntary movements (rigidity)
genetic anticipation
clin features of hereditary disease develop at earlier age or w incr severity as it goes to next generation. occurs in fragile x syndrome, myotonic dystrophy, spinocerebellar ataxias. to some degree in HD, esp w paternal transmission, lead to juvenile HD
HD gene linked to polymorphic dna marker…
which maps to human xsome 4… localization uses recomb dna tech, ID genetic defect
later, HD gene is found in small segment…
at tip of short arm, flanked by dna marker D4S10 & telomere
interesting transcript IT15 contains
polymorphic trinucleotide repeat that’s expanded, unstable on HD xsomes
HD belongs to large family of
dna repeat expansion ‘dynamic mutations’. (CAG)n polyglutamine subgroup of unstable trinucleotide repeat disorders
HD patient alleles
1 normal, other is expanded allele of 65 repeats
HD gene location
xsome 4p16.3
HD caused by
incr in # repetitions of 3 nucleic acids (CAG = codon for Q) in 1st exon of gene
in normal HD gene, # CAG repeats is
polymorphic, ~range 10-26 repeat
HD penetrance
100%. ppl w 40 or + repeats develop disease if live long enough
repeats bw 36-30 are rare but assoc w
reduced penetrance where some ppl develop HD, others don’t
repeats bw 27-35 in paternal transmission
meiotically unstable. kids of these men can get disease-assoc repeats of 40 or +
meiotic repeat instability in paternal transmission
tendency toward larger expansion, acc for anticipation in HD
maternal transmission see repeat expansions & contraction in
~equal numbers, & thesee are ~small like 1-3 repeats
paternally transmitted repeats prone to large incr in size explains why
juvenile onset cases ~inherited thru M germline
juvenile HD always occurs if
CAG repeats 70 or +
stronger relationship bw repeat size & onset age
if 60+ repeats (young age onset)
HD belongs to family of CAG repeats polyQ diseases including
spinocerebellar ataxia (diff types) & spinobulbar muscular atrophy
how does polyQ expansion in huntingtin protein lead to HD neuropathology
mitochondrial dysfxn, alter ca influx, cytoskeleton abnormalities/ axon transpo defects, proteolytic cleavage, protein accum (quality control, UB-proteasome, chaperones, autophagy), transcrip dysreg
where does HD start/affect
striatum - part of basal ganglia. include caudate & putamen. deep grey matter containing neuron cell bods
WT huntingtin protein involved in
transcrip reg - interact w TFs , reg BDNF prod. vesicle trafficking - axonal transpo. downreg glutamate (NMDA & kainate) receptors thru interaction w PSD postsynaptic density proteins. anti-apoptotic fxns
BOTH loss of normal fxn & gain of toxic fxn of mutated huntingtin contrib to pathogenesis of HD
not only due to haplosufficiency. rare ppl who get HD mutation from both parents (homozygous) have similar ages of clin onset to heterozygous ppl w equiv CAGn expansions (tho clin deterioration for homozygotes more rapid)
genetic defect leading to prod of only 1/2 of normal protein needed for fxn.. HD not only due to this
proteolytic cleavage of mutant huntingtin generates N-term frag containing
polyQ expanision (key step in pathogenesis)
in transgenic mice expressing full length mutant huntingtin, behavioral/neuropathological HD phenotype prevented IF
caspase 6 proteolytic cleavage site in huntingtin is elim
characteristic feature of CAG trinucleotide repeat diseases (including HD)
intra cytoplasmic & intra nuclear b-sheet/amyloid aggreg of polyQ proteins (b-sheet monomers/oligmoers ~toxic… turn into amyloid fibrils)
QBP1 polyQ binding peptide 1
prevent toxic transition from native into b-sheet monomer inhib neurodegen
mutant huntingtin protein & toxic gain of fxn in HD pathogenesis
transcrip dysreg (abnormal interact of mutant w TFs), decr BDNF prod, disrupt axonal transpo, synaptic dysfxn & excitotoxicity, mito dysfxn & gen ROS, impair protein recycling by UPS, apoptic neuron cell death
HD overview
autosomal dominant. chorea - dance like movements, emotional/cognitive changes, death.
HD mutation
unstable trinucleotide CAGn repeat expansion mutation in exon 1 of HD gene on short arm of xsome 4
unstable trinucleotide CAGn repeat expansion leads to
abnormal incr in poly-Q AA sq near N terminus of encoded huntingtin protein
expanded polyQ tract leads to
misfolding of huntingtin, lead to loss of normal + gain of toxic fxn
HD effect in brain
selective degeneration of neuron subsets, esp in striatum (caudate & putamen) & in cerebral cortex