HC research (M5) Flashcards
playing god
common metaphor used to critique genetic modifiers- also call to responsible action
improving the capabilities of normally healthy people
somatic cell genetic modification
manipulation of any non-reproductive cell with changes only impacting that person
germ line genetic modification
manipulation of reproductive cell with changes impacting all progeny
moderately enhanced human- transitional being en route to new species
post human
new species with vastly greater capacities than present humans or transhumans
newly emerging field o bioethics that focuses on neurological advancements
clinical research
evaluates new treatments for safety and efficacy
preclinical research
aims to generate increased understanding of the disease and new strategies for treatment
clinical trial
carefully designed experiment aimed at testing the safety and effectiveness of a treatment or preventative measure in humans
therapy/ medical practice
interventions designed solely to enhance the wellbeing of individual patients
informed consent
competent to act, received disclosure, understands, acts voluntarily, and consents to intervention
institutional review board; committee that requires scientific value of proposed research and evaluates
stem cells
undifferentiated cells found in all animals- potential human embryonic cells appear in blastocyst during first few days of development- pluripotent and self renewing
therapeutic cloning
cloning for purposes of extracting stem cells