HAZMAT Control program Flashcards
Objective of Hazardous Materials Control and Management Program (HMC&M)
Reduce onboard quantities of HAZMAT through inventory control and management.
What is CHRIMP?
Consolidated Hazardous Material Reutilization and
Inventory Management Program
CHRIMP Purpose
HAZMAT to be
centrally controlled onboard the ships and submarines.
Hazardous Material Minimization Centers
(HAZMINCENs) on ships for centralized management of shipboard hazardous
waste material: (Containers)
Shipboard, used, excess, and empty hazmat containers
What is HMIRS?
A repository for Safety Data sheets
Why was HMIRS created for hazmat workers?
Assist Federal Government personnel who handle, store, transport, use, or
dispose of HAZMATs
DOD 6050.5LR
Proprietary or restricted data
Requires user ID and Pass
DOD 6050.5L
Non-Proprietary or restricted data
User ID only
MDR Responsibility for HAZMAT
Assist in training of assigned personnel regarding health information and PPE
Maintain hard copies of SDS
Utilize HM inventory list to help identify exposures to HM emergencies.
What is a Safety Data Sheet?
Technical bulletins containing information about materials
Important sections of the SDS
-Company name, address, emergency phone numbers
Physical/Chemical Characteristics.
-Fire and Explosion Hazard
-Precautions for Safe Handling and Use
How do you figure out health requirements aboard a ship?
Med Matrix
Why do we screen personal for Occ health programs?
To protect workers exposed to hazards
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Label has how many colors/ categories?
Red (fire), Blue (health hazard), Yellow (reactivity), White (Type)
Who trains people on SDS use?
Work center sup
How many action phases are there for a HAZMAT spill? What are the 2 big ones?
Discovery and Notification (Work Center Supervisor, OOD, CDO, DCA).
Follow-up reports (Safety Officer, Medical, HAZMAT Coordinator).