5.1-5.4 Flashcards
Navy Occupational Safety and Health (NAVOSH) Programs
Federal agencies implemented by the OSHACT of 1970.
The Department of Labor created the Occupational Safety and
Health Administration when?
(OSHA) on April 28, 1971.
What does NIOSH do?
Provide technical assistance to OSHA.
What does OSHA do?
Ensure safe and healthful working conditions
by setting and enforcing standards and by providing training, outreach,
education and assistance.
Department of the Navy Policy for Safety,
Mishap Prevention, Occupational Health and Fire Protection Programs.
What does it apply to only?
Navy Occupational Safety and Health Program
Shore commands
Navy Occupational Safety and Health Program
Manual for Forces Afloat
What are the 4 sections of OPNAVINST 5100.19?
1) Section A – SOH Program Administration
2) Section B – Major Hazard Specific Chapters
3) Section C – Surface Ship Safety Standards
4) Section D – Submarines Safety Standards
NAVMED P-5010-3 REV 2, Chapter 3
Prevention of Heat and Cold Stress
COMDTINST M5100.47 Series
Safety and Environmental Health Manual
The science that deals with the recognition, evaluation and control of potential
health hazards in the work environment.
Industrial Health
A multi-disciplinary field of general preventive medicine which is concerned
with prevention and/or treatment of illness induced by factors in the workplace
Occupational Health
What are the major area of OH?
(a) Occupational Medicine
(b) Occupational Health Nursing
(c) Epidemiology
(d) Toxicology
(e) Industrial Hygiene
(f) Health Physic
Designated occupational safety and health official for the DON.
Assistant SECNAV
What does the CNO do in terms of NAVOSH?
Implements and manages
Policy and standards for all CO’s
Establishes planning, programming, staffing and budgeting
Fleet Commanders (TYCOMS)
Conduct an aggressive NAVOSH program.
Program oversight must be conducted every 3 years.
Immediate Superiors in Command (ISICs)
Assist afloat commands discrepancies beyond shipboard capability are identified and
prioritized in the workload availability package
Commander Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEASYSCOM)
Ensure Occupational Safety and Health aspects are considered in design and
engineering of everything
Chief Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (BUMED)
Assists CNO and CMC in OH
Commander Naval Safety Center
Monitors safety and occupational health statistics. Afloat Operational Safety Assessments (AOSA)
Navy Medicine Professional Development Center (NMPDC)
Assures the training plan afloat for NAVOSH is executed properly
Commanding Officer
Designated Safety Officer
Ensures inspections happen annually
Ensures IH surveys are completed
Saftey Officer
Manages NAVOSH program onboard big decks
Small deck = O or SNCO with waiver
Advises on everything OH. Illnesses, programs, inspection, etc.
Department Heads, Divisions Officers and Work Center Supervisors
Ensure Safe and Healthful Working Environment.
Division Safety Petty Officers
Inspect, Report, Advise, Train OH in their spaces
Types of workplace inspections
Safety Inspections
Industrial Hygiene Surveys
Required IH Survey Time periods
(a) Baseline
(b) Between the completion of each yard period.
(c) New construction
When are IH surveys mandatory?
New construction
After being in the yard
When do you renew a ships baseline IH survey?
New or modified equipment
New chemicals or toxins
Deterioration of existing controls
Who and when can random walk throughs be done by? (Job site Obv)
Dep Head
Work center sup
Working hours
Who and when can you do an AOSA?
Command Naval Center Safety
Every 6 years
(Big one)
Board of Inspection and Survey (INSURV) and Command Occupational Safety and Health
Management Evaluations
Evaluates ship’s compliance with NAVOSH
What civilian officials are allowed to conduct surveys on the ship?
A qualified one that is not a state official.
Medical Surveillance Program Purpose
To monitor the health of individuals exposed to hazards
OPNAV 3120/5
Safety Hazard Report
What do DIVO’s use to inspect workplaces?
OPNAV 3120/5 Safety Hazard Report
Hazard Abatement Program Description
Identifies hazards that cant be dealt with immediately and tracks them till they are complete.
Risk Assessment Code I
I - Catastrophic: Hazard may cause death, loss of facility
or grave damage to national interest.
Risk Assessment Code II
Critical: Severe Injury, Illness, property damage
Risk Assessment Code III
Marginal: Minor Injury, Illness, property damage
Risk Assessment Code IV
Negligible: Minimal threat to persons or property
Mishap Probability: A
Likely to happen
Mishap Probability: B
Probably will happen
Mishap Probability: C
May occur
Mishap Probability: D
Occ Safety and Health programs that matter
Heat stress
Hearing Conv
List the two types of Engineering controls
What pathogens are included in the BBP?
Hep B, C and HIV
When should someone be enrolled in the BBP program? Do they need a baseline?
If they are at risk of contracting a particular pathogen via a permeable membrane.
What temp is mothafuckin asbestos good for? How much heat can that bitch take?
500- 1500 degrees Celsius
Friable vs Non Friable
Friable- Crumbles - Found as insulation usually
Non- Friable - Does not crumble - Lines brakes and clutches, floor tiles, gaskets
Shit that makes asbestos get rowdy.
Punching (she likes it)
grinding (really likes this one)
Sanding (Not so much)
Machining (Definitely likes to be bored out)
Diseases resulting from Asbestos exposure
Mesothelioma - incubates for 10-50 years
Ships force protocol
Remove non friable asbestos, all ships have it
Emergency Asbestos Removal Team
Remove Friable Asbestos, all ships before 1980 have it
SFPR - Safety Officer
Training, no asbestos around
SFPR- Eng O/ Repair
Provide equipment and PPE, Medical screenings, asbestos materials properly collected
Notify Safety officer when theres ASB
Asbestos medical surve program
SFPR - All hands
Stay away and report ASB
Who: Identify and provide list of personnel involved in asbestos operations to the medical
department for consideration for entry into the AMSP
Engineering/Repair Department head
How do you verify if a material is asbestos?
Asbestos Medical Surveillance Program Inclusion Criteria
(1) The AMSP is designed to identify signs and symptoms of asbestos related medical
conditions as early as possible through periodic medical evaluations.
(2) The program also provides for identification of medical conditions which may increase
the employee’s risk of impairment from asbestos exposure and for counseling of
workers on medical conditions related to asbestos exposure, for counseling of workers
on medical conditions related to asbestos exposure.
(3) Placement of personnel into the AMSP is based on past history and/or current exposure
or potential exposure to asbestos.
(4) Placement in AMSP is dependent upon industrial hygiene sampling data, and the
determination of the medical department representative
Training required for EART
2 day formal course, Informal Respirator course
Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL)
0.1 fibers per cubic centimeter (f/cc) of air, calculated as an 8-hour time-weighted
average (TWA) exposure.
Excursion Limit (EL)
The EL is 1.0 f/cc averaged over a 30-minute sampling period
How do you mark an HREC for someone on ASB monitoring.
ASBESTOS across the jacket in black
Documentation needed for AMSP
NAVMED 6260/5
MO written opinion
Responsibility of the CO (Audio)
Establish a Hearing Conservation Program
Responsibility of the Safety Officer (Audio)
Liaison to the IH
IH Officer (audio)
Maintain proper calibration of audio equipment