Hazmat Flashcards
What is the maximum duration of a gas tight suit wear?
What information do you have on an appliance to help with your risk assessment of a chemical incident ?
MDT (mobile data terminal)
What does the ECO do on a BA Board when a gas tight suit wearer withdraws
Puts a diagonal line through the tally
4 decontamination techniques?
Emergency decontamination
Dry decontamination
Wet decontamination
Decontamination shelter
Describe emergency decontamination and when it would be used?
For exceptional circumstances such as a breakdown of PPE (e.g. ripped GTS, BA malfunction, injured wearer etc).
May be required at any time during an incident for a contaminated member of the public.
Describe dry decontamination and when to be used?
Used at an incident when “wet” decontamination is not suitable owing to the type of chemical involved.
Use of water is not permitted.
H type vacuum, wipes and paper towels can be used to decontaminate.
Describe wet decontamination and when to be used?
Involves the use of hose reels, scrubbing brush and detergent to decontaminate the wearers.
Pop up or improvised dams can be used to contain the water.
Hose reels to be set at 10 bar.
Cold zone hazmat bags (1 per wearer)
Trauma bag, re-robe packs, bench.
Describe Decontamination shelter and when would it be used?
The shelter will be mobilised on the water carrier to any hazmat major or CBRNE incident, or can be requested to an incident. A shower system is incorporated.
Decontamination procedures
Set up emergency strip area (warm zone)
What’s in there?
Pop up dam/improvised dam
Wipes l, detergent and scrubbing brush
2 hose reels for wet decontamination
What is in the decontamination box?
4H gloves
Pvc gauntlets
Flip flops
Wrist bands
Large clear bags
Soluble red bags
Yellow clinical waste bags
Grey or blue hazbags
Tie wraps
Blank labels
Snatch rescue
What PPE do you wear?
Full fire kit
Fire hood
BA Set
4H gloves and pvc gauntlets
Under what circumstance would a snatch rescue be deemed necessary?
If there is immediate risk to life, then snatch rescue carried out after balancing risk vs. benefit of actions
What action would you take if you find items of value at the incident?
Give to a responsible person, e.g police.
How would you restrict the access and view of the incident to avoid unnecessary distress of people and to aid operational activity?
Cordon off the area, get police to attend, use salvage sheet, park the fire engine to block view.