Hazards Flashcards
Where all the earths water is contained, mainly in liquid form
The rocks and soil that for, the earths crust, its is where earthquakes and volcanoes.
The gases that surround the earths surface, atmosphere extends 600 km above the surface
Where living things exist, hazards include malaria and invasive species
What is a natural phenomenon ?
A physical event such as volcanic eruption that doesn’t effect human beings.
What is a natural disaster?
A hazardous event that causes unacceptably large numbers of fatalities and property damage.
What is a hazardous event?
A natural phenomenon in a populated area.
Natural hazards
Causes by non-anthropogenic forces, anthropogenic forces can escalate these natural events to being a phenomenon, to a hazard or even a disaster.
What are human hazards?
Human activity and the interaction with the environment. Can be referred to as technological hazards.
These hazards occur due to exposure of hazardous substances
What are ecological hazards?
A biological or chemical hazard that has the potential to impact adversely on the wellbeing of people and the environment Include : infectious diseases Animal-transmitted diseases Water born diseases Plant and animal invasions.
Spatial distribution
Refers to how features or objects are arranged on the earths surface.
3 forms of spatial distribution
Uniform - objects and features evenly distributed
Random - no identifiable pattern
Clustered- there is a relationship between the points
Measurement of the strength or intensity of the hazard it is a way of indicating the size of the hazard event
Refers to the number of times a hazard occurs
Does impact upon the level of preparedness of a community and as a result increase their level of mitigation.
The ability to moderate the severity of a hazard or similarly adverse occurrence.
Probability or the likelihood that an event will happen
The exposure or probability of a hazard event causing harmful consequences
Reasons why people are at risk
Unpredictability Lack of alternatives Dynamic hazards (overtime threat of a hazard) Cost versus benefits Fatalism Adaption
Assesses the level of risk to the way a hazard event will affect human life and property
Factors hat affect vulnerability
Educational awareness
Levels of organisation
Technical ability to design/construct preventive measures
Health and age of population
Availability of emergency infrastructure
Human actions ie deforestation
Hazard management
assessing risks that exist prior to a hazard occurring, during the hazard and after these include
Prediasater planning (mitigation, prevention)
During the disaster- response
Post disaster- recovery, relief, rescue and rehab
Sustainability factors
Meeting the needs of current and future generations by maintaining environment, society and economy factors
How to categorise a disaster
Killed ten plus people
Affected atleast 100 (instant)
An appeal for national government or international assistance must occur