Haydn - Development Flashcards
What happens in Process 1?
> imitiative entries in strings
use of S1 is prominent
unusual solo Violin 2 leading to statement of S1
use of syncopation
much faster harmonic rhythm - moving through new keys
playful presentation of S1b
leading to the climax of the full orchestra in C minor
general pause marks end of section
What happens in Process 2?
> imperfect cadence back to Eb major
repeated note idea heard with sudden jolts of chromaticism
lower strings playing triadic movement of intro
diminished harmony explores keys
a new theme emerges in unison - prepares us for the new section
increase in texture with full orchestra
echos of semitone motif dominate but in the new key of C major
a sudden thinning in texture - creating tension leads to S1a in thirds
idea passed around different sections; keys landing on distant Db major
What happens in Process 3?
> use of S2 now prominent
seems to be an exact repeat but a shift in harmony leads to a build up
full orchestra now playing with fast harmonic rhythm
exploring keys until finally finding Eb major again