Hawk Emergencies Flashcards
Emergency Ground Egress (1, 5)
If necessary: Eject
- Throttle - OFF
- Seat Firing Handle Safety Pin - inserted correctly
- Canopy - Open/Operate MDC
- Unstrap completely, ensure PSP disconnected
- Aircraft - Vacate & move clear upwind
Failure to Eject (2)
- Seat pin - ensure removed
2. Seat firing handle - pull again
Emergency Oxygen fails after ejection (1)
- Emergency oxygen handle - pull
Automatic Separation fails after ejection (2)
- Seat firing handle - check pulled fully up
2. Man Sep - operate
Intentional MDC operation, uncommanded operation of the MDC or Canopy damaged (3, 3)
- Airspeed - below 250kts
- Mask - Toggle Down
- Height - Descend below 25,000ft
In addition, if intentional MDC required:
- Warn other occupant
- Visors - down
- MDC firing handle - operate
Abort (5, 1)
- Throttle - Idle/Off if required
- Brake Chute - STREAM if required
- Brakes - apply
- Flaps - DOWN
- Control Column - fully back below 100kts
If aircraft about to leave runway in uncontrolled condition, consider:
- Ejection or Landing Gear Emergency Retraction
Barrier Engagement
And speeds) (3
- Aim for Central Panel
- Throttle - OFF
- Duck head and release brakes before engagement
120kts solo, 80kts dual
Blown Tyre on Take-Off (2, 1)
If decision is made to stop:
- Anti-skid - Off
- Abort
If take-off is continued:
3. Landing Gear and Flaps - do not retract
APU Bay Fire on Ground APU Fire (6)
- Throttle - OFF
- Eng Start - OFF
- Fuel Pump - OFF
- LP Fuel Cock - CLOSED
- BATT 1&2 - OFF
APU Bay Fire in Flight APU FIRE (4, 1)
- Eng Start - OFF
- Height - 5000ft AGL min
- Speed - Min prac
- Monitor tailplane control
If control is lost, or fire is confirmed:
- Eject
Engine Fire on Ground
FIRE (6)
- Throttle - OFF
- Eng Start - OFF
- Fuel Pump - OFF
- LP Fuel Cock - CLOSED
- BATT 1&2 - OFF
Engine Fire in Flight
FIRE (2, 5, 1)
- Throttle - min practical
- Check for evidence of fire (smoke at rear)
If fire confirmed:
- Air brake - IN
- Throttle - OFF
- Eng Start - OFF
- Fuel Pump - OFF
- LP Fuel Cock - CLOSED
If still evidence of fire of FIRE caption remains +45 seconds:
8, Eject
Engine Failures on Ground
- Throttle - OFF
- Eng Start - OFF
- Fuel Pump - OFF
- LP Fuel Cock - CLOSED
- BATT 1&2 - OFF
Hot Start on Ground
T6 rapidly approaches 637 degrees (1)
- Throttle - OFF
LP Fuel Cock Closed LP OFF (2)
- LP Fuel Cock - Ensure Open
2. Land ASAP
Oil Pressure
OIL (3)
- Throttle - Smoothly set 78-87%
- Maintain RPM using slow, smooth throttle movements
- Land ASAP
Engine Seizure (2)
- Airbrake - IN
2. Throttle - OFF
Jet Pipe Bay Overheat
- Throttle - Min practical
2. Land ASAP
T6NL Overlimit and/or MFC and/or EEC
Captions may activate individually or simultaneously (3)
- Throttle - maintain between 70% and 87%
- AOA and sideslip - Minimise
- EMP - monitor engine indications
Engine Surge or Overtemp
Automatic recovery will be indicated by “surge, surge” + SRG caption (2, 1, 1)
- AOA and sideslip - minimise
- RPM/T6, IGN and SRG (EMG) - Monitor
If EEC fails to automatically recover engine from surge (15 seconds)
3. Throttle - Idle
If engine remains locked in surge
4. Carry out Immediate Relight
Immediate Relight
In MFC windmill relights below 250kts may not be successful (3, 3)
What indicates successful relight?
- Airbrake - IN
- Throttle - OFF for 1-2 seconds
- RPM - 10% NH Minimum
- Relight button - Press & hold
- Throttle - Idle
- IGN caption - check on
Oxygen OXY or Hypoxia (3, 1)
- Back-up Oxygen - EMERG
- Oxygen mask - toggle down
- Descend below 10,000ft cabin alt
If symptoms persist, or BUOXY extinguished, or contents <1/8
- Emergency oxygen handle - Pull
Restricted Oxy flow or Oxygen Flow
(1, 1, 1, 1)
- Oxygen mask and hose - check flow, connections, no leaks
If OXY flow indicator still shows no flow, or breathing is restricted:
- Regulator Bypass - ON, descend below 25,000ft
If breathing still restricted:
- Back-up Oxygen - Emerg
If BUOXY extinguished, or contents below 1/8:
- Emergency oxygen handle - Pull
Cockpit smoke (3)
- Oxygen mask - Toggle down
- Altitude - Below 25,000ft
- Cabin Conditioning control - OFF