Having Trouble - Sci and Identification Flashcards
European Beech
Fagaceae, Fagus Sylvatica
- alt, smooth bark, spikey fruit, 7-9 vein ovate leaf with NO large teeth
American Beech
Fagaceae, Fagus Grandifolia
- alt, smooth bark, spikey fruit, 11-14 vein ovate leaf with large teeth (like little bites)
Hamamelidaceae, Liquidambar Styraciflua
- spikey balls on tree
Lauraceae, Sassafras albidum
- alt, white/yellow flower bud that looks slightly burnt, rounded mitten leaves, orange inner bark (spicy smell)
Sweet Cherry
Rosaceae, Prunus avium
- alt, large lenticel bark, fatter leaf than black cherry
Black Cherry
Rosaceae, Prunus Serotina
- alt, short lenticel bark when young -cornflake bark when older, skinnier ovate leaf than sweet cherry
Bigtooth Aspen
Salicaceae, Populus Grandidentata
- alt, bark ridged with diamond-shaped vertical lenticels, heart shaped leaf scar, wide ovate leaf with wide teeth (stinkbug)
Black Willow
Salicaceae, Salix Nigra
- alt, scaley ridged bark, young yellow branches, slighly longated bud, lance-like leaf with fine serrations
Red Maple
Aceraceae, Acer Rubrum
- opposite, long finely scaled bark, young red twig with small lenticels, clustered usually red buds
Sugar Maple
Aceraceae, Acer Saccharum
- opposite, very sharp tightly scaled brown buds, Canadian leaf(three main lobes)
Green Ash
Oleaceae, Fraxinus Pennsylvanica
- opposite, diamond ridged bark, compound leaf (7-9 leaflets)
Dawn Redwood
Cupressaceae, Metasequoia Glyptostroboides
- deciduous pine tree, orange striped brown bark (unique)
Silver Maple
Aceraceae, Acer Saccharium
- opposite, long stripped bark, very clustered round red buds, five lobe deeply sinused leaf with coarse serrations
Norway Maple
Aceraceae, Acer Platanoides
- opposite, very thin long ridge bark, short stout sugar maple like leaf with more lobes (5-7)
Aceraceae, Acer Negundo
- opposite, shallow ridged bark, white and hairy buds, young green twigs, “v” leaf scar, simple ovate leaf
Callery Pear
Rosaceae, Pyrus Calleryana
- alt, bud is very fuzzy and white(unique) like cotton, round brown fruit
Willow Oak
Fagaceae, Quercus Phellos
- alt, clustered sharpish brownish red buds, 1/4-1/2 inch acorn (very small), lance like thin toothless leaf(black willow is serrated)
White Spruce
Pinaceae, Picea Glauca
- green needles attached at woody peg, whitish waxy end on needles, very small 1.5-2.5 inch cones (norway spruce 3-4 inch cones)
Pin Oak
Fagaceae, Quercus Palustris
- alt, clustered buds, DEEP leaf sinus )(
Bur Oak
Fagaceae, Quercus macrocarpa
- alt, vertically ridged bark, clustered bud with thread-like material around, hairy looking acorn cap(burred)
Shingle Oak
Fagaceae, Quercus imbricaria
- alt, broad ridges and shallow furrows, clustered buds, wider ovate leaf than willow (willow is lance like)