Have you heard Georges Podcast Flashcards
Have You Heard George’s Podcast? is a podcast
recorded by award-winning rapper and spoken
word artist, George the Poet, for BBC Radio 5
- Have You Heard George’s Podcast? is not a
conventionally scheduled radio show. It is
recorded in ‘chapters’ (like seasons) and released
on BBC Sounds. The show is hosted by George
the Poet and produced by Benbrick, with
guest contributions. Each episode focuses on a
particular theme relevant to its young, diverse,
educated audience, e.g. ‘Flying the Flag’ (about
celebrity, and US history) and ‘Sabrina’s Boy’
(about exploring trauma through Black art). - The podcast is acclaimed for its engaging mix of
drama, music, poetry and intelligent discussion
of social issues. After winning numerous UK
podcast awards, in 2019 it won the prestigious
Peabody Award, the first podcast outside the
USA to win the award.
Historical contexts:
- The BBC is often accused by its critics of being
too white and middle-class. In 2017, an Ofcom
report stated that there was too little diversity at
the corporation, both on and off-screen. It also
reported that young people and ethnic minorities
felt particularly alienated from BBC content. - In 2021, the BBC launched a Diversity and
Inclusion Plan, overhauling recruitment and commissioning content that “authentically and
accurately represents diversity in the UK”. - Part of this strategy is to have a 50:20:12 target,
i.e. 50% of the workforce to be women, 20%
people of colour and 12% disabled.
Public Service
Broadcasting (PSB)
meets the BBC remit
inform, educate and
inform eduacted and entertain…..
politics history culture, chapter 3 - vibrations history of black music
entertainment, dicussions, music, drama, clips
bob marley
the nutorious BIG
The Sugarhill gang
clips from aladin,
how is the BBC funded
licsnce fees and so does not need target massaudiences to please advertisers, take more risks more niche content for specialised audienced, HYHGP is riskay
why is the podcast risky
radio podcast aimed at younger black eduacted individuals
royal charter - diverisity - ofcom
BBCs royal charter, have to reflect diveristy within programmes
Ofcom did an investigation 2017 too little diveristy on the BBC behind the scenes and on screen.
2021 BBC launched a diversity and inclusion programme - activley trying to add more ethnic minority conent, perhpas this is why the programme is made when it was
BBC radio 5
male, middle aged, wealthy, white
brining in show is an attempt to diversify portfoloi and broaden audiences of radio 5 age and ethnicity
radio sations are dying out, boosting radio figgues are essential for radios survival
unconventional structure
loose theme of structure, mixture of topics, diverse mix of topics
flying the flag celebrity couples and american economy, low brow and high brow entertainment
he has complete creative control quite unsual, but he has control due to his previous sucess in poetry, he is trused to bring in a younger more urban audiences
pre sold audience, engage balck audiences,
his commentary on social and political issues is attractive for audiences who like that kinda stuff
(and composer)
his collabaration with Utada Hikaru was used as the end credits for evangelion 3.0 one of the biggest japense film openings of all time
in 2020 he wone best podcast producer at the audio production awards
pre sold fans
low budget
very appealing for BBC
no studio needed
no set needed
low production costs for BBC
acsess to the BBC facilities
the podcats uses:
the bbc concert orchestra
bbc archive to get extracts from documentarys
the clip about Rastafrai is taken from the BBC documertary, ‘Roots, Regae, and Rebellion’
benbrivk and george were forced to work remotely shraing ideas, and had to come up with innovative ways of working with the bbc orchestra, they had even calculated the fresh air rate to ensure the saftey of each player, Alex Walden wa sthe orchetra manager and covid lead for all sessions
BBC sounds
use of platform reflects the trends of audiendece using convergetnt technology and wanting media on demand
becuase the show is a podcast on demand, they dont have to consider the watershed and can inducde more adult and difficult themes
Episode 20 and 21, have a content warning very string lanfuge and laugnge that may offend
drawing in an older traget audience
avalibility reflects growing difficulties of regulating content in an online age
as a PSB they have rules about whtat the can and cant show, they are careful that thier content is sutibale for all
awards and sucsess
2019 peabody award
5 awards at the british podcast awards 2019
target auddience podcast
ethnically diverse
the pod includes drama art poetry
‘high culture’
how a young audience is enganged
using modern slang, street dialiects, which helps to engange younger audiences
epiode 1 - mandem
london urban street audience
familar and accessible
black people
he fouses on issues that affect people from minorty backrounds
eg chapter 1 a grenfell story
tye fire effect a huge amount of minority people living in london
its on us episode - gang crime, drug misuse
ideintifyable or relatble elements for black audiences
peabody award
niche cultral programmes
the award brings in fans that look for cultrallay renowned programmes
georges chactertistics
london born
ugandan heritage
draw in young black britihs make audiences
wealthy eduacted
audineces enjoy seeing people that challenge balck male sterytypes, engage audineces
jay z
black power, identofyalble for audineces
format and structre
resonably short
25 mins
reflects shorter attention span of auidneces today
also provides flexiblity of when and where the podcast can be acsessed
bbc sounds
social media fororum ‘common ground’
audiences can go online an find out more about the topics discussed, audiences can also get invloved in online topics, they can leave questions where george and his team can tackle in furture episodes, share own content theve created
mum brother, family frinedly vibe
young black guests
jade alleyne british mixed race actor bajan hertiage
henry stone - balc british poet
auideces who feel under reprenstened in the media will feel that they can idenitify
bed time stories
epsiode 10
clips from aladin, rick and morty, space jam, night riider,
targets mainstream audience intertexual refernces, expand audience
night rider and aladin, popular in 80s and 90s older audience, rick and morty age range is very wide