A large geographic area defined by characteristic climate and plant communities and generally found in bands on latitude around the planet.
Aquatic Biomes
Water-based. They include open oceans, river estuaries (the part of a river influenced by the sea) and coastal wetlands.
Terrestrial Biomes
Land-based. The earth’s major terrestrial biomes are usually named after the type of vegetation that dominates the area.
Australia’s major Biomes
Australia has a diverse selection of highly valued aquatic and terrestrial biomes. Australia is one of the earth’s seven continental landmasses. A few of them are: Rainforest, Sclerophyll Forests, Eucalyptus Woodlands, Grasslands, Desert/Semi Desert, Mountains
Early Reasons for enlisting
Peer Pressure
Later Reasons for Enlistment
Men felt a commitment to those who had died.
Impacts of Farming on biomes
As plants are the basis of all food chains, human’s farm on different biomes to sustain themselves
Staple foods
Is a food that is eaten regularly by a community or society as the main part of their diet. E.g rice for Asian countries
Grains as a staple food
Most staple foods are normally grains, such as wheat, barley, maize, rice and rye. Their seeds are harvested to provide grain foods that can be stored for a long time without spoiling.
Biomes and food production - Deserts
The extreme aridity in the desert limits land use. Nomadic Pastorlists such as the Tuarega and the Bedouin of the Sahara survive by moving around to find new pastures for their stock
Biomes and food production - Tundra
The extreme cold and permafrost (a permanently frozen layer in the soil result in a very harsh environment that supports only nomadic reindeer herders such as the Nenets.
Biomes and food production - Tropical Savanna
The dry season restricts the amount of vegetation that can grow, so the land is only suitable for grazing.
Biomes and food production - Tropical Rainforest
The impoverished soils are the biggest limitation for food production in rainforests, as soils rely on decaying materials from the forest above to maintain nutrient levels.
Biomes and food production - Temperate Grasslands
As they lie over some of the richest soils in the world, temperate grasslands have been heavily used for food production.
Factors affecting crop yields-Biophysical