Harvey's Top 10 List Of The Most Important Things A Network Can Do Flashcards
The benefits of this kind of networking have been hyped so much already
Hyped: Publicitado
Groups, be they the old-fashioned, meet for lunch every Wednesday types…
Be they: Ya sean ellos
Trying to find out whether your department is going to get axed in the next downsizing…
Axed: Cortado
Downsizing: Reducción de plantilla.
And who is going to told you before you go out and make an ass of yourself?
make an ass of yourself: Hacer un asno de ti mismo.
Neither did Stephen Chao
Neither did: Tampoco
In 1992, Chao was whiz kid.
Whiz kid: Niño prodigio
Chao decided to loosen up things a bit.
Loosen up: Aflojar, desentumecer.
Know thine enemy through thine network.
Thine (1): (arcaico) tus, tuyo, tuyos
Thine (2): (literatura) Ser sincero con uno mismo.
“Conoce a tu enemigo a través de tu red de contactos”
Who will tip you off if I key employee may be ready to jump ship to the competition?
Tip sb off: alertar a, advertir, notificar.
Who can you count on to help you counteract someone circulating negative gossip about you or your company?
Counteract: Contrarrestar.
Who will tell you when others are making inquiries about you?
Inquiries: Consultas, indagaciones, investigación.
In government circles, this is called “Intelligence gathering”.
Intelligence gathering: Collecting secret information.
There is always a place in the dugout for anyone who can pick off the other team’s signs
Dugout: Refugios subterráneo.
Pick off: escoger de; derribar 1 × 1.
Another tactic some business use is hiring their competitors’ disgruntled employees or schmoozing with their suppliers.
Disgruntled: Descontento, disgustado.
Schmoozing with: codearse con.
It’s always smart to have some type of pipeline, however informal, into the enemy camp.
Pipeline: 1. Fuente de información. 2. Tubería