Harry Truman European Policies 1945 - 1953 Flashcards
Was Truman part of the Yalta Conference?
When was the Yalta Conference?
February 1945
Facts about the Yalta Conference?
Agreement made to split Germany into 4 zones between USSR, USA, Britain and France
USSR agreed to join war with Japan after Germany’s defeat
Was the Yalta Conference a success?
Was Truman involved in the Potsdam Conference?
When was the Potsdam Conference?
July - August 1945
Facts about the Potsdam Conference?
Setting up of the 4 zones was confirmed
Truman failed to alert Stalin about the atomic bomb
Who sent the Long Telegram during Truman?
George Kennan
When was the Long Telegram sent during Truman?
February 1946
What is stated in the Long Telegram during Truman?
Soviet expansionism
Who made the Iron Curtain speech during Truman?
Date of the Iron Curtain Speech during Truman?
March 1946
When was the Truman Doctrine?
March 1947
Facts about the Truman Doctrine?
Truman asked Congress for $400 million in military and economic assistance to contain communism
Was the Truman Doctrine a success?