Hardware 5 MAIN COMPONENTS Flashcards
What does the term, CPU do as it’s function?
Function: The brain, where everything get’s processed (You can remember this by looking at Central Processing bit, our brain is the Central Processing part of our body..)
What is CPU measured in?
Clock speed: Measures the amount of cycles the CPU executes per second
What is clock speed measured in?
Define the term ‘Motherboard’.
Where everything connects in the computer
What does CPU stand for?
Central Processing Unit
What is the Motherboard measured in?
Number of RAM spots, CPU spots
What does PCI-Express stand for?
Peripheral component interconnect express
What does RAM mean? (Not stand for).
Temporary memory banks that store data.
What does RAM stand for?
Random Access Memory
How is RAM measured?
Capacity of GB, goes up in 4,8,12…
What is the usual amount of GB in RAM found in?
What is a SSD used for?
Store data permanently inside integrated (separate) circuit.
What does SSD stand for?
Solid State Drive
What is SSD measured in?
GB and TB
What is a hardrive?
Hard disk drives functions by writing binary data onto magnetic disks (platters) that rotate at high speeds.
What is a hardrive usually measured in?
What is:
i) a PSU, how does it work?
ii) What does it stand for?
i) A power supply unit (PSU) converts mains AC to low-voltage regulated DC power for the internal components of a computer.
ii) Power Supply Unit
How do you measure a PSU?
Multiply the total amps of all components by the total volts of all components.
What is a GPU?
Designed to accelerate graphics rendering
i) What does GPU stand for?
ii) What is it measured in?
i)Graphics Processing Unit
ii)Measured in size (bits), amount of available memory (MB), clock rate (MHz), and bandwidth (GB/s).