Hard Questions Flashcards

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A broker-dealer (BD) registered in multiple states must meet the record retention requirements of

A)the SEC

B)the state with the most stringent requirement

C)the state where the BD is incorporated

D)the state where the principal office of the BD is located



One of the effects of the NSMIA was to establish the preemption of federal law over state law. A broker-dealer registered in multiple states is going to be registered with the SEC as well.

However, had this question been dealing with an investment adviser registered on the state level, then it would have been the requirements of the state where the principal office of the adviser is located.

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ABC Securities is a broker-dealer registered with the SEC and domiciled in State M. ABC Securities would not be defined as a broker-dealer in State N under the Uniform Securities Act if it had no offices in State N and

I.its only clients were insurance companies

II.it had contact with fewer than 6 State N residents in any 12-month period

III.its only solicitation of State N residents was through radio advertisements originating in State M but received in State N

IV.it occasionally engaged in firm commitment underwriting with issuers based in State N

A)I and IV

B)I and II

C)II and III

D)III and IV



A broker-dealer with no office in the state is not defined as a broker-dealer in that state if its only business is with institutions, other broker-dealers, and issuers when engaged in underwriting their securities. There is no de minimis exemption, and any solicitation of individuals into the state, whether in person or by radio, television, or any publication, requires registration in the state.

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Which of the following statements is CORRECT regarding an unsolicited trade in an unregistered nonexempt security?

A)The transaction is exempt if the broker-dealer does not maintain an office in the state from which the order is received.

B)It is only an exempt transaction if it is an order to buy; orders to sell an unregistered, nonexempt security would not be an exempt transaction.

C)The Administrator may, by order, require that the customer acknowledge, upon a specified form, that the sale was unsolicited and that a signed copy of each such form be preserved by the broker-dealer for a specified period.

D)The Administrator may, by rule, require that the customer acknowledge, upon a specified form, that the sale was unsolicited and that a signed copy of each such form be preserved by the broker-dealer for a specified period.



The USA specifically grants the Administrator the authority to make a rule requiring written acknowledgment of unsolicited orders be recorded on a designated form. It is important for you to understand the difference between a rule and an order. Rules apply to everyone; orders apply to a specific broker-dealer. The Administrator could not require one broker-dealer to keep these forms but not another.

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MT Securities is a broker-dealer registered in 42 states. MT Securities makes a market in over 100 different stocks and participates in the underwriting of approximately 22 IPOs per year. Which of the following actions would be prohibited under NASAA’s Statement of Policy on Dishonest and Unethical Business Practices of Broker-Dealers and Agents?

A)Purchasing shares of a security in which it makes a market from a client at one price and then reselling those shares to another client at a higher price

B)Purchasing shares of an IPO from the issuer and then reselling those shares to the public at a higher price

C)Adding to its inventory of a stock in which it makes a market, hoping to gain from market appreciation

D)Acquiring shares of an IPO as part of the underwriting syndicate and holding a small portion for the firm’s investment account, hoping to gain from market appreciation



Members of the underwriting syndicate on an IPO are prohibited from withholding shares of that issue in their own accounts; they must make a bona fide public offering. As a market maker, the firm is permitted to adjust the size of its inventory to take advantage of market conditions. All underwriters purchase new issue shares at one price and then resell at the public offering price, (that is their underwriting compensation), and market makers buy at the bid and sell at the ask earning the spread.

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The Uniform Securities Act considers which of the following to be investment advisers subject to registration in the state?

I.An adviser with no place of business in the state who advises wealthy customers in the state on a fee basis only

II.An adviser with a place of business in the state whose total fee income in the state amounts to $150

III.An adviser with no place of business in a state who only provides advice on fixed annuities

IV.An adviser with a place of business in the state who only provides advice to open-end investment management companies registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940

A)I, II, and IV

B)I and II

C)I only

D)I, II, and III



Unless the adviser is federal covered, any adviser with a place of business in the state, no matter to whom the advice is sold, is required to register with the state. An adviser with no place of business in the state is only exempt if the advice is given to certain institutional-type clients, such as insurance companies and banks, not individuals, wealthy or not. Since fixed annuities are not securities, advising on them does not require registration. Remember, if any of your clients are registered investment companies, you must be a federal covered adviser making registration with state non-applicable.

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Which of the following firm’s earnings are likely to exhibit the greatest degree of sensitivity to the business cycle?

A)Food and beverage producer

B)Furniture producer

C)Entertainment producer

D)Telecommunications provider



Consumers buy fewer durable goods, such as furniture, during recessions and buy more during expansions. As a result, producers of these goods tend to have cyclical demand, revenues, and earnings. People do not decide to go to a movie (or rent one) based on the economy. Food and beverages is the stereotypical defensive industry and people use their phones regardless of the economic cycle.

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Under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, which of the following would NOT meet the criteria of persons associated with an investment adviser?

A)An individual whose only connection to the firm is a position on the board of directors

B)A manager in an investment advisory firm who supervises 5 investment adviser representatives

C)The individuals responsible for bringing new clients to an advisory firm

D)An individual whose only function is posting trades to client accounts



Persons associated with an investment adviser include members of the board of directors, officers, partners, or managers of an investment advisory firm. Sales representatives and other employees whose duties are not limited to clerical or ministerial functions are included as well. In most, but not all, cases, associated persons are required to register as investment adviser representatives.

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A sales agent who is only registered in State A works for a broker-dealer that is registered in all 50 states. A customer who is a resident of State B calls the agent in State A and offers to purchase securities. Under the Uniform Securities Act, the agent should

A)accept the order because she received it in State A

B)accept the order because her broker-dealer is registered in all 50 states

C)accept the order because it is unsolicited

D)reject the order because she is not registered in State B



Both the broker-dealer and the agent must be registered in each state where they plan to do business. Although the broker-dealer is properly registered, in order for the agent to accept the order, she must be registered in State B. Even though the order is unsolicited, making this an exempt transaction, agents must still be licensed in the state where the client is a resident.

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Centripetal Investment Advisers (CIA) has its principal office in State X and is also registered in States Y and Z. CIA would be considered to be maintaining custody of client assets in all of the following cases EXCEPT

A)CIA’s advisory contract calls for the automatic deduction of advisory fees

B)checks made out to 3rd parties are forwarded within 3 business days

C)checks made out to CIA are deposited within 3 business days

D)CIA has a power of attorney granting authority to withdraw funds from the custodian



When a check made payable to a 3rd party is received by the investment adviser, it will not be deemed to be custody under the Uniform Securities Act if the check is forwarded within 3 business days. When a check is made payable to the investment adviser, it must be returned to the sender within 3 business days or else it will be considered maintaining custody. Authority to withdraw funds or securities from the custodian or automatic deduction for fee payments are forms of custody.

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The NASAA Model Rule dealing with business continuity plans is NOT concerned with

A)assignment of duties to qualified individuals in the event of the death or unavailability of key personnel

B)office relocation in the event of temporary or permanent loss of a principal place of business

C)ensuring that the investment adviser continues to generate profits during a business interruption

D)the protection, backup, and recovery of the investment adviser’s books and records



Although it would be nice if the IA could continue to be profitable, that was not NASAA’s concern when drafting this Model Rule. All of the other choices are important concerns.

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If the yield curve becomes inverted, a likely cause would be that the Fed has

A)tightened long-term credit

B)loosened short-term credit

C)tightened short-term credit

D)loosened long-term credit



The Fed’s influence on rates is primarily on the short end of the yield curve. Both the discount rate, which it sets, and the federal funds rate, which it influences, are short-term rates. The Fed tightens short-term credit when the economy appears to be overheating. To slow things down, the Fed raises short-term rates to extremely high levels.

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Which of the following corporate actions would have an effect on the company’s working capital?

A)Declaring a 15% stock dividend

B)Borrowing money from the bank on a 90-date note

C)Paying a utility bill

D)Calling in a portion of a 20-year bond at par



Working capital is the difference between the corporation’s current assets and its current liabilities. When a bond (long-term liability) is called in, current assets are reduced, but there is no offsetting reduction to current liabilities. This causes working capital to decrease. Taking out a short-term loan increases the current liabilities, but the borrowed money is a current asset of an equal amount. Paying a utility bill reduces current assets with an equal reduction to current liabilities. Declaration of a stock dividend has no effect on current assets or liabilities because the payment will be of additional shares, not cash.

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When registering a security under the Uniform Securities Act, the registrant must indicate all of the following EXCEPT

A)adverse rulings by a court, regulatory authority, or the SEC with respect to the offering

B)the amount of securities to be offered in the state

C)the effective date of the offering

D)all other states in which the security is to be registered



The effective date is determined by the state Administrator or the SEC, not the person registering the security. Registrants must indicate all other states in which the security is to be registered. The amount of securities to be offered in the state, for which a specific registration is sought, must be disclosed in addition to any adverse rulings related to the offering.

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An investor would be unlikely to use internal rate of return to analyze the potential return for which of the following investments?

A)Municipal bonds

B)Direct participation programs (DPPs)

C)Treasury notes

D)Common stock



The internal rate of return (IRR) is the discount rate that makes the future value of an investment equal to its present value. Because this computation involves the time value of money, in order to reasonably compute present value, there must be either a maturity date or some other kind of ending date, such as that which is usually projected in a DPP. Common stock has nothing comparable to that.

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Seven years ago, Sarah Smith was convicted of possession of a controlled substance in a state where that violation is considered a felony. Sarah has just filed an application for registration as an agent with Kapco Securities, a registered broker-dealer in a state where that violation is only considered a misdemeanor. When viewing this agent’s application, the Administrator will

A)treat the crime as a financial misdemeanor

B)treat the crime as any felony

C)censure the broker-dealer for even thinking of employing this individual

D)treat the crime as a nonfinancial misdemeanor



Even though the crime is a misdemeanor in the state where registration is being sought, the applicant’s record shows a felony conviction and, therefore, this individual would be subject to statutory disqualification.

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The XYZ Corporation’s income statement contains the following information:

Total revenue$200,000

Cost of goods sold60,000

Administrative expenses30,000


Miscellaneous expenses3,000

Taxes paid5,000

Based on this information, XYZ’s gross profit is







Gross profit is sales (or revenues) minus the cost of goods sold (COGS). When the depreciation expense relates to the equipment used directly in the production of the sales, it is included in COGS. In this question, there is no choice of $130,000 (which would include depreciation in COGS). Clearly, by not including that choice, NASAA is taking the position that depreciation is excluded from COGS.

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XYZ Securities, Inc., a FINRA member broker-dealer, is registered in all 50 states. XYZ has its principal office in State C and a branch office in State A. If the State U Administrator wished to examine certain financial records of XYZ’s, the Administrator would be able to do all of the following EXCEPT

A)examine those records located in State U

B)ask the State C Administrator to perform the examination

C)do so during normal business hours without prior notice

D)ask FINRA to perform the examination



This broker-dealer does not have a place of business in State U so there are no records located there. How can an Administrator examine records that don’t exist. All records are kept in the principal office and those pertaining to branch operations are kept in the branch office. If a broker-dealer is registered in her state, the Administrator can examine that firm’s books and records during normal business hours without prior notice. To minimize expenses, Administrators usually ask the Administrator of the state in which the broker-dealer has its principal office to ask on their behalf. Alternatively, the Administrator may call on a self-regulatory organization (SRO) like FINRA to examine one of its member firms on behalf of the Administrator.

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Which of the following qualifies under the Section 28(e) safe harbor provisions for soft-dollar compensation?

A)Reimbursement for travel expenses incurred to attend a seminar on the latest compliance trends for registered investment advisers

B)Rent-free use of unused space in the broker-dealer’s office

C)Clearance and settlement services provided by the broker-dealer

D)Providing access to the broker-dealer’s computerized accounting system, allowing the investment adviser to prepare its financial statements



Section 28(e) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 provides a safe harbor for research and brokerage services provided in exchange for directed transactions. Clearance and settlement of trades is a qualifying brokerage service.


Federal covered securities, as defined under the Uniform Securities Act,

A)would not include securities senior to a common stock listed on the NYSE

B)must be registered with the SEC before they can be offered in the state

C)must be registered in the state before they can be offered within the state

D)include shares of an investment company registered with the SEC under the Investment Company Act of 1940



It is true that many federal covered securities are registered with the SEC. However, the term also includes those exempt from registration, such as government and municipal bonds. Although these investment company securities are exempt from registration in any state, the state may still require a notice filing, including a consent to service of process and payment of fees, for these offerings to be sold in the state. If the common stock is a covered security, as one listed on the NYSE would be, then any security with a senior claim, such as preferred stock or bonds, would also be considered federal covered.


The NASAA Statement of Policy on Dishonest or Unethical Business Practices of Broker-Dealers and Agents includes prohibitions against certain practices designed to manipulate market prices of securities. An activity that would fall within the spectrum of the prohibitions would be

A)front running

B)churning customer accounts

C)wash trades

D)guaranteeing customers against loss



Performing wash trades involves the simultaneous or near-simultaneous selling and repurchase of the same security for the purpose of generating the appearance of trading activity and increasing the price. This is one of the most common forms of market manipulation. Churning, front running, and guaranteeing customers against loss, although prohibited practices, are not considered market manipulation.


An agent employed at First XYZ Securities produces his own research reports and provides them to a select group of personal clients. The agent has written permission from his employer to engage in this activity, provided the time spent on the project is conducted after working hours. Under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, if the agent does not charge fees for the research but receives commissions from his employing broker-dealer for trades executed through the firm,

A)neither the agent nor his employing broker-dealer need register as an investment adviser

B)the broker-dealer must register as an investment adviser and the agent as an investment adviser representative

C)the agent must register as an investment adviser representative

D)the agent must register as an investment adviser because the research is being done after hours



The exclusion from the definition of investment adviser is lost only when an agent (or broker-dealer) receives special compensation for rendering investment advice. In this case, the agent is only receiving commissions when the clients make a trade. If there are no trades, there is no compensation for the advice. It is only when the compensation is not transaction-based that it becomes special.


When shares of a closed-end investment company are purchased by an investor, the price paid is based upon:

A)the net asset value

B)the current bid price

C)the current asking price

D)the net asset value plus commission



Closed-end investment company shares are priced based on supply and demand. The ask is the price that investors will pay for purchasing shares, and the bid is what investors receive when selling. Investors will also pay a commission because this is what the broker charges for executing the transaction. Shares of open-end investment companies are bought and redeemed based on NAV, but that is not so of closed-end companies.


A customer invests $18,000 in a mutual fund and signs a letter of intent for $25,000 to qualify for a breakpoint. One year later, the shares are valued at $25,100, even though the customer has made no new investments. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A)The agent should remind the customer of the letter of intent that was signed 12 months ago.

B)Shares held in escrow will be liquidated at the appreciated value.

C)The investment no longer qualifies for a breakpoint.

D)The letter of intent is considered fulfilled.



The letter of intent is not satisfied by the price appreciation of the shares. A letter of intent must be met with dollars invested within 13 months, so the customer needs to invest an additional $7,000 to fulfill the letter of intent. The agent should remind the customer of the intention to qualify for the reduced sales charge. The provisions of the LOI hold regardless of the price appreciation. Shares will not be liquidated until 13 months have lapsed.


A TIPS bond with a par value of $1,000 has a coupon rate of 6%. During year 1, the inflation rate is 8%. How does this affect the TIPS in year 2?

A)The market price increases to approximately $1,080.

B)The coupon increases to 8%.

C)There is no effect until the 3rd year.

D)The interest payment will be approximately $65.



On a semiannual basis, the principal value of a TIPS is increased by that year’s inflation rate. A TIPS bond adjusts principal every 6 months based on the inflation rate. With an annual rate of 8%, the first semiannual adjustment is half of that, or 4%. That increased the principal value to $1,040. The next 6 months adds 4% to the $1,040 bringing the end-of-year value to $1,081.60. The 6% coupon rate will be applied to the new principal giving us approximately $65 in interest paid during the 2nd year. Technically, we would also have to know the inflation rate for the first 6 months of year 2 because that will impact the amount of interest paid on the 2nd semiannual payment date. If that information is not given, just go with it as we have it here. As noted in the solution, the principal value has increased to a bit over $1,081, but the market price is determined by supply and demand and could be higher or lower.


Regarding open-end investment companies, which of the following sales charges is based on the NAV per share?

A)12b-1 fee

B)Sales load


D)Redemption fee



If the fund has a redemption charge (CDSC), it is based on the NAV per share, not the public offering price (POP). That is, if the client liquidated shares when the NAV was $10 per share and the POP was $10.50, the CDSC would be charged based on the $10 rather than the $10.50. Commission is not a term used with mutual funds. The 12b-1 fee is a charge against overall assets of the fund; it is not considered to be a charge related to the buying or selling of fund shares.


All of the following would flow through as a loss to limited partners except

A)principal repayment on partnership debt.

B)accelerated depreciation.


D)interest payments on partnership debt.



Principal repayments are not an expense for tax purposes. The interest on the debt is an expense and, along with depletion and depreciation expense, does flow through to the limited partners as passive loss.


Bright-Lite Incandescent Bulb, Inc., has recently suffered significant operating losses and is planning a bankruptcy filing. Which of the following debt issues have the most junior claim?

A)Common stock


C)Senior notes

D)Mortgage bonds



Although the most junior claim of all is that of the common stockholder (equity), this question is about the priority of debt issues. In that case, the most junior (last in line) of the creditors are the holders of the company’s debentures.


It would be incorrect to state that a lump-sum distribution from a 401(k) before retirement may be

A)tax free if the recipient is disabled

B)eligible to be transferred to a Roth IRA

C)subject to ordinary income tax and penalty

D)eligible to be rolled over into a traditional IRA



A distribution to someone who is disabled is free of the 10% penalty tax but is still subject to taxation as ordinary income. Distributions from a qualified retirement plan (e.g., a 401(k) plan) prior to retirement are subject to tax and possible penalty unless the funds are rolled over or transferred into a traditional IRA. If, instead, the move is made into a Roth IRA, there is no penalty, but tax would be due just the same as if one converted from a traditional to a Roth IRA.


A hedge fund with a 2-plus-20% fee structure has equal probabilities of a 10% loss or a 30% gain in its first year. The probable return to an investor in the fund for the first year is closest to







To our knowledge, the exam has never asked a question this complicated. But, things can always change so we wanted you to get the “flavor” of combining probable return (which is tested) with hedge fund performance fees. With a 30% gain, the fund would earn fees of 2% + 0.20(30% – 2%) = 2% + 0.20 (28%) = 2% + 5.6% = 7.6%. With a 10% loss, the fund would only earn its management fee of 2%. To the investor, the expected return is 0.5(–10% – 2%) = 0.5 (–12%) = –6% + 0.5(30% – 7.6%) = –6% + 0.5 (22.4%) = –6% + 11.2% = 5.2%


An investor inherits 1,000 shares of the ABC Global Growth Fund when the NAV is $9.50, the bid price is $9.00, and the ask price is $9.15. Two years later, the investor sells all shares when the NAV is $14.25, the bid is $14.50, and the ask is $14.60. What are the tax consequences of this sale?

A) Long-term capital gain of $5,450

B)Long-term capital gain of $5,500

C)Long-term capital gain of $4,750

D)Long-term capital gain of $5,350



Upon death, the beneficiary inherits closed-end funds at their bid price (what the estate could have sold them for), or $9.00 per share. The sale two years later takes place at the bid ($14.50) for a profit of $5.50 per share (times 1,000 shares). Remember, in the case of a closed-end fund, the NAV does not figure into any computations; prices are based on supply and demand and have a bid and ask price, the same as any stock. How did you know this was a closed-end company? Only in the case of a closed-end company can the ask price be lower than the NAV (ask = $9.15, NAV = $9.50).


An investor inherits 1,000 shares of the ABC Global Growth Fund when NAV is $9.50 and POP is $10.00 and elects to receive all distributions in cash. Two years later, sells all when NAV is $14.25 and POP is $15.00. What are the tax consequences of this sale?

A)Long-term capital gain of $4,750

B)Long-term capital gain of $5,500

C)Long-term capital gain of $4,250

D)Long-term capital gain of $5,000



Upon death, the beneficiary inherits mutual funds at their NAV ($9.50). Sale (redemption) takes place at the NAV ($14.25) for a profit of $4.75 per share (times 1,000 shares).


The procedure for entering an order to purchase a security for the account of a customer is to complete an order ticket. Which of the following would be found on an order ticket?

A)Customer name, execution price, time of order entry, and time of execution or cancellation

B)Account number, customer address, time of order entry, and terms and conditions of the order

C)Account number, execution price, time of order entry, time of execution or cancellation, and terms and conditions of the order

D)Customer name, customer address, execution price, and time of execution or cancellation



This is one of those questions where the best way to find the answer is by determining what is NOT correct. Customer name and/or address would never be on an order ticket and that knocks out three of the choices. The account number (not name), the execution price (once the order is completed), the time of entry and execution (or cancellation if it is a day order that is not executed), and the terms and conditions (limit, market, stop, etc.) are all on the order ticket.


A client of your broker-dealer, currently long 1,000 shares of DEF Corporation common stock, wishes to liquidate the position. Based on the following market maker quotes, it would be expected that the firm’s trader would direct a market order to

A)MMB: 9.65 – 9.75, 10 x 10.

B)MMC: 9.75 – 9.85, 20 x 20.

C)MMD: 9.75 - 9.90, 5 x 10.

D)MMA: 9.65 – 9.85, 5 x 5.



A market order to sell 1,000 shares should be directed to the market maker with the highest bid price that is firm for at least 1,000 shares. The highest bid price is $9.75 by both MMC and MMD, but MMD’s quote is only firm for 500 shares.


The investment adviser under contract to a regulated, diversified, open-end investment company does NOT

A)make sure the fund invests in such a manner as to retain its diversified status

B)attempt to fulfill the fund’s investment objective by means of careful investing

C)change investment objectives that he believes are in the best interest of the investors

D)investigate the tax status of potential investments



The investment adviser is responsible for making investments according to the objective stipulated by the investment company. These decisions should maintain and reflect the diversified status of the fund and should identify the tax status of potential investments. The fund’s objective may be changed only by majority vote of the outstanding shares (i.e., by the owners of the company, not the portfolio manager).


Dan is the owner of a mutual fund that returned him a before-tax return of 15% last year. Inflation is running at an annual rate of 3%, and Dan is in a 27% marginal income tax bracket. What has been Dan’s approximate inflation-adjusted after-tax return on the fund over the course of the last year (rounded to the nearest 2 decimal points)?







First, compute Dan’s after-tax rate of return of 10.95% as follows: .15 × (1 − .27), or .73 = .1095. Then, compute Dan’s inflation-adjusted, or real, rate of return by subtracting the 3% inflation rate from his 10.95% after-tax return.


All of the following are characteristics typical of a money market fund EXCEPT

A)its net asset value normally remains unchanged

B)it has a high beta and is safest in periods of low market volatility

C)the underlying portfolio consists of short-term debt instruments

D)it is offered as a no-load investment



A money market fund has almost no price volatility, because the underlying portfolio consists of low-beta instruments, and the fund is deliberately managed for low beta


Which of these features are common to both variable annuities and scheduled premium variable life insurance?

I)Income earned in the separate account is tax deferred.

II)Separate account performance below the AIR causes a reduction in cash value.

III)Fixed contributions are required.

IV)Contract owners have voting rights.

A)III and IV

B)I and II

C)I and IV

D)II and III



All variable products offer tax deferral of earnings in the separate account. Unit holders of a variable annuity vote on the basis of the number of units they own; holders of variable life insurance receive 1 vote for each $100 of cash value. With variable life insurance, AIR applies only to the death benefit, not to cash value.


Terry Bolton opens a UTMA for each of his sons, Josh, age 12, and Drake, age 14. Under current tax regulations (2020 and beyond), after deductions and exemptions, how will the income in the UTMAs be taxed?

1 Josh’s income is taxed at his tax rate.

2 Drake’s income is taxed at his tax rate.

3 Josh’s income in excess of $2,200 is taxed at Terry’s marginal tax rate.

4 Drake’s income in excess of $2,200 is taxed at Terry’s marginal tax rate.

A)III and IV

B)II and III

C)I and IV

D)I and II



Because the income on the UTMAs is not considered to be earned income, the kiddie tax rules apply. Currently (2020 and beyond, but indexed), children younger than 19 having such income in excess of $2,200 are subject to tax at the parent’s marginal tax rate. That means if the parent is in the 32% income tax bracket, the children’s excess income will be taxed at 32%.


Current market interest rates are 6%. A bond with an 8% coupon would be most likely to have a net present value of zero when the bond’s internal rate of return is







The internal rate of return of a bond is the interest rate that makes the NPV of the investment equal to zero. When a bond is selling at its present value, the NPV is zero. A bond’s present value should be equal to a market price giving a yield to maturity equal to the current market interest rates. Therefore, when current market interest rates are 6%, a bond with an 8% coupon should be selling at a price producing a YTM, or IRR of approximately 6%.


Which items would change if a company declared a cash dividend?

1 Working capital

2 Total assets

3 Total liabilities

4 Shareholders’ equity

A)I, II, III, and IV

B)I and IV

C)I only

D)I, III, and IV



The key word is “declared.” Liabilities increase when a dividend is declared, and total assets decrease when it is paid. A declared dividend (but not yet paid) would increase current liabilities (and would therefore decrease working capital). It would increase total liabilities (this is a pending obligation) and reduce shareholders’ equity because retained earnings would be decreased by the dividend. Total assets would not be affected until the dividend is actually paid.


Strategic Investment Managers Company (SIMCO) is an investment adviser registered with the SEC. They have over 1,000 clients, about 53% of whom have granted SIMCO discretionary authority. From time to time, SIMCO feels the same security is appropriate for a number of their accounts and turns in a bunched order. When the order is filled at different prices, the shares are allocated

A)to the $1,000,000+ accounts first

B)to all accounts proportionately, regardless of the size of the individual account

C)on a FIFO basis

D)through a formula developed by SIMCO and used on a consistent basis



The nature of handling discretionary advisory accounts is that from time to time, it is appropriate to trade the same security at the same time in a number of these accounts. When that occurs, it is likely that there will be several trades and they won’t all be at the same price. The only fair allocation method is to take the average price and use that for all clients showing preference to none of them over any other.


Leslie is an IAR with Financial Visions (FV), a federal covered investment adviser. Leslie operates Innovative Financial Solutions (IFS), a separate financial planning company with its own office in State W. Should Leslie be found guilty of fraudulent business activities, FV would

A)possibly have its State W registration suspended.

B)be subject to possible disciplinary action brought by the State W Administrator if it could be shown that FV failed to supervise Leslie’s activities.

C)claim that IFS is a separate entity over which FV has no responsibility.

D)be immune from State W’s Administrator’s jurisdiction because it is a federal covered adviser.



Under the doctrine of respondeat superior, an investment adviser is responsible for the actions of any of its registered IARs, even those who operate an independent financial planning firm (independent contractors). Although, as a federal covered adviser, FV doesn’t have a registration that can be suspended, state administrators do have jurisdiction over covered advisers when fraud is involved.


A significant difference between opening an account for a trust and an account for an estate is


the standard of prudent investing applies to trusts, but not to executors


banks can be named as trustees for a trust, but not as an executor


only the estate has beneficiaries


the trust account will generally be active for a much longer period of time


I think D