Hard and Soft engineering Flashcards
Hard engineering involves…
man-made structures that aim to abate natural processes.
Soft engineering involves…
alleviation, so management of the drainage basin, working with natural processes.
Examples of Hard engineering:
-dams, leavees, wing dykes and straightened channels, diversion spillways (flood relief channels).
Hard engineering may cause unexpected…
effects elsewhere in the drainage e.g. increased deposition, loss of habitats.
Levees can be used to…
divert and restrict water flow to value land.
Reservoirs store excess…
rainwater in the upper drainage basin, however, only appropriate in small drainage basins.
Flood-proofing includes any…
adjustments to buildings and their contents that help reduce losses.
Short term flood-proofing:
- blocking up entrance
- sealing doors and windows
- use of sandbags
Long term flood-proofing:
-moving the living spaces above the level of the floodplain e.g. building on stilts.
Land-use zoning and land-use…
planning has been introduced since World War Two.
In the USA, land-use management has been…
effective in protecting new housing developments from 1 in 100-year floods.
Event modification includes…
environmental control and hazard-resitant desing.
Flood abatement involves…
decreasing the amount of runoff, reducing the flood peak in the drainage basin.
Flood abatement:
- afforestation
- reseeding sparsely vegetated areas
- treatment of slopes such as ploughing
- protection from overgrazing, and clear-cutting forests
- clearance of sediment(dredging)
- preservation of natural water-stores
Flood diversion refers to…
the practice of allowing certain areas such as wetlands and floodplains to be flooded to a greater extent.