Climate Change Flashcards
The Rio Summit(UN) was in…
1992 and it was focused on the environment. The IPCC was set up.
IPCC stands for…
International panel for climate change.
The “Hockey Stick” concept was introduced by…
Michael Mann and it shows a positive correlation between CO2 levels and temperature.
Kyoto protocol was in…
- Summit where CC took priority. 192 signatures agreed to cut CO2 emissions.
Two countries refused to sign the Kyoto protocol:
China and India (most populated countries)
OPEC asked for…
(Oil and Petroleum export countries) for subsidies.
LICs put development over…
Kyoto protocol did not have…
clear targets so hard to achieve.
A documentary made by…
Al Gore=An Inconvenient Truth (2006)
Since the 2000s a large amount of…
data and material were released, designed to raise the awareness and send message.
The IPCC made reports in…
2007, 2014 and 2018
Climate models were…
Carbon Tax was…
introduced and money from it used to fund climate research.
Paris Climate change summit in…
2016 was the first summit focused only on CC. All countries agreed to cut emissions.
In 2017 the USA…
pulled out of the agreement.
CO2 levels have risen from…
315ppm to over 400ppm and expected to reach 600ppm in 2050.
CFCs are…
chlorofluorocarbons, which are synthetic chemicals that destroy the ozone layer and absorbs LW. 10 000 more efficient in trapping heat than CO2.
Study of ice cores suggests that…
the CO2 concentration past 10 000 years was about 270ppm.
Natural causes of global warming:
- amount of dust in the atmosphere
- changes in the ocean currents as a result of continental drifts(movement of continents)
- rossby waves
- previous ice ages
- tectonic processes
Due to rising sea levels, it is expected that…
10 million people must be displaced in the Netherlands.
Changed agricultural patterns for example…
decreased productivity in USA’s grain belt
Reduced rainfall over…
The USA and Southern Europe
Estimated that if the temperature rises by 2 degrees…
- 4 billion people will suffer from water shortages
- 60 million more people exposed to malaria
- extinction up to 40% of species worldwide
Stern Review analysed…
the financial implications of climate change.
Main messages of Stern review:
- CC is fundamentally altering the planet
- risks of inaction are high
- time is running out
Dealing with the problem of climate change would only cost…
1% of the world’s GDP.
With no action, every tone of CO2 will cause…
85 million dollar damage.