Hannah's First Catechism Flashcards
Master Great Commission Publications' Children's Catechism
- Who made you?
- What else did God make?
God made all things.
- Why did God make you and all things?
For his own glory.
- How can you glorify God?
By loving him and doing what he commands.
- Why are (should) you to glorify God?
Because he made me and takes care of me.
- Is there more than one true God?
No. There is only one true God.
- In how many Persons does this one God exist?
In three Persons.
- Name these Persons. (Godhead)
*What special name do we use for these three persons?
The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
*The Trinity
- What is God?
God is a Spirit, infinite, eternal, and unchangeable in his being, wisdom, power, holiness, justice, goodness, and truth.
(God is a Spirit and does not have a body like men.)
- Where is God?
God is everywhere.
- Can you see God?
No. I cannot see God, but he always sees me.
- Does God know all things?
Yes. Nothing can be hidden from God.
- Can God do all things?
Yes. God can do all his holy will.
- Where do you learn how to love and obey God?
In the Bible alone.
(What rule…?)
- Who wrote the Bible?
Chosen men who were inspired by the Holy Spirit.
- Who were our first parents?
Adam and Eve.
- How did God create man?
God created man, male and female, after his own image…
…in knowledge, righteousness, and holiness, with dominion over the creatures.
- Of what were our first parents made?
God made Adam’s body out of the ground and Eve’s body out of a rib from Adam.
- What else did God give Adam and Eve besides bodies?
He gave them souls that will last forever.
- Do you have a soul as well as a body?
Yes. And my soul will last forever.
- How do you know your soul will last forever?
Because the Bible tells me so.
- In what condition did God make Adam and Eve? (What were Adam and Eve like when God made them?)
He made them holy and happy.
- What covenant did God make with Adam?
The covenant of life. (The covenant of works.)
- What is a covenant?
A relationship that God establishes with us and guarantees by his word.
- In the covenant of life, what did God require Adam to do?
To obey God perfectly.
- What did God promise in the covenant of life?
To reward Adam with life if he obeyed God perfectly.
- What did God threaten in the covenant of life?
To punish Adam with death if he disobeyed God.
- Did Adam keep the covenant of life?
No. He sinned against God.
- What is sin?
Sin is any lack of conformity to, or transgression of, the law of God.
- What is meant by lack of conformity?
Not being or doing what God requires.
- What was the sin of our first parents?
Eating the forbidden fruit.
- Who tempted Adam and Eve to this sin?
Satan tempted Eve first, and then he used her to tempt Adam.
- How did Adam and Eve change when they sinned?
Instead of being holy and happy, they became sinful and miserable.
- Did Adam act for himself alone in the covenant of life?
No. He represented the whole human race.
- What effect did the sin of Adam have on all people?
We are all born guilty and sinful.
- What is the sinful nature that we inherit from Adam called?
Original sin.
- Can anyone go to heaven with this sinful nature?
No. Our hearts must be changed before we can believe in Jesus and go to heaven.
- What is this change of heart called?
The new birth, or regeneration.
- Who can change a sinner’s heart?
The Holy Spirit alone.
- Can anyone be saved through the covenant of life?
No. No one can be saved through the covenant of life.
- Why can’t anyone be saved through the covenant of life?
Because all have broken it and are condemned by it.
- How did you break the covenant of life?
Adam represented all people, and so I fell with Adam in his first sin.
- How, then, can you be saved?
By the Lord Jesus Christ through the covenant of grace.
- Whom did Christ represent in the covenant of grace?
His elect people.
- How did Christ fulfill the covenant of grace?
Christ obeyed the whole law for his people, and then suffered the punishment due for their sins.
- Did Jesus ever sin?
No. He lived a sinless life.
- How could Christ suffer?
Christ, the Son of God, became a man so that he could obey and suffer in our place.
- For whom did Christ obey and suffer?
For all whom God the Father gave to Christ.
- What kind of life did Christ live on earth?
A life of obedience, service and suffering.
- What kind of death did Jesus die?
The painful and shameful death of the cross.
- What is meant by the atonement?
Christ satisfied God’s justice by his suffering and death as a substitute for sinners.
- What does God the Father guarantee in the covenant of grace?
To justify and sanctify all those for whom Christ died.
- How does God justify you?
God forgives all my sins and accepts me as righteous through Christ.
- How does God sanctify you?
God makes me more and more holy in heart and conduct.
- What must you do to be saved?
I must repent of my sin and believe in Christ as my Savior.
- How do you repent of your sin?
I must be sorry for my sin, and hate and forsake it.
- Why must you hate and forsake your sin?
Because sin displeases God.