Hands Flashcards
Sei Ken
Straight on view of fist
Use the first two knuckles when striking with forefist.
Ura Ken
Inverted Fist
The striking surface is the back part of the first two knuckles.
Use the tip of the elbow as the weapon. Using the tip of the elbow to strike to to the jaw.
Tet Tsui
Hammer Fist
The striking surface is the side of the fist between the knuckles and the wrist. The fist is closed tight.
Knife Hand
The striking area is from above the wrist to the middle of the palm. Fingers are together, and the thumb is tucked in.
Spear Hand
The tips of the fingers are the weapon. Fingers together and the thumb is tucked in.
Hira Ken
Leppard Fist
Here, you are striking with the second joints of four fingers. Tuck the thumb in.
Ippon Ken
Forefinger Fist
Keep the fist tight, but keep the second joint of the index finger exposed. Support the index finger with the thumb.
Nakadaka Ken
Middle Finger Fist
Use the middle finger to strike, keeping the fist tight.
Tate Ken
Vertical Fist
Strike with the first two knuckles. Fist is in a vertical position.
Palm Heel
Use the heel, or lower part of the palm. Fingers are together. Thumb is tucked in, and the wrist is bent back slightly.
Inner Knife Hand
The striking area is from the second joint of the index finger to the wrist. The thumb is tucked into the palm of the hand, away from the striking surface.
Sword Peak Hand
Use the area from the tip of the index finger to the tip of the thumb. Using toho to strike to the opponent’s throat. Squeeze the windpipe with the thumb and index finger.
Ippon Nukite
One Finger Spear Hand
Use the tip of the index finger for the weapon.
Chicken Beak Hand
Put all five fingers together, using the tips of all the fingers as the weapon. Using keiko to the side of the head.
Bear Hand
Again the tips of all five fingers are the weapon, covering a wide area. After striking, you can rip or tear the skin. Using the bear hand to the side of the face.
Open Hand
The whole inside of the hand is the weapon. Thumb is tucked in.
Hirate can be effectively used to the ear.
Back of the Hand
The entire back part of the hand is the weapon. Haishu is effective to the side of the ear.
With hand turned down, expose the top of the wrist, which is the natural weapon. Striking with koken to the side of the jaw.
Both surfaces of the forearm, from the wrist to the elbow are weapons. Uchi kote striking to the jaw and neck area.
If an opponent grabs you from behind, you can thrust the back of the head to the opponent’s nose. Using the back of the head.