handmaids Flashcards
“I would like to steal something from this room. […] It would make me feel that I have power”C14
the scrolled ashtray,
“I refuse to say my” C2 “Was he in my room? I called it mine.” C8
“”He’s my Commander,” C38
I never looked good in red, it’s not my colour
indifference, a lack of volition
“you were always such a wimp, Moira says,”
“Moira was our fantasy”
“I feel that therefore I am known” C14
“One and one and one and one doesn’t equal four. Each one remains unique.” C30
“‘There has to be some space, finally, that I claim as mine.’” C9
keep us from seeing, but also from being seen
I never looked good in red, it’s not my colour
Sister dipped in blood
I have another name
“we are touching” C14
“It’s so good to be touched by someone” C17
“touched my own fingers to them, quickly, held on.” C15 “ridiculously happy”
“Friendships were suspicious… We avoided each other.” C13
“Kissing is forbidden” “nothing to do with passion or love or romance” C16
“I want to be held and told my name” “want to be valued” C17
“I want to see as little of you as possible’,” C3
all them pillowcases
“Too hot the way it is”.
“bare backs and shoulders and on the street, in public” C10
“no wonder those things used to happen.” C10
“just below the knee” C5
“nearly naked”, “blatant” C5
“Their heads are uncovered and their hair too is exposed” “darkness and sexuality”
cheerfulness aggressive
delicate instruments of torture
desperate..they starved themselves thin…pumped their breasts full of silicone…had their noses cut off
“two-legged wombs
sex machines
set the boundaries
A rat in a maze is free to go anywhere, as long as it stays inside the maze C27
“it’s as dangerous not to speak” C5
dusty-rose carpet
motherly sitting room
“just below the knee” C5 “nearly naked”, “blatant” C5 “Their heads are uncovered and their hair too is exposed” “darkness and sexuality” C5 “delicate instruments of torture” C5 “abject” “true power” C45 like a newborn mouse Crybaby. Crybaby. Crybaby “meant it”
“Dusk-rose” motherly sitting room flesh tones and hints tulips are opening their cups, spilling out colour redder than ever. empty. no longer wine cups but chalices dried flower
Bible = used as a means of justifying the Gileadean regime and its practices.
Rachel and jacob story as basis to relationship with commanders, handmaids + wives
“Spiritual precedent” wives are allowed to hit the handmaids, solidify the matriarchy and female misogyny
“All flesh is weak. All flesh is grass, I corrected her in my head.” misquoting bible texts for own purposes/ indoctrination