Hand packet 2 Flashcards
flexor surface of the hand consists of a ____ mechanism & a _____ system
flexor surface contains (anatomy)
flexor retinaculum
flexor tendon sheath
flexor retinaculum prevents
bowstringing of flexor tendons of the wrist
flexor retinaculum is a ________ _______ ligament
transverse carpal
bursae decreases _____ between ____ & ______
flexor tendons; & retinaculum
bursae has a _____-like sheath and serves as a _____
bursae of the hand begins at the distal
ulna bursae location
- ends just distal to proximal crease
- continues up 5th digit
radial bursa consists of
Flexor pollicis longus
ulna bursa consists of
digital flexor tendon sheath function
- envelope tendons
- synovial-like
digital flexor tendon sheath begins
just proximal to the 1st annular pulley and ends at FDS split
purpose of the anatomical pulleys of the fingers
- hold the tendons & sheath to phalanges
- prevents bowstringing of tendons
- minimizes stress/pressure between tendon & sheath
- promotes gliding
how many annular pulleys?
how many cruciform pulleys?
A1 is located at the
MC Head
A2 location
base of proximal phalanx
A3 location
Head of the proximal phalanx
A4 location
Middle of the middle phalanx
A5 location
over DIP
C1 location
middle of proximal phalanx
C2 location
base of middle phalanx
C3 location
head of middle phalanx
extensor mechanisms of the fingers
- Extensor Digitorum
- Extensor expansion/extensor hood/dorsal aponeurosis
- dorsal & volar interossei
- lumbricals
As the extensor digitorum progression:
1) under extensor retinaculum (synovial sheath)
2) loses sheath distal to the retinaculum
3) then, distal to MCP the ED tendons flatten leading to a dorsal aponeurosis (DA)
4) DA is joined by interossei tendons (prox wing tendon)
5) DA trifurcates just proximal to the PIP
central tendon of the distal aponeurosis goes to
base of the middle phalanx
two lateral bands of the distal aponeurosis go to
form a single terminal tendon, which goes to the base of the distal phalanx
Two lateral bands of the distal aponeurosis receive contributions from:
- interossei
- lumbricals
- lateral brachi (send slip to terminal tendon)
lumbricals fall on the _____ side of the joint
lateral brachi receives
ORL (oblique retinacular ligament)
extension mechanism
ORL arises from the sides of _____ & ______
1st phalanx;
digital tendon sheaths
(extension mechanism)
triangular ligament/transverse retinaculum consist of
lateral bands interconnected dorsally
help with extension
dorsal hood attached to the _____ metacarpal ligament prevents
(help with extension)
transverse metacarpal ligament connects
heads of all of the ligaments