Hand and Wrist Flashcards
Extensor Carpi Ulnaris palpation
Dorsal side- make a fist and extend the wrist up. palpate between the head of the ulna and the 5th MC → find tendon when pt extends and ulnar deviate
Extensor Carpi Ulnaris MMT
Stabilize wrist. Have pt hold extension and ulnar deviation while OT pushes into flexion and radial deviation on 5th MC
Extensor Carpi Rad. Longus palpation
Dorsal side- make fist and extend the wrist up. Palpate base of 2nd MC on top of trapezoid
Extensor Carpi Rad. Longus MMT
Keep the elbow elongated – put pressure on radial side along 2nd MC – try to push pt into flexion and ulnar deviation
Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis palpation
Dorsal side- make fist and extend wrist up. Palpate base of 3rd MC while pt Abducts thumb
Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis MMT
Lean shoulder forward – stabilize wrist and push pt into flexion and ulnar deviation
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris palpation
Supination of forearm- go to pisiform- flex wrist and the tendon inserts into pisiform
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris MMT
Pt is in flexion and ulnar deviation, OT pushes into extension and radial deviation
Flexor Carpi Radialis palpation
Supination of forearm- flex wrist and make fist. go just radial to palmaris longus (most medial)
Flexor Carpi Radialis MMT
Have pt flex toward radial side and OT tries to push into extension and ulnar deviation
Flex. Digitorum Profundus palpation
(flexes DIP) supination of forearm. Have pt flex finger tip (DIP) and palpate on middle phalanx (you will feel it pop on 2,3,4)
Flex. Digitorum Profundus MMT
Same as palpation. OT must stabilize proximally by holding PIP joint. Test each finger
Flex. Digitorum Superficialis palpation
(flexes PIP) supination of forearm. Palpate proximal phalanx and have pt flex
Flex. Digitorum Superficialis MMT
Same as palpation. Stabilize proximally and test each finger
Ext. Digitorum Communis palpation
Dorsal side. Make hook with fingers and trace down MC
Ext. Digitorum Communis MMT
Same setup as palpation. Stabilize wrist and flex IP joints. OT puts pressure on proximal phalanges and have pt hold
Extensor Indicis palpation
Dorsal side. Find EDC → go just ulnar & ABDuct 2nd finger to find
Extensor Indicis MMT
Make the rocker sign. Flex IP joints. Stabilize wrist. Apply pressure to prox phalanx of 2nd and 5th
Ext. Digiti Minimi palpation
EDC is just radial to EDM
Ext. Digiti Minimi MMT
Make the rocker sign. Flex IP joints. Stabilize wrist. Apply pressure to prox phalanx of 2nd and 5th
Palmaris Longus palpation
Supination of forearm- cup your hand and bring fingers together- it is the most medial tendon
Palmaris Longus MMT
Supination of forearm- cup hand and flex wrist- OT puts pressure on thenar and hypothenar eminences and tries to flatten out palm of hand and extend the wrist
Lumbricals MMT
must test 2 actions. Stabilize the wrist. Have pt extend IP while flexing MP. Test the ability to hold IP extension by pushing on dorsal side of mid phalanges and then test ability to hold MP flexion by pushing against palmar surface of prox phalanges
Palmar Interossei MMT
Have pt ADDuct all fingers and test every finger (except middle finger) by trying to ABDuct – pull each finger at prox phalanx
Dorsal Interossei MMT
Have pt ABDuct all fingers, test by trying to push her finger into ADDuction….Dont test pinky or thumb!…middle finger can ABDuct both ways so you need to test both!
Flexor Digiti Minimi palpation
Palpate right below flexor crease
Flexor Digiti Minimi MMT
Palm up- Flex MP joint while IP joints are extended. Put pressure on palmar surface of prox. Phalanx as pt tries to hold flexion
ABDuctor Dig. Minimi palpation
Palpate on ulnar border of 5th MC. ABDuct pinky to make it pop out
ABDuctor Dig. Minimi MMT
Have pt Abduct pinky. OT apply pressure to outside (ulnar side) of pinky to try to push her into pinky ADDuction
Opponens Digiti Minimi MMT
Like OPB except take thumb away so the pinky is still opposed. Try to “unroll” the MC of the pinky.
ABDuctor Pollicis Longus palpation
Just below EPB on the radial side of snuff box (more on the volor surface rather than dorsal surface)
ABDuctor Pollicis Longus MMT
Ask pt to cock thumb back – stabilize at wrist. OT try to push her into ADDuction and flexion (in and down)
Ext. Pollicis Brevis palpation
Radial side of snuff box
Ext. Pollicis Brevis MMT
Stabilize MC. Try to push MP joint into flexion while pt holds extension
Ext. Pollicis Longus palpation
(this is the only muscle that allows you to lift your thumb). Find the ulnar border of snuff box, ask pt to lift thumb.
Ext. Pollicis Longus MMT
Stabilize as if grabbing/shaking hand (stabilize MC joint). Have pt extend IP joint and try to push her into flexion
Flexor Pollicis Brevis palpation
Palm up – go to midline of thenar eminence. Feel right below MP joint and give resistance to MP flexion
Flexor Pollicis Brevis MMT
Palm up- Stabilize CMC (wrist) – flex thum into palm of hand- put pressure on palmar side of proximal phalanx and try to extend the MP joint as pt holds.
Opponens Pollicis MMT
Palm up- Have pt oppose thumb & pinky. Take pinky away so only thumb is opposed. Have pt hold while OT tries to “unroll” thumb away
ABDuctor Pollicis Brevis palpation
Palm up -Outer surface (radial side) of thenar eminence along MC
ABDuctor Pollicis Brevis MMT
Palm up- Have pt go into palmar ABDuction (cup the hand). Apply pressure to prox. Phalanx to push her into adduction (toward digits 2, 3)
ADDuctor Pollicis MMT
Palm up- Line up thumb and index finger. Stick 2 fingers underneath thumb (in between thumb and index) and try to push into ABDuction
scaphoid palpation
thumb on snuff box, move hand ulnarly
lunate palpation
finger below 2nd metcarpal, flex wrist
triquetrate palpation
distal to ulnar styloid, radially deviate hand. Slides from under ulna.
pisiform palpation
palm outward. On base of hypothenar eminence (ulnar side)
trapezium palpation
slide down MP joint
below ledge is bone close to base of thumb
trapezoid palpation
base of 2nd metacarpal
capitate palpation
base of 3rd metacarpal
extend wrist
hamate palpation
take IP joint of thumb and push on pisiform diagonally into websapce
tip of thumb should touch it
listers tubercle palpation
distal end of radius on dorsal side
small rice sized bump