Hand Flashcards
8 carpal bones of the hand
see attached image
Sensory distribution of nerves on hand
see attached image
Which intrinsic muscles of hand does radial nerve innervate?
Trick question- none. All intrinsic muscles of hand innervated by either median or ulnar nerve
Which intrinsic muscles of hand does ulnar nerve innervate?
Opponens pollicis, 3rd and 4th lumbricals, hypothenar group (opponens digiti minimi, flexor digiti minimi, abductor digiti minimi), palmaris brevis
Which intrinsic muscles of hand does the median nerve innervate?
All others. Includes rest of thenar group (abductor and adductor pollicis brevis, flexor pollicis brevis), palmar/dorsal interossei, 1st and 2nd lumbricals
Which hand tendon repairs can usu fixed in ER?
Extensor tendon lacs. Flexor tendons are more difficult to repair.
Extrinsic muscles of the hand innervation
Extensor muscles: radian nerve. All the rest are median, with exception of flexor carpi ulnaris (ulnar), and medial flexor digitorum profundis (ulnar)
Flexor tendon zones of the hand
Zones I and II: 1-3 weeks for repair. Zones III-V: immediate repair warranted. see attached image
Extensor tendon zones of the hand
see attached image
What is the “safe” position for hand splinting prior to hand surgery?
see attached image
Infection of pulp space of any of the distal phalanges, caused by minor trauma over finger pad. Complications: cellulitis, flexor tendon sheath infection, osteomyelitis. Tx: I&D (NOT over flexor crease of DIP). Abx: 1st gen cephalosprin for staph
Infection of the lateral nail fold, caused by nail biting, manicures. Tx: if non-fluctuant, 7 days abx, warm soaking. If fluctuant, I&D, usu don’t need abx unless cellulitis present.
Surgical emergency! Infection of flexor tendon and sheath due to penetrating trauma/dirty wound (e.g. dog bite). Infection can spread along sheath and involve other digits. Organisms: polymicrobial, Staph, Gonorrhea. Tx: Immobilize and elevate hand, IV abx, consult hand surgery stat.
Gamekeeper’s thumb (aka skier’s thumb)
Avulsion of ulnar collateral ligament of first MCP joint due to forced abduction of thumb -> inability to pinch. Tx: thumb spica cast 3-6 wks for partial, surgery for complete tear.
Carpal tunnel syndrome causes
Tumor (lipoma, fibroma), ganglion cyst, tenosynovitis (2/2 RA, trauma), edema (pregnancy, thyroid dz, amyloid), gout, trauma to carpal bones