Hamlet's Puns & Paradoxes Flashcards
“A little more than kin, and less than kind” (1.2.65).
Hamlet’s first words in the play show him playing with words in order to state a paradox: Claudius is twice related to him, as uncle and stepfather, but not really his kin or kind at all
“Not so, my lord, I am too much in the sun” (1.2.67).
This is Hamlet’s response to the King’s question, “How is it that the clouds still hang on you?” He means that the King has called Hamlet “son” once too often
“Thrift, thrift, Horatio! the funeral baked meats / Did coldly furnish forth the marriage tables” (1.2.180-181).
Hamlet bitterly jokes that the real reason his mother’s remarriage came so soon after her husband’s death, was so that she could save money by serving the leftover funeral refreshments to the wedding guests.
“a custom / More honour’d in the breach than the observance” (1.4.15-16).
Hamlet says of the Danish practice of blowing trumpets and shooting off cannon to celebrate their own drinking.
This famous phrase is widely misunderstood. It does not mean that the custom is widely ignored or given only lip-service. Hamlet is saying, “Yes, it is a long-standing custom for we Danes to make a lot of noise when we drink, but the best way we could do honor to that custom would be to drop it.” It’s like telling someone that he has nice teeth when his mouth is closed.
“I’ll make a ghost of him that lets me!” (1.4.85).
Hamlet says this when his friends, Horatio and Marcellus, try to keep him from following the Ghost. So he’s saying, “I’ll make a ghost of anyone who keeps me from the Ghost.” (By the way, it’s interesting that “let,” which meant “hinder,” now means the exact opposite, “allow.”)
Excellent well; you are a fishmonger” (2.2.174).
Hamlet, in response to Polonius’ question, “Do you know me, my lord?” This is the first of a series of bitter jests that Hamlet directs at the uncomprehending Polonius. The basis of the jests is apparently Hamlet’s intuition that Polonius forced Ophelia to dump him. In Hamlet’s opinion, Polonius sacrificed his daughter’s happiness in order to suck up to the King. Thus, “fishmonger” is often explained as slang for “pimp,” despite the fact that there is no evidence that the word was used that way in Shakespeare’s time. Hamlet then makes his insult sharper by wishing that Polonius were as honest as a fishmonger, which is to say that Polonius is lower than the lowest of the low. Hamlet goes on to say that “to be honest, as this world goes, is to be one man pick’d out of ten thousand” and then says what Polonius probably thinks is a very crazy thing: “For if the sun breed maggots in a dead dog, being a god kissing carrion–Have you a daughter?” The comment about the sun and maggots has at least two possible meanings. One meaning is that it’s not surprising that Polonius is such a hypocrite, because the life-giving sun can produce all kinds of disgusting things, especially from other disgusting things.
“Let her not walk i’ the sun: conception is a blessing: but not as your daughter may conceive” (2.2.184-185).
The second meaning Hamlet explains, though not so Polonius can understand. When Polonius says that he does have a daughter, Hamlet replies so.
In other words, if Polonius is going to keep Ophelia away from Hamlet for fear that she’ll get knocked up, he better keep her out of the sun, too, because even the sun can produce bastard pregnancies.
“Words, words, words” (2.2.192),
Hamlet, in response to Polonius’ question, “What do you read, my lord?” Of course, Polonius wants to know the meaning of the words in the book that Hamlet is reading, but Hamlet’s answer suggests that they are meaningless.
Polonius then follows up with a clarification, “What is the matter, my lord?” By “matter,” Polonius means “subject matter,” but Hamlet again deliberately misinterprets.
He takes “matter” to mean something wrong (as we do when we say “What’s the matter with you?”) and answers Polonius’ question with a question (“Between who?”), as though someone were quarreling with someone else
“Slanders, sir” (2.2.196),
Hamlet to Polonius’ question about what he is reading. He pretends that the author of the book has written that old men have “grey beards,” wrinkled faces, and a “plentiful lack of wit.” He then says that he believes all of this, but it’s not nice (“honest”) to write it down, “for yourself, sir, shall grow old as I am, if like a crab you could walk backward.”
So, if what he pretends to read is true, it’s not slander. And although it’s not nice to point out to anyone that we all get old, wrinkled and foolish, it’s a terrible truth that Polonius doesn’t realize about himself.
Hamlet puts this last point backwards, saying that Polonius will get younger (“old as I am”) if he can go backwards in time. Of course Polonius cannot go backwards in time, but he doesn’t understand what Hamlet has just said, thus emphasizing what a dolt he i
“Into my grave” (2.2.207).
replies Hamlet to Polonius’ question, “Will you walk out of the air, my lord?” Apparently the chamber is drafty, and Polonius is inviting Hamlet to go to a warmer room, but Hamlet implies that he would sooner be dead than go anyplace with Polonius. Moments later, Hamlet makes a comment that sounds similar, but expresses a great weariness with life.
“You cannot, sir, take from me any thing that I will willingly part withal: except my life, except my life, except my life” (2.2.215-217).
Polonius says goodbye with the usual polite words, “My lord, I will take my leave of you,” and Hamlet replies so
Hamlet means that he is very willing to be free of Polonius, and that he is even more willing to be free of his own life
“Then are our beggars bodies, and our monarchs and outstretched heroes the beggars’ shadows” (2.2.263-264).
Hamlet says this in reply to Rosencrantz, who is trying to get Hamlet to talk about his ambition by saying that ambition is but “a shadow’s shadow.” Rosencrantz probably doesn’t even understand Hamlet’s point, which is that only the beggars are real, and heroes are figments of the beggars’ imaginations. Or, in short, a person is only what others think he is.
“there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so” (2.2.249-250).
A few moments earlier, Hamlet had said this.
Hamlet seems to be meditating about the elusiveness of certainty, which is appropriate to the situation, since he is talking to two men who he had greeted as friends, but who are spies for the King.
“Nay, that follows not” (2.2.414)
Hamlet, when Polonius says, “If you call me Jephthah, my lord, I have a daughter that I love passing well.” Jephthah was a man who promised the Lord a sacrifice for victory in battle, and wound up sacrificing his daughter’s life. Many paradoxes are implied. Jephthah loved his daughter, but killed her. The Lord blessed Jephthah, but took his daughter. Polonius has a daughter, but it “follows not” that he loves her.
“the play’s the thing / Wherein I’ll catch the conscience of the king” (2.2.605-606).
In Shakespeare’s time the word “thing” was an old-fashioned word for “judicial assembly,” so Hamlet may be thinking of the performance of “The Murder of Gonzago” in those terms