Hamlet Critics Flashcards
‘The Opening scene of hamlet is as well ____ as that of any play written before’ (_____)
Constructed, T.S Elliot
‘The aim of a tragedy play is to arouse sensations of pity and ____’ (_____)
Fear, Aristotle.
‘Claudius shows every sign of being an excellent _____ and king’ (______)
Diplomat, Knight.
‘Ophelia is deprived of thought sexuality and ____’ (______)
Language, Showalter.
‘In Shakespeare society, the ideal female is cherished for her ____, _____ and _____’ (_____)
Youth, Beauty, Purity, Rogers.
‘All duties seem ____ to Hamlet’ (_____)
Holy, Van Goethe.
‘Hamlet is rather an ____ than an _____’ (_____)
Instrument, Agent, Johnson
‘Hamlet can be privileged in madness to say things about the _____ of human nature’ (_____)
Corruption, Mack
‘Hamlet seems incapable of _____ action’ (______)
Deliberate, Hazlitt.
‘Hamlets delay is due to … a form of _____’ (_____)
Melancholy, Bradley.
‘The single characteristic of Hamlet’s character is by no means _____ but the strong conflux of contending forces’ (____)
Hesitation, Swinborne
Hamlet is a _____ of thought’ (_____)
Tradgedy, Bradley
We can imagine Hamlets storyline without _____, but ____ literally has no storyline without Hamlet.’ (______)
Ophelia, Ophelia, Edwards.
‘Hamlet’s disgust at the feminine ____ in himself is translated into violent ____ against women.’ (_____)
Passivity, Revulsion, Swinborne
‘Claudius is not a monster he is ____ weak’ (____)
Morally, Mabillard
‘Claudius’ soliloquy gives the impression of rhetorical ____ rather than sincere _____’ (_____)
pageantry, contrition, Arnold
‘____ is a moral defective’ (_____)
Gertrude, Muir
‘The ghost is the ____ of Hamlet’ (____)
Linchpin, Wilson
‘The absence of _____ _____ is central to Shakespearian tragedy’ (____)
Clear answers, Kastan.
‘through ____, ophelia suddenly makes a _____ assertion of being’. (____)
Madness, forceful, charnley
‘Hamlet’s madness is associated with ____ and ____ genius, but Ophelia’s affliction is _____ or love-madness’ (___)
Intellectual, imaginative, erotomania
‘Laertes is like a _____. He rushes into the palace in an ______ rage, roaring for blood’ (____)
Hurricane, uncontrolled, Prosser
‘Ophelia is a ‘____ we have really known.’ (_____)
Lesser, Kerrigan
‘In the final act, Hamlet _____ his world and we discover a different man’ (____)
Accepts, Mack
‘Hamlet is a tragedy without ____’ (____)
Catharsis, Frye
‘Hamlet poses great problems for the ____ ____ theory because he is patently not a hero’ (___)
Tragic , Hero , O’Toole