Hamilton Fire Department / City of Hamilton Flashcards

1. Hamilton Emergency Services – Fire Division – July 14 - 2011 – All Personnel Memo: 2011-AP-221: Trade/Exchanges/Union Subs/ Overtime on the 24 hour Shift Schedule, states that “any twenty-four hour (24) period on duty must immediately be followed by a minimum of \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_”: 
A) Twenty (20) hours off duty.
B) Twenty-Four (24) hours off duty.
C) Twelve (12) hours off duty.
D) None of the above.

A) Twenty (20) hours off duty.

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  1. Hamilton Emergency Services – Fire Division – May 24, 2012 – All Personnel Memo: 2012-AP-149, Training Bulletin #177 – Safety Bulletin Photovoltaic Systems concludes “the single most critical message of emergency response personnel_________________”:
    A) Is to always consider photovoltaic systems all their components as de-energized if disconnected from the site panel.
    B) Is to always consider the weight of the photovoltaic systems on construction components.
    C) Is to always consider photovoltaic systems and all their components as electrically energized when exposed to sunlight.
    D) Is always to have accurate knowledge of the type of photovoltaic system that has been on fire or impinged by fire.

C) Is to always consider photovoltaic systems and all their components as electrically energized when exposed to sunlight.

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  1. Hamilton Fire Department – March 14, 2016, All Personnel Memorandum 2016-AP-094-01 REVISED Mobile Command Unit, states that the Command Unit may requested by ____:
    A) The Fire Chief, Deputy Fire Chief, or Assistant Deputy Chief.
    B) Incident Command, the Fire Chief, or the EOC (Emergency Operations Centre).
    C) Incident Command, a Platoon Chief, District Chief, or the Fire Chief, Deputy Fire Chief or Assistant Deputy Chief.
    D) A Platoon Chief, the Fire Chief, or Deputy Fire Chief.

C) Incident Command, a Platoon Chief, District Chief, or the Fire Chief, Deputy Fire Chief or Assistant Deputy Chief.

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  1. Training Bulletin 184 - Where are secondary means of Egress Flags to be attached when put onto ground ladders used for secondary means of Egress?
    A) Bed rung of ground ladder on the 5th or 6th rung
    B) Bed rung of ground ladder on the 1st rung
    C) Onto the tied off halyard
    D) On the tip of the ladder

A) Bed rung of ground ladder on the 5th or 6th rung

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  1. The Hamilton Fire Department Incident Management System Identifies the Tactical Benchmarks in the correct order as?
    A) Primary Search, Under Control, Secondary Search, Loss Stopped
    B) Primary Search, Secondary Search, Under Control, Loss Stopped
    C) Under Control, Primary Search, Loss Stopped, Secondary Search
    D) Primary Search, Secondary Search, Loss Stopped, Under Control

A) Primary Search, Under Control, Secondary Search, Loss Stopped

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  1. In Book 2, Chapter 2, Building Construction, page 12 “Flame Spread Rating” it states that;
    “Interior finish relates to fire in four ways”: ___________________.
    A) It affects the rate of fire buildup to a Backdraft conditions
    B) It affects the rate of fire buildup to a flashover conditions
    C) It affects the rate of fire development to a flashover condition, it contributes to fire extension by flame spread over its surface, it adds to the intensity of a fire by contributing additional fuel, and it produces smoke and toxic gases that can contribute to life hazard and property damage.
    D) It affects the rate of fire buildup to a flashover condition, it contributes to fire and flame spread over its surface, it adds to the intensity of a fire, and contributes to life hazards.

C) It affects the rate of fire development to a flashover condition, it contributes to fire extension by flame spread over its surface, it adds to the intensity of a fire by contributing additional fuel, and it produces smoke and toxic gases that can contribute to life hazard and property damage.

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  1. Book 2, Chapter 2, Building Construction, page 37 “Wood Construction” states that, “The vertical combustible spaces between studs in balloon frame construction provide a ______.
    A) Space for ventilation of hot gases to travel to other area of the structure.
    B) Channel for the rapid communication of fire from floor to floor.
    C) Channel for the deployment of extinguishment from one area of the structure to another.
    D) None of the above.

B) Channel for the rapid communication of fire from floor to floor.

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  1. Book 2, Chapter 2, Building Construction, page 41 “Concrete” states “the problems of the fire department with concrete construction can be divided into three distinct subjects’
    A) Collapse during firefighting operations, fire during construction, and fire when not occupied.
    B) Collapse during construction with no fire, fire when under construction, fire in completed occupied buildings.
    C) Pre-tensioning and post-tensioning increasing the danger of additional stresses, reinforcing rods increasing injury hazards, and precast concrete having hollow spaces that provide channels for fire spread.
    D) Concrete is non-combustible but can be destroyed by fire, fire can compromise its strength if under excessive load, and it can protect the tensile strength of steel for a limited duration.

B) Collapse during construction with no fire, fire when under construction, fire in completed occupied buildings.

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  1. In Book 2, Chapter 3, High Rise Construction, “the vertical travel of smoke and fire gases is aided by various openings, such as stairways, duct work and shaft ways that pierce floors.” It may also occur;
    A) Through laundry chutes, escalator shafts, suspended ceilings, and attics.
    B) Through laundry and trash chutes, elevator shafts, dumbwaiter shafts, and mail chutes.
    C) Through elevator shafts, attic openings, sewer lines, and confined spaces
    D) Through trash chutes, adjacent attics, dumbwaiter shafts, and confined spaces.

B) Through laundry and trash chutes, elevator shafts, dumbwaiter shafts, and mail chutes.

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  1. Hamilton Fire Department Operational Policy 0118.00 Training Sessions, Courses & Conferences, it states, the “the District Senior Officers are responsible to see that each Career Fire-fighter on their shift and within their respective district is given a minimum of ______ per calendar year.
    A) 150 to 200 hours of drill
    B) 160 hours of drill
    C) 100 hours theory and 80 hours practical
    D) 120 hours theory and 60 hours practical

D) 120 hours theory and 60 hours practical

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  1. In Hamilton Fire Department, Operational Policy 0113.00, Administration & Personnel/Uniforms, it states that;
    A) Uniforms may be worn off-duty for community events.
    B) Uniforms or components of the uniform issue shall not be worn off-duty.
    C) Uniforms or components of the uniform issue shall not be worn off-duty except for HFD authorized activities without the permission of the Fire Chief.
    D) Uniforms or components of the uniform issue shall not be worn off-duty except for HFD authorized activities without the permission of the respective Divisional Chief or Platoon Chief.

C) Uniforms or components of the uniform issue shall not be worn off-duty except for HFD authorized activities without the permission of the Fire Chief.

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3. Hamilton Fire Department Operational Policy 0113.00, Administration & Personnel/Uniforms -states that between the hours of \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_, Monday to Sunday; Senior Officers and personnel acting in the role of Senior Officer shall wear their Class A – Working (Class A-W) uniforms.
A) 07:00 – 17:00hrs 
B) 07:00 – 19:00hrs
C) 08:00 – 16:00hrs
D) 08:00 – 18:00hrs

B) 07:00 – 19:00hrs

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4. Policy and Procedures – 0301.00 Incident Reporting – All reports shall be completed in \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ measurements?
A) Imperial
B) English 
C) Metric
D) Metric and Imperial

C) Metric

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5. Policy and Procedures, 0301.00 Incident Reporting – Company Officers observing serious Fire Code violations (immediately dangerous to life and health) in a property attended by the HFD, that Officer shall notify the \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ for that District who shall take appropriate action. All actions shall be reported in the Fire RMS using the Incident Action Request box and the narrative fields of the Incident Master Record or Apparatus Response Reports (Officers Supplemental)
A) Fire Prevention Officer 
B) Senior Officer
C) Fire Inspector
D) Platoon Chief

B) Senior Officer

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  1. Policy and Procedures 0301.00 Incident Reporting – District Senior Officers reviewing the Fire RMS Reports, the main objectives of the review process are to __________ ?
    A) Ensure the reports being submitted are accurate
    B) Ensure sufficient detail to reflect what took place
    C) Raise the standard of report writing
    D) All of the above

D) All of the above

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7. Policy and Procedures 0301.00 Incident Reporting - District Senior Officers shall follow up with respective Company Officers to ensure Satisfactory reporting. Any identified deficiencies will be \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_?
A) corrected
B) debated
C) discussed
D) reviewed

A) corrected

8. Policy and Procedures 0306.00 Notebooks - When an individual has filled a notebook, they shall contact their \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_/Area Commander who will come and collect the full notebook and issue the individual a replacement. The \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_/Area Commander will then ensure that the completed notebook is sent to the Fire Prevention Bureau at 55 King William Street where it will be retained with 1.06 (above).
A) Platoon Chief 
B) Senior Officer
C) Chief Fire Prevention Officer
D) Assistant Deputy Chief Operations

B) Senior Officer

9. Policy & Procedure 0608.00 Overhaul Operations – After a fire has been extinguished and salvage and overhaul operations completed, the debris carried out from the house or building should be placed?
A) At the front of the building 
B) At the rear of the building
C) At the side of the building
D) Does not matter

B) At the rear of the building

10. Policy & Procedure 0649.00 Barrel Fires During Protests and Labour Action – Questions regarding warming barrel fires by HFD personnel or members of the public should be directed to?
A) The Fire Prevention Bureau.
B) The Fire Chief
C) The Public Information Officer
D) The Platoon Chief

A) The Fire Prevention Bureau.

  1. Policy & Procedure 0624.00 Technical Standards & Safety Authority – If, in the opinion of the Incident Commander, the use or handling of Hydrocarbon Fuels (gasoline, fuel oil, natural gas, propane, etc..) is directly involved with the suspected cause of the incident, who is the I.C. to notify?
    A) Communications to contact TSSA
    B) Communications to contact Senior Officer, if not on scene.
    C) Communications to contact Deputy Chief
    D) All of the above

A) Communications to contact TSSA

  1. Policy & Procedure 0606.00 When the Communication Center initiates the evacuation tones, which one of the following sequence of tones shall be heard over the fire ground frequency_____?
    A) 5 seconds of tones, 5 seconds delay, 5 seconds of tones
    B) 10 seconds of tones, 5 seconds delay, 10 seconds of tones
    C) 15 seconds of tones, 5 seconds delay, 15 seconds of tones
    D) 5 seconds of tones, 15 second delay, 5 seconds of tones

C) 15 seconds of tones, 5 seconds delay, 15 seconds of tones

  1. Hamilton The City of Hamilton Corporate Culture Pillars are comprised of five pillars two of which are:
    A) Enthusiastic Employees and Collective Ownership
    B) Steadfast Integrity and Continuous Improvement
    C) Sensational Service and Courageous Change
    D) Engaged Empowered Employees and Collective Change

C) Sensational Service and Courageous Change

  1. Under the Harassment and Discrimination Prevention Policy, Management is responsible to ensure that a workplace is free of Harassment and Discrimination by undertaking the following action:
    A) When notified about a possible harassment issue establish a cooling off period to allow employs to rethink their actions
    B) When notified about a harassment or discrimination complaint immediately conduct a formal investigation into the matter
    C) When notified about a harassment or discrimination complaint advise the employee to contact Human Resources about the matter
    D) When notified about harassment or discrimination issues immediately contact a City of Hamilton Human Rights Specialist.

D) When notified about harassment or discrimination issues immediately contact a City of Hamilton Human Rights Specialist.

  1. Managers have a major role in ensuring that the City of Hamilton maintains an environment that is safe for all employees. Which of following is not a manager`s responsibility under the Violence in the workplace prevention Policy:
    A) Ensure that the Workplace Violence is not tolerated, ignored or condoned
    B) Discipline employees in consultation with Human Resources found to have violated the Violence in the Workplace Prevention Policy
    C) Participate in the investigation of critical injuries as a result of violence
    D) Consult Human Resources for support concerning options to resolve incidents

C) Participate in the investigation of critical injuries as a result of violence

  1. In accordance with The City of Hamilton Communication Policy - Media Relations, Appendix 2 Social Media Use, the purpose and rationale in establishing a Social Media Use Policy is to:
    A) Ensure the media have current information on city issues
    B) Limit the liability of employees and the corporation
    C) Provide city staff with an opportunity to comment on city issues
    D) All of the above

B) Limit the liability of employees and the corporatio

  1. In accordance with the Substance Use Procedure, Item 3. Steps to be Taken If You Believe that an Employee is Impaired /Unfit for Duty, a supervisor may undertake the following actions for an employee believed to be impaired/unfit for duty:
    A) Remove the employee to a private and safe location and seek an explanation for their behavior
    B) Seek the opinion of a second supervisor where possible to confirm your observation
    C) If there is reasonable cause to believe that an employee is impaired/unfit for duty, the employee must be removed immediately from the workplace
    D) All of the above

D) All of the above

  1. In accordance with the City of Hamilton, Code of Conduct for Employees Policy ( Policy HR -01-09) Directors , Managers, Supervisors and Elected Officials must:
    A) Ensure that employees review and sign off on the Code of Conduct annually
    B) Ensure that employees review and sign off on the Code of Conduct on a bi annual basis
    C) Ensure that employees review and sign off on the Code of Conduct on a quarterly basis
    D) None of the above

A) Ensure that employees review and sign off on the Code of Conduct annually

  1. In the City of Hamilton Code of Conduct for Employees Schedule A: Conflict of Interest, if an employee has a conflict of interest they must notify their:
    A) Immediate supervisor through verbal notification
    B) Immediate supervisor by the end of the work day
    C) Immediate supervisor in writing
    D) Union representative of their conflict

C) Immediate supervisor in writing

8. The City of Hamilton Harassment and Discrimination Prevention Policy (Page 2) applies to all employees except:
A) Probationary employees 
B) Visitors to city facilities
C) Student employees
D) Interns

B) Visitors to city facilities

  1. In accordance with the City of Hamilton Smoke Free Workplace Policy, the purpose of the policy is to;
    A) Protect employees from the potential hazards related to direct exposure to environmental tobacco smoke
    B) To comply with the Hamilton Clean Air mandate
    C) To reduce the environmental impact of the carbon footprint of the City
    D) All of the above

A) Protect employees from the potential hazards related to direct exposure to environmental tobacco smoke

  1. Hamilton Fire Department Operational Guideline 0608.00, Emergency Scene Operations/Overhaul Operations, states that “this document establishes guidelines for conducting overhaul operations. The goal of overhaul is to reduce the incidence of secondary fires, control loss, and stabilize the incident scene while providing for firefighter safety in doing so.” Additional objectives include;
    A) Monitoring air quality, notifying personnel of safety hazards, checking exposures, and maintaining continuity of evidence.
    B) Contacting responsible parties, contacting utilities, and ensuring police are securing the scene.
    C) Preserving evidence and securing the fire scene.
    D) Preserving property, ventilating, securing the scene, and conducting salvage operations

C) Preserving evidence and securing the fire scene.

  1. Hamilton Fire Department Operational Guideline 0602.00 - Emergency Scene Operations/Firefighting Operations – General, under Cause Determination, it states that “it is the responsibility of the HFD to endeavor to determine fire cause and origin” and the Incident Commander responsibilities are;
    A) Contacting and assisting the Fire Marshal with determining cause.
    B) Assessing and reporting the fire cause and origin, in addition to contacting the OFM and Police if the cause is suspicious.
    C) Assessing the dollar loss, using all available resources in determining cause, reporting the cause, and contacting the OFM if the cause is suspicious.
    D) Assessing only the origin of the fire, using only those resources readily available to assist in determining the origin, reporting only the possible origin, and contacting police if the possible cause is suspicious.

B) Assessing and reporting the fire cause and origin, in addition to contacting the OFM and Police if the cause is suspicious.

  1. In Hamilton Fire Department Operational Guideline 0501.00 Incident Management/Incident Management Systems, under Components of the Incident Management System it states “the Incident Management System is comprised of three main components:
    A) Incident Structure (to co-ordinate accountability of resources), Entry System (to track personnel entering the incident), and Rapid Response Teams (allows for the orderly search, rescue and treatment of missing or injured persons).
    B) Removal of endangered persons, stops and/or control of the incident, and provides for the safety and welfare of emergency personnel.
    C) Command Structure (to co-ordinate deployment of resources), Accountability System (to track personnel working at the incident), and Rapid Intervention Teams (allows for the orderly search, rescue and treatment of missing or injured personnel).
    D) Command Structure (to maintain chain of command), Accountability (to track personnel in the chain of command), and Rapid Response Team (to initiate the efficient establishment of the chain of command).

C) Command Structure (to co-ordinate deployment of resources), Accountability System (to track personnel working at the incident), and Rapid Intervention Teams (allows for the orderly search, rescue and treatment of missing or injured personnel).

  1. Hamilton Fire Department Operational Guideline 0509.00, Incident Management/Alarm Responses, states under First Alarm Assignment (Urban Response) - If an alarm is dispatched as a 1st alarm response, this response will NOT be downgraded until _________________.
    A) Such time as the senior officer is on scene and visually been able to make a determination that a full 1st Alarm is not required.
    B) Such time as an RP on scene has contacted Communications to confirm that a fire department response is not required.
    C) Such time as the first arriving unit is on the scene and visually been able to make a determination that a full 1st Alarm is not required.
    D) Such time as the first arriving unit is on scene and been in contact with an RP to confirm that a full 1st Alarm is not required.

C) Such time as the first arriving unit is on the scene and visually been able to make a determination that a full 1st Alarm is not required.

  1. In Hamilton Fire Department Operational Guideline 0602.00, Emergency Scene Operations/Firefighting Operations – General, under Offensive Operations, it states “Command must consider the most critical direction and avenues of fire extension, plus its speed, particularly as they affect;
    A) Rescue crew location, number of fire fighters on scene, exterior exposures, and air monitoring.
    B) Rescue activities, level of risk to fire fighters, confinement efforts, exposure protection, and environmental concerns.
    C) Location /position of attack, size of attack, and support functions.
    D) None of the above.

B) Rescue activities, level of risk to fire fighters, confinement efforts, exposure protection, and environmental concerns.

  1. Hamilton Fire Department Operational Guideline 0502.00, Incident Management/Incident Roles and Responsibilities, states the responsibility of the District Chief as:
    A) The District Chief is responsible for major incidents in his/her district. In cases of complex tactical situations that have not been declared under control, the District Chief will automatically assume Command.
    B) The District Chief is responsible for all incidents in his/her district. In cases of complex tactical situations that have not been declared terminated, the District Chief will automatically assume Command, after the transfer of Command has been completed.
    C) The District Chief is responsible for all major incidents in his/her district. In cases of complex tactical situations that have not been declared terminated, the District Chief will automatically assume Command, after the transfer of Command has been completed
    D) The District Chief is responsible for all incidents in his/her district. In cases of complex tactical situations that have not been declared under control, the District Chief will automatically, assume Command, after the transfer of Command procedure has been completed.

D) The District Chief is responsible for all incidents in his/her district. In cases of complex tactical situations that have not been declared under control, the District Chief will automatically, assume Command, after the transfer of Command procedure has been completed.

  1. Hamilton Fire Department Operational Guideline 0640.00 Emergency Scene Operations/Atmospheric Monitoring at Fires, under Personal Protective Equipment it states:
    A) The Safety Officer is responsible for recording toxic reading confirmed at major incidents.
    B) SCBA is the best preventative measure for smoke exposure, SCBA is required to be worn at all fires where an exposure to smoke conditions may occur until monitoring has taken place.
    C) The Incident Commander shall request the response of the MOE when a potential toxic atmosphere is present at an incident.
    D) None of the above.

B) SCBA is the best preventative measure for smoke exposure, SCBA is required to be worn at all fires where an exposure to smoke conditions may occur until monitoring has taken place.

  1. Hamilton Fire Department Operational Guideline 0518.00, Incident Management/Senior Officer Deployment-Two Multiple Alarms, it states that “When a multiple alarm is on-going and the Platoon Chief and One District Chief are committed to it and a first alarm is dispatched then the following shall occur:
    A) The Platoon Chief and District Chief at the original alarm shall remain there, and the District Chief who was in Communications during the multiple alarm shall be dispatched.
    B) The Platoon Chief and District Chief at the original alarm shall remain there, and the District Chief who was in his/her district station during the multiple alarm shall be dispatched.
    C) The Platoon Chief shall remain at the original alarm and the District Chief from that alarm shall be dispatched, the District Chief who was in Communications during the multiple alarm shall remain there.
    D) The Platoon Chief and District Chief at the original alarm shall remain there, and The District Chief who was in Communications during the multiple alarm shall be contact the on-call Deputy Chief to respond.

A) The Platoon Chief and District Chief at the original alarm shall remain there, and the District Chief who was in Communications during the multiple alarm shall be dispatched.

  1. Hamilton Fire Department Operational Guidelines 0612.00 Emergency Scene Operations/Fire Cause Determination and Arson, under Criminal or Suspicious Fires, it states the District Senior Officer should carry out the following steps;

A) Not allow anyone into the scene, complete scene examination, request that Hamilton Police respond and C.I.D. personnel, maintain control of the premises in compliance with the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, and ensure that the fire department protect the scene in cases where the OFM is responding.

B) Not allow anyone into the scene, stop any further scene examination, request that Hamilton Police respond and C.I.D. personnel maintain control of the premises in compliance with the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, and ensure that the police and/or the fire department protect the scene in cases where the OFM is responding.

C) Limit access anyone into the scene, confirm arson with further scene examination, request that OFM respond, maintain control of the premises in compliance with the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, and ensure that the fire department protect the scene in cases where the OFM is responding.

D) Not allow anyone into the scene, stop any further scene examination, request that Hamilton Police respond and C.I.D. personnel maintain hand over control to the RP in compliance with the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, and ensure that the police and/or insurance company protect the scene in cases where the OFM is responding.


B) Not allow anyone into the scene, stop any further scene examination, request that Hamilton Police respond and C.I.D. personnel maintain control of the premises in compliance with the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, and ensure that the police and/or the fire department protect the scene in cases where the OFM is responding.