halacha test Flashcards
a. What is the significance of the month of Elul?
The significance is we need to examine our actions from the past year so we can see what we need to work on.
b. Why is Elul compared to a lion’s roar?
Because a lion’s roar is strong and loud just like the shofar.
c. What are the three things that remove a bad decree?
Prayer, teshuvah and tzedakah.
d. How is Teshuva compared to washing a dirty garment?
-Just as washing a garment removes the dirts and stains, teshuva is seen as a way to wash the soul from mistakes.
e. What must a person do if they sinned against someone else?
They must ask them for forgiveness and say they’re sorry.
Why is it important to forgive someone who asks for
Because just like God forgives, we need to do the same and forgive others.
g. What are the four steps of Teshuva according to Ramban?
Azivat hachet, charatah, vidui, and kabbalat haatid.
a. What is the purpose of blowing the Shofar?
1.In order to wake us up to do teshuva
2. When Moshe went up tp Har SInai to get the second set of luchot they blew the shofar so that all of bnei Yisrael would not when Moshe went up and we would not have a repeat of the חֵטְא הָעֵגֶל
b. Why do we blow extra blasts on Rosh Hashanah?
To mark the beginning of Jewish New Year and to call the Jewish people and get their attention.
c. Why don’t we blow Shofar on Erev Rosh Hashanah?
To show the difference between tekios (shofar blows) that are a minhag to the tekios which are מדאורייתא (from the Torah) or מִן הַתּוֹרָה
d. What are the names and sounds of the Shofar blasts?
Tekiah, shevarim, teruah, and tekiah gedolah.
e. What material should the Shofar be made of, and why?
The horn of a ram because Abraham, offering his son Isaac in sacrifice, was relieved when God decided that Abraham could sacrifice a ram instead.
f. If you cannot find a ram’s horn, what other horn can be used?
You can use another Kosher animal such as an antelope, gazelle, or a goat.
g. What does the sound of the Shofar remind us of?
The sound of Mashiach when he’s supposed to come.
- What is Tashlich, and when is it performed?
It is washing off sins by going in a body of water and it’s performed on the afternoon of Rosh Hashana.