HAL Lab 12: Ankle joint and Foot Flashcards
What is the most superficial structure on the sole of the foot
Plantar aponeurosis: anchors the skin and protects underlying structures.
First layer of the foot from sole muscles: medial to lateral
Abductor Hallucis brevis, flexor digitorum brevis, abductor digiti minimi brevis
Between 1st and 2nd layer of foot from sole what can you see
Flexor hallucis brevis and
Flexor digiti minimi brevis on either side,
in the middle, the lateral plantar nerve artery and vein
Compare muscular vs sensory supply from the lateral and medial plantar nerve, artery and vein
Lateral does most of the muscles but less of the sensory innervation on the lateral side, like 1.5 digits, (like ulnar in wrist)
Medial does less muscles on the medial side of the foot but majority of sensory innervation like 3.5 digits
What is in layer 2 of foot
Tendons of long flexor digitorum going from medial to lateral. Attached to the tendons of FDL are lumbricals. Sitting just underneath the FDL is the quadratus plantae which is a square (straight) which helps to straighten out the tendon to allow flexing better.
What muscles in level 3: medial to lateral
Flexor hallucis brevis, adductor hallucis, and the Flexor digiti minimi brevis
What muscles, tendons in level 4
Interosseoi muscles, Peroneus longus tendon which crosses from the lateral malleolus to the big toe metatarsal and medial cuneiform
What ankle bones articulate with the metatarsals and what is special about these joints that allow more stability
Medial cuneiform: big toe int. cun: 2nd lat. cun. 3rd Cuboid: 4th and 5th The joints are staggered between them so there is more stability
What is special about digiti minimi metatarsal
Lateral metatarsal has a large styloid/tuberosity on outside for attachment of peroneus brevis.
What is special about hallucis metatarsal
Much larger and robust as most weight is transferred here.
What is sustenaculum tali
A medial shelflike extension of the calcaneous which 1) forms part of sub talar joint
2) pins down tendons running to the plantar aspect from the lateral leg, 3) place of attachment for ligaments like spring ligament to navicular to support the head of talus
What is the purpose of two sesamoid bones underneath the distal metatarsal end?
They form with flexor hallucis brevis tendons and help it to slide across the surface of toe during flexion
What is the major structural distinction between medial and lateral collateral ligaments in real life
Medial is more flattened sheet of thickening of the joint capsule whereas lateral is more separate and identifiable