Haemolysis Flashcards
What is Bleeding time?
Measure of the time from the appearance of the first drop of blood until the cessation of bleeding.
What tests can you use for coagulation time and how do you carry them out?
Clotting time on a watch glass, Clotting time in plastic syringe, Clotting time in activated clotting time tube
What is coagulation in an ACT test tube?
Si02 with fresh blood to check the coagulation without the contact factor (Hagemann factor) at 37c.
How long does each test take to coagulate?
3 minutes is normal
What are the causes of thrombocytopenia?
Decrecreased production of thrombocytes in the bone marrow, increased utilization of thrombocytes, (DIC), increased destruction of thrombocytes automimmune thrombocytopenia (AITP), increased sequestration of thrombocytes
Which factors are dependent on vitamin K?
Proconvertin (Factor 7), Christmas (Factor 9), Stuart Prower (Factor 10), and Prothrombin (Factor 2)
What is prothrombin time?
Gives information about the function of the extrinsic pathway because the coagulation cascade is triggered by adding tissue factor.
How long is a normal PT?
10-15 seconds
What is APTT?
Activated partial thromboplastin time – gives information on the function of the intrinsic pathway through the provision of surface activation
How long is a normal APTT?
How long is a normal APTT?
20-30 seconds
What is the general platelet count?
200-800 x 10 to the 9
What is DIC?
Disseminated intravascular coagulopathy. Secondary problem where microthrombus formation and fibrinolysis are present at many different places in the body simultaneously because of severe tissue damage or necrosis
Something about Von Willebrands disease, basically wanted to know which clotting factor was messed up.
Factor VIII is deficient
What are the major groups of haemostasis disorders?
Vasculopathy, Thrombocytopathy, Coagulopathy
What tests were used to investigate coagulopathies?
Bleeding time, (buccal mucosal bleeding time test,) clotting time, clotting time on different
surfaces, clot retraction time.
What tests investigate platelet count (can’t remember the exact phrasing of her question there but its
pretty much what she wanted.)
blood smear test, automatic cell counters, Burker chamber count
What is the clot retraction test?
The measure of the decrease in clot size with a contractile protein called thrombostenin. Slower or
no contraction happening is a sign of thrombocytopathy
In dicumarol posioning what is increased?
The PT and APTT is increased