Haematology quiz Flashcards
20 year old African, acute abdomen, low Hb, raised WCC
Sickle cell anaemia
12 year old girl, splenomegaly, jaundice, low Hb
Raised reticulocytes, spherocytes
- diagnosis
- inheritance
Haemolytic anaemia: differentials
a) Membrane
b) Hb
c) Enzyme
d) Acquired immune - will have a positive…?
e) Acquired mechanical
a) Spherocytosis
b) SCD
c) G6PD
d) Coombs’
e) DIC, intravascular haemolysis
a) Congenital causes
b) Acquired/reactive causes
a) Polycythaemia rubra vera, congenital heart disease
b) Smoking, decreased plasma volume (relative polycythaemia)
Macrocytic pancytopenia
- main causes (which in turn is often caused by…?) - investigations?
- other causes of macrocytosis
B12/ folate deficiency (needed for RNA/DNA synthesis) - may be caused by pernicious anaemia or terminal ileal disease (Crohn’s, TB, lymphoma, Coeliac). Investigate with Intrinsic factor antibodies.
- liver disease, hypothyroidism, alcoholism
58 year old man: back pain
a) Differentials
b) Ix
a) MSK ( ), malignancy (myeloma, bony mets)
b) Myeloma (serum and urine electrophoresis, skeletal survey, bone marrow plasma cell excess), prostate (Alk Phos, PSA)
Leukocytosis and neutropenia
a) Likely what pathogen type
b) Differentials
a) Viral
65 year old woman, routine FBC:
Hb normal, raised WCC (lymphocytosis) - DD?
a) CLL (proliferation of mature lymphocytes)
35 year old woman, gross splenomegaly
a) Hb normal, raised WCC, raised neutrophils
b) Chromosomal defect
a) CML, (DD for large spleen: myelofibrosis)
b) Philadelphia BCR: ABL (9 and 22)
Clotting cascade
a) APTT tests the _____ pathway - raised time: DD?
b) PT tests the ______ pathway - raised time: DD?
a) Intrinsic - haemophilia A or B (XLR) - young boys, haemarthrosis (joint pain/swelling); vWD, heparin > warfarin, liver disease, DIC
b) Extrinsic - warfarin > heparin (WEPT), liver disease, DIC
Artificial heart valve, unconscious, INR 8.5
- likely diagnosis
- Ix?
- Rx?
a) Intracranial bleed
b) CT head
c) Stop warfarin, use Vitamin K and prothrombin complex
23 year old girl, SOB, stridor, CXR mediastinal mass
a) DD?
a) Hodgkin’s lymphoma (Reed-Sternberg cells, alcohol-induced lymph node pain)
65 year old woman, abdo pain, rigors, hypotension
- Low Hb, high WCC, low platelets, long PT and APTT, raised D-Dimer, low fibrinogen
- Management?
a) DIC (sepsis, obstetric emergencies, malignancy)