Haematology Flashcards
Causes of microcytic anaemia
iron deficiency anaemia (most common cause of anaemia)
Sideroblastic anaemia
Causes of normocytic anaemia
Anaemia of chronic disease Acute blood loss Haemolytic anaemia Chronic renal failure combined haematinic deficiency
Causes of macrocytic anaemia
Vitamin B12 or folate deficiency (megaloblastic anaemia)
excess alcohol
Liver disease
haemolytic anaemia (if presence of high RC)
Haematological diseases beginning with ‘M’: myeloproliferative, myelodysplastic, multiple myeloma
Causes of neutrophilia
Bacterial infection
Tissue damage (inflammation, infarct, malignancy)
Causes of neutropaenia
Viral infection
Chemo or radiotherapy
Causes of lymphocytosis
viral infection
Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia
Causes of thrombocytopaenia?
reduced production:
- infection (usually viral)
- drugs (esp. penicillamine (e.g. in rheumatoid arthritis treatment))
- myelodysplasia, myelofibrosis, myeloma
Increased destruction:
- heparin
- disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC)
- idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP)
- haemolytic uraemic syndrome/thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
Causes of thrombocytosis?
- bleeding
- tissue damage (inflammation, infection, malignancy)
- postsplenectomy
myeloploriferative disorders
What differentiates Hodgkin’s lymphoma from Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma?
Hodgkin lymphoma is marked by the presence of Reed-Sternberg cells. In non-Hodgkin lymphoma, these cells are absent.
What are the 4 globin chains found in adult Hb
2 alpha globin and 2 beta globin chains
What are the 4 globin chains found in fetal Hb
2 alpha globin and 2 gamma globin chains
What are thalassemias?
The thalassaemias are genetic diseases of unbalanced Hb synthesis, with underproduction (or no production) of one globin chain. Unmatched globins precipitate, damaging rbc membranes, causing their haemolysis while still in the marrow. They are inherited in an autosomal recessive pattern.
what is the relationship bw MCV and Hb lvls in thalassemias?
significant thalassemia causes microcytic anaemia. Usually in thalassemias, the MCV is ‘too low’ for their given Hb level and the red cell count is raised.
What are the clinical phenotypes of B Thalassemia?
The genes defect can either consist of abnormal copies that retain some function or deletion genes where there is no function in the beta-globin protein at all. Based on this, beta-thalassaemia can be split into three types:-
1. Beta thalassemia minor or trait
2. B thalassemia intermedia
3. B thalassemia major
the severity is not always associated with the genotype
B thalassemia minor/trait
heterozygous state. carrier state. usually asymptomatic. sometimes mild well tolerated anaemia which may worsen in pregnancy. MCV <75. Hb >90.usually patients only require monitoring and no active treatment.
B thalassemia intermedia
Thalassaemia intermedica causes a more significant microcytic anaemia and patients require monitoring and occasional blood transfusions. If they need more transfusions they may require iron chelation to prevent iron overload.
B thalassemia major
Patients with beta thalassaemia major are homozygous for the deletion genes. They have no functioning beta-globin genes at all. This is the most severe form and usually presents with severe anaemia and failure to thrive in early childhood (important to note doesn’t present immediately after birth though (then alpha thalassemia is more likely)).
it causes -
Severe microcytic anaemia
extramedullary heamatopoiesis (eg skull bossing, malar eminences
hepatosplenomegaly(this also occurs due to haemolysis)).
Hb F (fetal haemoglobin) will be very high and ferritin will be normal.
What is a big SE of lifelong blood transfusions? What is the treatment for this SE?
Iron overload. it can affect endocrine organs, liver and the heart. it can be mitigated by using iron chelators (eg desferrioxamine or deferiprone). large amounts of vit C can also help by increasing urinary excretion of Fe.
hormone replacements or other treatment for endocrine complications may be required.
Treatment for B thalassemia major
lifelong blood transfusions required.
splenectomy (ideally after 5 yrs of age) if hypersplenism persists with increasing transfusion requirements.
histocompatible marrow transplant can offer the chance of a cure.
reduced red cell mass. dehydration can mask anaemia
red cell life span
apprx 120 days
red cell production site
bone marrow
red cell removal site
bone marrow
RC count relevance in telling whether anaemia is production or removal problem?
if RC goes up then removal problem and if RC low then production problem (like bone marrow problem).