Haem SBAs Flashcards
A 22-year-old motorcyclist is involved in a road traffic accident, and is transfusedtwo units of blood. Four hours later he develops acute shortness of breathand hypoxia, and despite attempts at ventilation deteriorates rapidly and goesinto respiratory arrest. An autopsy shows evidence of massive pulmonary oedemawith granulocyte aggregation within the pulmonary microvasculature. Themost likely diagnosis is:A AnaphylaxisB ABO incompatible blood transfusionC Fluid overloadD Transfusion related acute lung injuryE Air embolism
D Transfusion related acute lung injuryTransfusion related acute lung injury (TRALI) (D) is rare but is one ofthe leading causes of transfusion related mortality. It can present withacute shortness of break and hypoxia, as in this case, typically within6 hours of receiving the transfusion. The classic presentation to lookout for is that of non-cardiogenic pulmonary oedema, i.e. pulmonaryoedema that is not due to fluid overload.The underlying mechanism is not fully understood, but it is thought toinvolve HLA antibodies in the blood donor reacting with correspondingHLA antigens on the patient’s white blood cells. This leads to the formationof aggregates of white blood cells which become stuck in smallpulmonary capillaries. The release of proteolytic enzymes from neutrophilsand toxic oxygen metabolites causes lung damage, and subsequentnon-cardiogenic pulmonary oedema which can be fatal. Treatment isessentially supportive, and includes stopping the transfusion, givingIV fluids and ventilation if needed. TRALI can occur with platelets andFFP, as well as with packed red cells as in this case. You might find ithelpful to remember the mechanism by rearranging ‘TRALI’ to form theword ‘TRAIL’, and think of the blood donor leaving a ‘trail’ of antibodiesin the recipient.
A 43-year-old woman is transfused three units of blood as an emergency followingprolonged haematemesis. A few minutes later she becomes restless, andcomplains of chest pain. On examination she is pyrexial and tachycardic witha blood pressure of 95/60. There is bleeding at the site where her cannula isinserted,and urinalysis reveals haemoglobinuria. The most likely diagnosis is:A AnaphylaxisB ABO incompatible blood transfusionC Myocardial infarctionD Graft versus host diseaseE Bacterial contamination
B ABO incompatible blood transfusionAn ABO incompatible blood transfusion (B) can occur immediatelyafter a transfusion has been given. For example, if group A, B or ABblood is given to a group O patient, the patient’s anti-A and anti-Bantibodies attack the blood cells in the donor blood. The most severeform of reaction is thought to occur if group A red cells are transfusedto a group O patient. Even just a few millilitres of blood can trigger asevere reaction within a few minutes. These reactions can also occurwith platelets or fresh frozen plasma because they also contain anti-redcell antibodies.Symptoms can include chills, fever, pain in the back, chest or alongthe IV line, hypotension, dark urine (intravascular haemolysis), anduncontrolled bleeding due to DIC. In this case, the management involvesstopping the transfusion immediately and taking blood samples forFBC, biochemistry, coagulation, repeat x-match, blood cultures anddirect antiglobulin test, and contacting the haematology doctor as soonas possible. The blood bank should also be urgently informed becauseanother patient may have also been given incompatible blood. Thesepatients require fluid resuscitation and possibly inotropic support. Theyshould be transferred to ICU if possible.
An 83-year-old woman with myelodysplasia is found to have a haemoglobin of6.2 on admission. She is transfused two units of blood, and is discharged 2 dayslater. Six days after her admission her carer calls the GP with concerns that sheis feverish and her skin looks slightly yellow. She is readmitted to hospital whereblood tests reveal the following: bilirubin 35, ALT 15 (N 5–35), ALP 82(N 20–140), Hb 7.3 g/dL, platelets 264 × 109/L. The most likely diagnosis is:A Febrile haemolytic transfusion reactionB Hepatitis BC Graft versus host diseaseD Post-transfusion purpuraE Delayed haemolytic transfusion reaction
E Delayed haemolytic transfusion reactionDelayed haemolytic transfusion reactions (E) can occur more than 24hours after a transfusion is given. They occur when patients are sensitizedfrom previous transfusions or pregnancies, and therefore haveantibodies against red cell antigens which are not picked up by routineblood bank screening if they are below the detectable limits. The mostfrequent causes are the antibodies of the Kidd (Jk) and Rh systems.Clinical features might include falling haemoglobin concentration, asmaller rise in haemoglobin than expected following a transfusion as inthis case, fever, jaundice and rarely haemoglobinuria or renal failure. Ablood film may show a raised reticulocyte count. Management of thesereactions includes monitoring renal function, sending a repeat groupand antibody screen and cross-match and further transfusion if needed.The blood bank should be notified too, and further specific treatmentmight not be needed unless renal failure develops.
An 8-year-old boy is brought to his GP by his father, who reports that he hasbeen feeling progressively more tired over the past few months. On examinationthe GP notices a slight yellowing of his sclera, and the presence of splenomegaly.His father recollects that he himself was told he had a problem with his bloodcells as a child, but has never been affected by it. A peripheral blood film showsa raised reticulocyte count and spherocytes. He is likely to have a positive:A Coombs testB Osmotic fragility testC G6PD testD Sickle cell screenE Schilling test
B Osmotic fragility testHereditary spherocytosis is a type of autosomal dominant inheritedhaemolytic anaemia. It occurs due to an increase in the fragility ofthe red blood cell membrane due to dysfunctional skeletal proteins inthe membrane, such as spectrin, ankyrin and band 4.2. Most patientsdevelopa haemolytic state that is partially compensated. Clinicalfeaturescan include tiredness from anaemia, as in this case, and thepresence of jaundice and splenomegaly on examination. They can alsodevelop pigment gallstones from the haemolysis. As with this child,there is often a positive family history. A blood film can show the presence of spherocytes and reticulocytes,and a Coombs test is negative. They may have a positive osmotic fragilitytest (B), but remember that this is just used to confirm that there arespherocytes present, not that the cause is hereditary spherocytosis. Withthis test, because the membrane is more permeable to salt and water,the spherocytes rupture in a mildly hypotonic solution. Do not forgetthat spherocytes may also be found in autoimmune haemolytic anaemia.
A 33-year-old Turkish man presents with extreme tiredness and shortness ofbreath after being started on a course of anti-malarial tablets. A full blood countreveals an Hb of 6.8. His Coombs test is negative. The cell type most likely to befound on his blood film is:A Heinz bodiesB Pencil cellsC Target cellsD SpherocytesE Sickle cells
A Heinz bodiesThis man is suffering from glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD)deficiency, an X-linked recessive disorder that is common in peoplefrom the Mediterranean, South East Asia, Middle East and West Africa. This enzyme is responsible for maintaining levels of glutathionefrom the pentose phosphate pathway, which protects against oxidantfree radicals. Oxidative stress, for example in the form of chemicals,food or infection, can put people with this condition at risk of severehaemolyticanaemia. Drugs to be avoided in these patients includeanti-malarials,such as primaquine, and others such as sulphonamides,vitamin K and dapsone. The exam favourite of broad beans can lead toa reaction called favism in these patients.
A 25-year-old student is treated for infectious mononucleosis following a positivePaul Bunnell test. A blood film reveals target cells, Howell–Jolly bodies andatypical lymphocytes. Together, these suggest that he has features of:A Bone marrow suppressionB HyposplenismC Disseminated intravascular coagulationD Haemolytic anaemiaE Liver failure
B HyposplenismUp to half of all patients might develop splenomegaly in infectiousmononucleosis. This does not often cause symptoms but can lead tosplenic rupture, either spontaneously or following minor trauma, andmay necessitate treatment with splenectomy. Postoperatively a combinationof features on a blood film might suggest hyposplenism:• Howell–Jolly bodies: these are small fragments of non-functionalnuclei that are normally removed by the spleen, so might be seen ona blood film in hyposplenism. They may also be seen in megaloblasticand iron-deficiency anaemias• Target cells: these have a central dense area with a ring of pallor,and can occur in the three Hs: hepatic pathology, hyposplenism andhaemoglobinopathies• Occasional nucleated red blood cells• Lymphocytosis• Macrocytosis• Acanthocytes: spiculated red cells that are found in hyposplenism,α-β-lipoproteinaemia, chronic liver disease and α-thalassaemia trait
A 4-year-old Afro-Caribbean boy has chest and abdominal pain. His blood testsreveal an Hb of 6.1 g/dL, with an MCV of 65. A blood film shows the presence ofsickle cells. The most likely diagnosis is:A Sickle cell traitB Sickle cell anaemiaC Sickle cell/b-thalassaemiaD Sickle cell/haemoglobin CE b-Thalassaemia
B Sickle cell anaemiaThis boy is suffering from sickle cell anaemia (B), an autosomal recessivehaemoglobinopathy. The term sickle cell disease actually comprisesseveral different states: sickle cell anaemia, but also compoundheterozygous states including sickle cell/haemoglobin C (D) and sicklecell/b-thalassaemia (C).Do not forget that the haemoglobin molecule consists of four chains,and there are three different forms: haemaglobin A (α2β2), haemoglobinA2 (α2d2) and haemoglobin F (α2ϒ2). The proportions of the differentforms vary with age – haemoglobin F predominates before birth,but concentrations of haemaglobin A and A2 increase after birth, withhaemoglobin A predominating. In sickle-cell anaemia a point mutationin the β-globin chain of haemoglobin (found on chromosome 11)results in the hydrophilic amino acid glutamic acid being replaced bythe hydrophobic amino acid valine at the sixth position. This promotesaggregation of the haemoglobin chains in conditions of low oxygen,distorting the red blood cells so they adopt a sickle shape. These cellsbecome adherent to the endothelieum of post capillary venules, causingretrograde capillary obstruction which can lead to painful crises.
A 7-year-old child has known sickle cell disease. He presents with a 5-day historyof fever, shortness of breath and extreme fatigue. His mother reports thathis younger brother, who also has sickle cell disease, has been feeling unwell toorecently. A blood test for the patient reveals a severe anaemia and low reticulocytecount. He has most likely developed:A Splenic sequestrationB Pneumococcal infectionC Vaso-occlusive crisisD Folic acid deficiencyE Parvovirus B19 infection
E Parvovirus B19 infectionAplastic crises caused by parvovirus B19 infection (E) can occur inpatients with sickle cell disease. They can present with acute worseningof the patient’s baseline anaemia, which might manifest as shortness ofbreath and fatigue as in this case. The fever points to an infectious cause.The virus affects erythropoiesis by invading erythrocyte precursors anddestroying them. Infants and children with sickle cell disease initiallyhave no immunity to parvovirus B19, and their first exposure can leadto pure red cell aplasia. In a normal individual the virus blocks redcell production for 2 or 3 days with little consequence, but it can belife threatening in sickle cell patients in whom the red cell life span isalready shortened. This can lead to profound anaemia over the courseof just a few days, and a dramatic drop in the reticulocyte count. SerumIgM antibodies to parvovirus B19 can confirm the diagnosis, and bloodtransfusion may be required.
A 26-year-old pregnant woman is found to have an Hb of 9.5 g/dL on a routineblood test, with an MCV of 70. Serum electrophoresis reveals an Hb A2 of3.9 per cent and Hb A of 96.1 per cent. Her ferritin levels are normal. The mostlikely diagnosis is:A Iron deficiency anaemiaB Cooley’s anaemiaC b-Thalassaemia intermediaD b-Thalassaemia minorE a-Thalassaemia
D b-Thalassaemia minorIn b-thalassaemia minor (D) only one of the b-globulin alleles is mutated,so these individuals usually only have a well-tolerated microcytic anaemia(Hb >9 g/dL) which is clinically asymptomatic. They might be pickedup on a routine blood test, with a low MCH and significantly low MCV(3.5–4 percent to compensate for the reduced amount of normal haemoglobin, andthey might have a slight increase in Hb F. It can worsen in pregnancy, asin this case.
A 24-year-old unemployed man presents to his GP with a 4-week history offlu-like symptoms and a persistent dry cough. On examination he has a maculopapularrash. A blood film reveals a haemolytic anaemia, and he is positive forcold agglutinins. The most likely organism implicated is:A Streptococcus pneumoniaeB Mycoplasma pneumoniaeC Legionella pneumophiliaD Chlamydophila psittaciE Borrelia burgdorferi
B Mycoplasma pneumoniaeAutoimmune haemolytic anaemia is a form of mainly extravascularhaemolysis, which is mediated by autoantibodies. It is classified intowarm and cold autoimmune haemolytic anaemia, according to the optimaltemperature at which the antibodies bind to red blood cells. Thisactivates the classical pathway in the complement system, resultingin haemolysis. Cold AIHA is mediated by IgM antibodies, and as thename suggests these antibodies bind optimally at lower temperatures(28–31°C), resulting in anaemia that is aggravated in cold conditions. Insevere cases, patients may suffer from Raynaud’s or acrocyanosis (purplishdiscolouration of peripheries). Most cases are idiopathic, but thereare some specific causes worth remembering, as ‘Cold LID’:• Lymphoproliferative disease, e.g. CLL, lymphomas• Infections – mycoplasma, as in this case (B), EBV• Do not know, i.e. idiopathic!This patient has typical features of mycoplasma pneumonia including a protractedhistory of flu-like symptoms (such as myalgia, arthralgia, headache)and a non-productive cough. Treatment includes avoiding cold conditions,use of chlorambucil, and treating the underlying cause. The other infectiousagents listed here do not typically cause a cold haemolytic anaemia.
A 7-year-old boy is taken ill from school on a cold December day, with a presumedviral infection. On returning home that day, he beings to feel even moreunwell with a very high fever, headache and abdominal pain. His father begins toworry that his skin has taken on a yellow tinge, and the boy says his urine is nowa dark reddy-brown colour. He is taken to the GP and after several tests the presenceof ‘Donath–Landsteiner antibodies’ is reported. This child is suffering from:A Paroxysmal cold haemoglobinuriaB Paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuriaC Sickle cell diseaseD Acute intermittent porphyriaE Epstein–Barr virus
A Paroxysmal cold haemoglobinuriaParoxysmal cold haemoglobinuria (A) is a rare form of autoimmunehaemolytic anaemia. It usually affects children in the acute setting afteran infection, and the key in this case is the presence of sudden haemoglobinuriaand jaundice after exposure to a cold temperatures. IgGautoantibodies usually form after an infection, and bind to red blood cellsurface antigens, inducing variable degrees of intravascular haemolysis inthe cold. The antibodies are known as ‘Donath–Landsteiner antibodies’. Analysis of the urine will confirm the presence of haemaglobinuria, andblood tests often reveal a normocytic or macrocytic anaemia. It is possibleto test indirectly for the IgG antiglobulins at a low temperature, asin this case. Blood transfusion may be required if the anaemia is severe,but in children who have an acute onset with an antecedent infection, itis usually a transient and self limiting condition.
A 21-year-old student has recently been diagnosed with coeliac disease. Shepresents to her GP complaining of increased tiredness and shortness of breathon climbing stairs. Which of the following are most likely to be raised in thispatient?A Serum ironB HaematocritC TransferrinD FerritinE Mean cell haemoglobin
C TransferrinThis patient is suffering from iron deficiency anaemia, a common complicationin coeliac disease. The tiredness and shortness of breath arecommon symptoms. Causes can include blood loss (e.g. upper or lowerGI bleeding, menstruation), malabsorption (as in this case), dietary deficiency(rare in adults but can be seen in children) or infestation withparasitic worms (the most common cause worldwide). Blood tests characteristicallyreveal a low mean cell volume, mean cell haemoglobin(E) and mean cell haemoglobin concentration. A blood film may revealhypochromic red blood cells with anisocytosis (variation in cell size)and poikilocytosis (variation in cell shape). The red blood cell distributionwidth (RDW) (a measure of the variation of the width of red bloodcells) may be increased initially.
A 34-year-old woman with known Addison’s disease is brought to the GP by herhusband, as he is concerned that she keeps falling over at night. On examinationthe GP notes that she has conjunctival pallor. A thorough neurological examinationreveals absent knee jerks, absent ankle jerks and extensor plantars bilaterally. Whichof the following is the most sensitive test for the condition she has developed?A Anti-intrinsic factor antibodiesB Anti-endomysial cell antibodiesC Anti-smooth muscle antibodiesD Anti-parietal cell antibodiesE Anti-voltage gated calcium channel antibodies
D Anti-parietal cell antibodiesThis woman has developed pernicious anaemia leading to vitamin B12deficiency. It can be associated with other autoimmune conditions, suchas Addison’s disease or thyroid disease. Specifically, she has developeda condition called subacute combined degeneration of the cord (SACD)which has led to symmetrical loss of dorsal columns (resulting in lossof touch and proprioception leading to ataxia, and LMN signs) and corticospinaltract loss (leading to UMN signs), with sparing of pain andtemperature sensation (which is carried by spinothalamic tracts). Theataxia and loss of joint position sense have resulted in her falling atnight, which may be exacerbated by optic atrophy – another manifestationof vitamin B12 deficiency.Remember that vitamin B12 is found in meat, fish and dairy products.More common causes of vitamin B12 deficiency can be related to diet(e.g. vegans) or to malabsorption. It is absorbed in the terminal ileumafter binding to intrinsic factor produced by the parietal cells in thestomach. Causes of malabsorption can therefore be related to the stomach(e.g. post gastrectomy, pernicious anaemia), or due to the terminal ileum(e.g. Crohn’s, resection of the terminal ileum, bacterial overgrowth).
A 58-year-old woman is referred to a haematology clinic following repeated chest infections and epistaxis. On examination the doctor notes that she has conjunctival pallor and some petechial rashes on her forearms, but no organomegaly.Her blood tests reveal a pancytopenia, and an MCV of 112. Her drughistory includes omeprazole, carbamazepine, gliclazide, metformin, paracetamol,and simvastatin. A bone marrow biopsy reveals a hypocellular marrow. The mostlikely diagnosis is:A Aplastic anaemiaB MyelodysplasiaC HypothyroidismD Chronic myeloid leukaemiaE Myeloma
A Aplastic anaemia14 A Causes of macrocytosis can be divided into:1 Megaloblastic, e.g. folate and B12 deficiency2 Non-megalobastic, causes of which can be remembered as RALPH =reticulocytosis (e.g. in haemolysis), alcohol, liver disease, pregnancyand hypothyroidism)3 Other haematological disorders, e.g. myelodysplasia, aplastic anaemia,myeloma, myeloproliferative disordersThis woman is suffering from aplastic anaemia (A), where the bonemarrow stops producing cells leading to a pancytopenia. Bone marrowexamination is needed to confirm the diagnosis, and shows a hypocellularbone marrow. Causes of aplastic anaemia can be primary or secondary.Primary causes can be congenital (e.g. Fanconi’s anaemia) or idiopathicacquired aplastic anaemia. Secondary causes include drugs (allthe Cs – cytotoxics, carbamazepine, chloramphenicol, anticonvulsants such as phenytoin), ionizing radiation and viruses (e.g. hepatitis, EBV).This woman’s aplastic anaemia is secondary to long-term carbamazepinetherapy for hypothyroidism
A 50-year-old diabetic man sees his GP complaining of generalized tiredness anda painful right knee. He is found on examination to have five finger breadths ofhepatomegaly. An X-ray of his right knee is reported as showing chondrocalcinosis.His blood tests are likely to reveal:A Raised MCVB Raised total iron binding capacityC Reduced serum ferritinD Reduced iron levelE Raised transferrin saturation
E Raised transferrin saturationThis man has hereditary haemachromatosis, an inherited disorder ofiron metabolism. It is particularly common in those of Celtic descent,and the gene responsible for the majority of cases is the HFE gene onchromosome 6.Increased iron absorption leads to deposition to multiple organs including:• the liver (hepatomegaly, deranged LFTs)• joints (arthralgia, chondrocalcinosis)• pancreas (diabetes)• heart (dilated cardiomyopathy)• pituitary gland (hypogonadism and impotence)• adrenals (adrenal insufficiency)• skin (slate grey skin pigmentation)Blood tests can show deranged LFTs as in this case, as well as a raisedserum ferritin, raised serum iron, reduced or normal total iron bindingcapacity and raised transferrin saturation (E) (>80 per cent).
A 64-year-old woman is seen in the haematology clinic with generalized bonepain and recurrent infections. Following a set of blood tests, a skeletal surveyreveals multiple lytic lesions and a bone marrow biopsy reports the presence of>10 per cent plasma cells. Her blood tests are most likely to have shown:A Raised calcium, normal alkaline phosphatase, raised ESRB Normal calcium, raised alkaline phosphatase, normal ESRC Raised calcium, raised alkaline phosphatase, raised ESRD Raised calcium, normal alkaline phosphatase, raised CRPE Normal calcium, normal alkaline phosphatase, raised CRP
A Raised calcium, normal alkaline phosphatase, raised ESRThis woman has multiple myeloma, a cancer of plasma cells. The symptomscan be remembered using the mnemonic BRAIN: Bone pain (due toosteoclast activation leading to hypercalcaemia and the presence of lyticlesions on a skeletal survey, characteristically with a ‘pepperpot skull’appearance), Renal failure (which can be secondary to one or a combinationof: hypercalcaemia, tubular damage from light chain secretion,or secondary amyloidosis), Anaemia (typically normocytic), Infections(particularly pneumonias and pyelonephritis), and Neurological symptoms(such as a headache and visual changes from hyperviscosity, orconfusion and weakness from the hypercalcaemia).The diagnostic criteria for symptomatic myeloma are as follows:• Clonal plasma cells >10 per cent on bone marrow biopsy• A paraprotein in the serum or urine – most commonly IgG• Evidence of end-organ damage related to the plasma cell disorder(commonly referred to by the acronym ‘CRAB’):• Calcium – high• Renal insufficiency• Anaemia• Bone lesions (e.g. lytic lesions, or osteoporosis with compressionfactors)Blood tests may reveal a high calcium but the alkaline phosphataseis often normal (A) (in contrast to other malignancies, with osteolyticmetastases and raised alkaline phosphatase).
A 67-year-old woman presented with polyuria and polydipsia on a backgroundof ongoing bone pain. Her blood tests revealed a high calcium, and a serumelectrophoresis was sent. Her serum paraprotein was 25 g/L and a bone marrowbiopsy revealed 6 per cent clonal plasma cells. The most likely diagnosis is:A Plasma cell dyscrasiaB Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significanceC Smouldering myelomaD Multiple myelomaE Hypercalcaemia with no evidence of underlying malignancy
D Multiple myelomaThis question tests your understanding of the diagnostic criteria forplasma cell disorders. Do not forget that:1 Symptomatic myeloma (D):• Clonal plasma cells on bone marrow biopsy• Paraprotein in either serum or urine• Evidence of end-organ damage attributed to the plasma celldisorder, commonly remembered using the acronym ‘CRAB’(Calcium – high, Renal insufficiency, Anaemia and Bone lesions)2 Asymptomatic (smouldering) myeloma (C):• Serum paraprotein >30 g/L AND/OR• Clonal plasma cells >10 per cent on bone marrow biopsy AND• NO myeloma-related organ or tissue impairment3 Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) (B):• Serum paraprotein
A 39-year-old motorcyclist is admitted following a road traffic accident complicatedby severe burns. Several days later he is due to go home, when oozingis noted from his cannula site and he has several nose bleeds. Repeat bloodtests reveal an Hb of 12.2 g/dL, WCC of 11.2 × 109/L, and platelets of 28 × 109/L.A coagulation screen shows a prolonged APTT and PT. He also has a reducedfibrinogen and raised D-dimers. The most likely diagnosis is:A Liver failureB Disseminated intravascular coagulationC Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpuraD Aplastic anaemiaE Heparin induced thrombocytopenia
B Disseminated intravascular coagulationThis man has developed disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC)(B) following his severe burns. DIC is widespread pathological activationof the clotting cascade in response to various insults. The cascadeis activated in various ways: one mechanism is the release of a transmembraneglycoprotein called ‘tissue factor’ in response to cytokines orvascular damage. This results in fibrin formation, which can eventuallycause occlusion of small and medium sized vessels and lead to organfailure. At the same time, depletion of platelets and coagulation proteinscan result in bleeding (as in this case).It can be caused by a wide range of factors, which can be rememberedusing the mnemonic ‘I’M STONeD!’: Immunological (e.g. severe allergicreactions, haemolytic transfusion reactions), Miscellaneous (e.g. aorticaneurysm, liver disease), Sepsis, Trauma (including serious tissue injury,burns, extensive surgery), Obstetric (e.g. amniotic fluid embolism, placentalabruption), Neoplastic (myeloproliferative disorders as well assolid tumours such as pancreatic cancer), and Drugs and toxins.
A 46-year-old woman is brought to accident and emergency by her daughter,who reports that she had been feeling unwell for a few days with a fever and isnow hallucinating. On examination she has a temperature of 38.9°C, is noted tobe pale and has widespread purpura over both arms. Blood tests reveal an Hb of9.1 g/dL, platelet count of 60 × 109/L, creatinine of 226 and urea 16.7. A blood filmis reported as showing the presence of shistocytes. The most likely diagnosis is:A Weil’s diseaseB Glandular feverC Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpuraD Thrombotic thombocytopenic purpuraE Haemolytic uraemic syndrome
D Thrombotic thombocytopenic purpuraThis woman has thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) (D), a rarebut potentially fatal haematological emergency. It consists of six keyfeatures:1 MAHA2 A fever3 Renal failure4 Fluctuating CNS signs, e.g. seizures, hallucinations, hemiparesis,decreased consciousness5 Haematuria/proteinuria6 Low platelet countYou can remember these as ‘MARCH with low platelets’.TTP typically affects adults and is thought to occur due to a deficiencyof a protease that is responsible for cleaving multimers of vonWillebrand factor. The resulting formation of large vWF multimersstimulates platelet aggregation and fibrin deposition in small vessels.This in turn causes microthrombi to form in blood vessels, impedingthe blood supply to major organs such as the kidneys, heart and brain.Haemolysis occurs and shistocytes form because of the sheer stress onred blood cells as they pass through the microscopic clots.
A 28-year-old woman in her 29th week of pregnancy comes to accident andemergency with epigastric pain, nausea and vomiting. She also complains thather hands and feet have been swelling up. On examination her blood pressureis 165/96, HR 125 bpm, and she is apyrexial. She is noted to have yellowing ofher sclera and right upper quadrant tenderness. Blood tests reveal an Hb of 10.1,platelets 96, WCC 11.3, LDH 820 (N 70–250), AST 115 (N 5–35), and ALT 102(N 5–35). Her coagulation screen is normal and a blood film is reported asshowingthe presence of schistocytes. The most likely diagnosis is:A HepatitisB Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpuraC Pre-eclampsiaD Acute fatty liver of pregnancyE HELLP syndrome
E HELLP syndrome‘HELLP’ syndrome (E) is a potentially fatal occurrence in pregnancy,characterized by a triad of features:1 H – haemolysis2 EL – elevated liver enzymes3 LP – low platelet countIn a similar way to DIC, generalized activation of the clotting cascadeis triggered which can only be terminated with delivery. Platelet consumptionand MAHA occurs, and liver ischaemia can lead to periportalnecrosis and, in severe cases, formation of a subcapsular haematomawhich can rupture.It usually presents in the third trimester, but can happen even up to aweek after delivery. Often patients with HELLP have had pregnancy-inducedhypertension or pre-eclampsia prior to its development.Common symptoms are often vague, and can include nausea and vomiting,epigastric pain, peripheral swelling, paraesthesia, headaches andvisual problems. On examination patients may be noted to have peripheraloedema, upper abdominal tenderness, jaundice and hepatomegaly.Complications can include liver and renal failure, pulmonary oedema, DIC and placental abruption. Clotting studies may be normal as in thiscase, unless DIC has occurred. The only effective treatment is delivery,but other supportive treatment includes control of the hypertension,seizureprophylaxis and corticosteroid use.
A 56-year-old woman with known cirrhosis presents with falls. On examinationshe is clinically jaundiced and rectal examination reveals malaena. Blood testsreveal an INR of 2.2. She is diagnosed with decompensated chronic liver disease.Which of the following is not a vitamin K dependent clotting factor?A ThrombinB Factor VIIC Factor VIIID Protein CE Factor X
C Factor VIIIThe vitamin K dependent clotting factors include II, VII, IX and X.Vitamin K is also required for the production for protein C, protein Sand protein Z, although these are strictly not clotting factors, ratheranticoagulant factors. Vitamin K is a fat soluble vitamin found ingreen leafy vegetables such as spinach, cabbage and cauliflower. Itis absorbed in the small bowel and is important in the production offunctional clotting factors in the liver. This patient’s acute chronic liverfailure has meant she is no longer producing functional clotting factors,representedas a raised INR.Vitamin K is recycled in the liver and its oxidation is coupled with thepost-translational modification of glutamate residues to form gammacarboxyglutamate.Vitamin K is firstly reduced by vitamin K epoxidereductase to form vitamin K hydroquinone. This reduced form is oxidizedby vitamin K dependent carboxylase to form vitamin K epoxide.This reaction is coupled with gamma-glutamyl carboxylase; the enzymeresponsible for post-translational modification of the vitamin K dependentfactors. Vitamin K epoxide is then reconverted to vitamin K byvitamin K epoxide reductase; thus completing the cycle. If the patientwere to be given vitamin K metabolism antagonists, e.g. warfarin, theclotting factors produced would still be immunologically identical (theseare also known as Proteins Induced by Vitamin K Absence/Antagonism– PIVKA) but would lack efficacy as they are unable to interact withcalcium or platelet factor 3.
A 46-year-old man presents with pain and swelling in the right calf 2 weeksafter being fitted with a plaster cast to his leg after a fall. The calf is tender,erythematous and swollen. He is also a heavy smoker and slightly overweight.His admitting physician suspects a deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and books anultrasound of the calf. A deep vein thrombosis is confirmed and 5 mg warfarin isstarted the next day. Two days later, the same patient develops pain and swellingin the other calf, an ultrasound confirms a further deep vein thrombosis in thecontralateral leg. What factor is least likely to contribute to the development ofthe second DVT?A SmokingB WarfarinC Previous DVTD Being slightly overweightE Plaster cast
D Being slightly overweightAlthough obesity is associated with risk of development of DVT, thisman is described as slightly overweight (D). Thus, in comparison to theother risk factors presented, it probably represents the lowest attributablerisk to the second DVT.
A 54-year-old man presents with haematemesis. He has known varices and iscurrently vomiting large amounts of bright red blood. The admitting doctor takessome blood for fast analysis and confirms a haemoglobin of 4 g/dL. The patient’shaematemesis continues and he is transfused a total of 20 units of blood andeight units of fresh frozen plasma in the next 24 hours. The patient underwentgastroscopy which revealed bleeding oesophageal varices which were successfullytreated by endoscopic banding. His post-transfusion bloods are the following:Hb 9.2 g/dLWhite cells 8.0 × 109/LPlatelets 57 × 109/LProthrombin time normalActivated partial thromboplastin time normalFibrinogen >1.0 g/LWhat is the most likely cause of his thrombocytopenia?A Disseminated intravascular coagulopathyB Alcohol excessC Massive blood transfusionD Megaloblastic anaemiaE Hypersplenism
C Massive blood transfusionAlthough all of the given options are causes of thrombocytopenia, themost likely cause in this patient is massive blood transfusion withoutreplacement of platelets (C). Massive blood loss may be defined as losingone’s entire circulating blood volume in 24 hours. Other definitionsinclude losing 50 per cent of one’s blood volume in 3 hours or a rateof loss of greater than or equal to 150 mL/min. This patient has beentransfused 20 units of blood in the space of 24 hours, thus fulfilling thecriteria for massive haemorrhage. Massive transfusion has its own particularcomplications, including thrombocytopenia. This is because thispatient was only given packed red cells and fresh frozen plasma. Thesetwo blood products contain very few platelets and in general, a plateletcount of around 50 × 109/L is to be expected when approximatelytwo blood volumes have been replaced, as is the case in this patient. Inthis situation, the expert consensus is to keep the platelet level above50 × 109/L, but there is marked interindividual variation therefore someconsider using 75 × 109/L as the trigger value for platelet transfusion.
Which of the following is not often associated with a very high (>100 mm/hour)erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)?A MyelomaB AnaemiaC LeukaemiaD Aortic aneurysmE Malignant prostatic cancer
B AnaemiaESR is a commonly used laboratory test to detect the presence of inflammationin general. It is performed by adding a sample of anticoagulantto a blood sample and adding this mixture to a calibrated vertical tube(Westergren tube). As the red cells fall with gravity and accumulate, theylie in the bottom of the tube, and are called sediment. The rate at whichthey accumulate is therefore the erythrocyte sedimentation rate. Factors which influence the ESR include age, sex and pathologicalprocesses which increase plasma proteins or the number of red cells.Women generally have a higher ESR than men and it also increaseswith age. Depending on the exact reference range for your particularlab, women and men over 50 can have an ESR of up to 30 and 20 mm/hour, respectively, and still be normal. Conditions which increaseplasma proteins such as fibrinogen, acute phase proteins and immunoglobulinscan increase the ESR as these proteins reduce the ionic resistancebetween erythrocytes leading to an increased fall rate. They alsopromote rouleaux formation of erythrocytes which is the characteristicstacking of erythrocytes seen under the microscope. The most importantprotein to promote rouleaux formation is fibrinogen. The number of redcells in a given volume also influences ESR; in severe anaemia ESR isfalsely raised as the reduced ionic repulsion between erythrocytes allowfaster sedimentation. However, this rarely leads to an ESR of >100 mm/hour, making anaemia (B) the correct answer.